My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 160 Sleeping Yuerui

160 Sleeping Yuerui

After Xianw.a.n.g left, the reporters started their storm of questions at them. But since n.o.body wanted to stir any problem, everyone tried to escape from them this resulting Si ying, Su and Kai to hide in the garage.

"What did he say? Is little cat is okay?" Su asked.

"Yes, she is fine." He a.s.sured both of them.

"Where did he take her? Little cat's phone is switched off." Kai said.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me." 

Even though Si ying knew that the two of them was putting an act there. But the accident of Yuerui made him shocked. He was still not sure if it was an accident or not.

When he saw Su getting anxious he wanted to hugg her so that he could calm her down. But before he could say something to her his phone rang again. This time it was Xingtian.

"Brother Si ying, what the h.e.l.l happened? I heard that there were some accident in the studio, so I came to check. But when I entered with my car the reporters attacked me with weird questions. So I ran away from there."

"Where are you exactly?" Si ying asked.

"Near the news station."

"Okay. Try to come at the garage of the news station. And pick me up. I will explain everything to you."

After the call ended Xingtian came in a few minutes. 

"Ms. Su, Mr. Sheng... That white car you see? That's my car. Here's the key. Use this car to go back home." Si ying said.

"What about you?" Su asked.

"Don't worry. Xingtian.... Director Kong will drop me home." Saying so Si ying ran to Xingtian's car and went inside. After that the car drove away from the news station.

"They seem pretty close." Kai exclaimed as he rubbed his chin.


After the call with Si ying, Xianw.a.n.g returned to the room and found the gla.s.s empty. He had never seen her this obedient before. He gave her a smile and sat next to her.

"You wanna say something?" She asked.

"How is this room?" He asked.

"It's pretty. I like it." Yuerui replied.

"This will be our room." Xianw.a.n.g replied bluntly.


"I mean it's the master bedroom. You can have it if you want." He changed the subject immediately.

"I don't know. I will be here only for a while. I am okay with any room. You don't have to give me any special treatment." Yuerui said out of courtesy. But actually she really liked the room, specially because of the open balcony.

"No, I insist. You will be the lady of the house."

Yuerui tried to stop him but he insisted and continued, "Let me finish, you will be the lady of this house. So obviously, you deserve the best of the best. And I also think this room will be comfortable for you."

Yuerui didn't refuse anymore. She obediently agreed to him.

"Life would be so much better if you are this obedient." Xianw.a.n.g murmured.

"What did you say?" Yuerui definitely heard what he said.

"Nothing... You take some rest. I will go arrange our lunch and dinner."

"Dinner? I have to return to my house." Yuerui said anxiously.

"Not until you are well." Xianw.a.n.g replied as he left the room.

'What? I'll have to stay here with him?' Yuerui felt like her idea to modify their plan has back fired her.

But she didn't feel disheartened. She found the bright side of this. Because soon another idea was created in her tiny little brain.

For lunch, Xianw.a.n.g ordered chicken soup, steam buns and fresh juice.

He returned with the food after he freshen up and put on clean clothes.

"Food is ready." He came while holding the tray of food.

"O... you changed your clothes." She said.

"Yes. I thought to freshen while I have time. I forgot you don't have any extra clothes? I have some fresh clothes you can were... But they are all men's clothing." Xianw.a.n.g said with a foolish smile.

"No... It's okay. I am fine. I don't need extra cloth." Yuerui immediately replied.

"You sure?"

"Yes..." She nodded vigorously.

After they finish the food Xianw.a.n.g helped Yuerui to put a blanket on her as she took a nap.

Before he was about to close the door Yuerui said," In the evening come back with popcorns. We will need that while we see the result of our act."

Yuerui and Xianw.a.n.g both chuckled at each other before Xianw.a.n.g closed the door.


After a good nap, Yuerui woke up in the evening. Her throat was dry. But when she looked for water the jar was empty. She didn't wanted to bother Xianw.a.n.g. So she tried to go downstairs by herself. She tried to use other furnitures to support her as she tried to walk.

But as she pa.s.s through her room their was nothing for her to support. So unfortunately, she fall on the ground with a thud sound.

Xianw.a.n.g was working in his studies. When he heard the sound he came out of his study hurriedly and saw Yuerui fallen on the ground. He immediately ran towards her and carried her again.

"Were you trying to run away? Why don't you listen to me, Mai Yuerui. The doctor said to take rest...."

"I was just going for some water." Before he could finish his scolding Yuerui replied in sheepish voice.

"O.... Then why didn't you call me?" Yuerui still got scolded.

"I didn't want to disturb you." She replied.

"Did I say that you can't disturb me? Whenever you need anything call me without any hesitation, okay?" He said.

Yuerui bit her lips and nodded in reply.

He carried her back to the bed and went downstairs to bring her water.

After she drank the water Xianw.a.n.g asked in caring voice, "Are you feeling okay?"


"Does your leg hurt?"

Yuerui shook her head.

"Didn't you say to watch TV together?" Xianw.a.n.g asked.

Thinking about the tv show Yuerui's face brightened.

"Wait... I am bringing some snacks."

Xianw.a.n.g again went downstairs and returned with cola and popcorn.

He helped Yuerui to sit as he fixed the pillows in her back. He gave a bowl of popcorn to her and kept one for himself. Then turned on the TV and lied at the end of the bed on his hand.

They tuned in to the entertainment news show. Because of their plan that were the star of the show.

"Today's breaking news, are we finally gonna have Mrs. Kong Xianw.a.n.g?" That the was the headline of the news.

Both Yuerui and Xianw.a.n.g burst into laughter.

"Really... This is the headline they came up with?" Yuerui laughed.

"Let's see what they have in store for us." Xianw.a.n.g said. He has high expectations for them.

The news continued....

"Today, after the special conference of Skyhigh and the Han on their government project we get to see CEO Kong Xianw.a.n.g smiling brightly at one of the stuff of this company. We all know that we have never seen CEO Kong give such a heart warming smile to anyone."

"Oh.. that smile... Doesn't this smile just melts your heart." The reporter exclaimed.

"See... Have you ever seen such a gentle smile from anyone?" Xianw.a.n.g said in the middle of the show.

"Narcissist..." Yuerui murmured as she rolled her eyes.

"What did you say?" Xianw.a.n.g bent towards Yuerui and asked.

"Nothing... Nothing..." Yuerui denied immediately as she put a mouthful of popcorn in her mouth.

"If this smile is not the proof of what we are claiming... Then my friends... Look forward to the next video."

"After that mysterious lady was finished with her work she was about to leave. But unfortunately she slipped and fell from the stairs."

"That was really unfortunate... "

"Was it because of the curses that she got from the females there? It can be a reason!" The reporter joked.

"Huh... You got the t.i.tle of most charming smile... And what did I get? Curse!" Yuerui pouted.

Xianw.a.n.g stood up from his spot and sat next to her.

"Don't worry... In the end, you will be my bride." Xianw.a.n.g said as she patted on her palm.

"Hmmppp..." Yuerui didn't say anything and chewed another mouthful of popcorn.

"After the girl fell... Obviously everyone was worried. But what did CEO Kong did? He ran towards her carried her in his arms and left hurriedly."

"You can see from the video how worried he looked."

Yuerui didn't see the reaction of Xianw.a.n.g that time because her eyes were closed.

But now that she was seeing it on the tv she could see the worried face of Xianw.a.n.g.

'Was he really worried?' she looked at Xianw.a.n.g who was sitting beside her and eating popcorn.

'I am thinking so much... Anyone would be worried in this case.' she diverted her attention.

The news continued....

"After they left we have tried to asked everyone present to know the ident.i.ty of this girl. But none of them were eager to disclose it to us."

"We even got a chance to ask Director Kong, sister of CEO Kong to ask. But she also didn't say anything and fled."

The clip of Xingtian escaping from the reporters grasp was seen on the screen.

"Aww... Xingtian must have been shocked. Oh... I forgot... We didn't say anything to your parents about us getting married yet."

"Don't worry... Those two people are now dancing in the house and praying that I don't return home today." He chuckled as he eat a popcorn.

"Your parents seem funny." Yuerui said.

"You will really like them... They are the best... O right... What about your parents?"

"My parents..." Yuerui took a deep breath after thinking about it.

" Let's talk about them later... You will need a thorough introduce and training." She said.

"Okay...." Xianw.a.n.g didn't think about what he will have to be dealing with.

They returned to the show.

"But our sources have found that in the business party that was held a few days ago, this lady had shown as a plus one of CEO Han Yefang where CEO Kong Xianw.a.n.g was obviously present."

"Was it a coincident?"

"Or CEO Han is also helping these two love birds? Stay tuned with us for more information."

Both Xianw.a.n.g and Yuerui were shocked at the ending. They didn't think that the reporters would add this thing with their scandal.

"The reporters sure knows how to add spices to their news."

"Hmm." Xianw.a.n.g nodded.

But Yuerui didn't see that the corner of his lips slightly curved. Inwardly he was laughing. How Han Yefang was used  as a Cupid in his love life gave him diabolic pleasure.

After the show ended Xianw.a.n.g turned off the television.

"Why did you turn it off?" Yuerui said.

"No more tv now. Doctor told you to take rest. So be a good girl now and take rest."

Yuerui didn't get time to retaliate as Xianw.a.n.g left the room with the tv remote.

"At least tell me the wifi pa.s.sword?" Yuerui shouted from behind.

"Take rest, girlfriend." His seductive voice was heard from his study.


The whole evening Yuerui had to lie down in her bed. But of course she carries her little pleasure of joy in her phone in the form of dramas.

He put on her earphones and pa.s.sed the evening watching dramas.

After dinner, Xianw.a.n.g helped her to wash up and also to walk to the washroom.

After she freshened up, he again carried her to the bed and covered her with blanket.

After bidding each other good night he turned off the light and went back to his study.

Since he didn't went back to office, he had to bring work home.


At midnight, he suddenly remembered that he didn't put water beside her. He was afraid that this girl will not call him and will try to get water by herself again..

So he went downstairs and took a jar of water and gla.s.s then went back.

He knocked the door first.

It's not polite to enter a women's room without permission.

Since he didn't get any reply, he a.s.sumed she was asleep. So he decided to silently leave the water.

The curtains of the balcony was opened, the soft light of the moon has covered her bed.

As he went next to her he could see her face clearly.

He silently put the jar but was reluctant to go.

'It's not bad to see her for a second, right?'

He sat next to her and saw her calmed face.

She was always a quiet person in front of everyone. But he could sense that her mind was not calm at all. Now that he is seeing her sleeping soundly he was relieved that the noise in her head is will not disturb her.

He wanted to caress her face gently and so he reached out his hands. But he stopped in his motion....

He saw tears falling from the corner of her eyes.

Is she crying?

He doesn't know why but he was frozen in his spot. He didn't know what to do.

He wanted to know if she was having any nightmare. But there was nothing he could do.

He gently caressed her eyes and wiped off the tears. And then reached out for her forehead and kissed her softly. He was afraid that he might wake her up and scare her.

"I will try my best to trun your every nightmare into fantasy. I promise." He said.
