My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 157 She Didn't Tell You?

157 She Didn't Tell You?

After her rude behavior yesterday she didn't know how to face him.

She knocked the door and after Xianw.a.n.g said to come in she entered.

When Yuerui went inside Xianw.a.n.g was still busy with his work.

"You are here." He looked at her and went back to his work.

'Is he upset because of yesterday?' Yuerui thought.

She didn't say anything to him and took a seat in the sofa. After a few moments Si ying came with their lunch. He served them in the table and went back to have his lunch.

"Mr. Kong, have some food, while it's warm." Yuerui said.

"You can have some first. I am coming in a minute." Xianw.a.n.g was behaving a little too well behaved but a little distant as well. Yuerui could feel that something was off.

Actually because of yesterday Xianw.a.n.g also realized that he might he a little too fast. He didn't consider her feelings at all.

So he decided to give her plenty of s.p.a.ce so that she can open up to him and accept his heart.

After a minute Xianw.a.n.g took a file from his table and went to the sofa.

"Here is our marriage contract. You can see it while you eat." He handed it over to Yuerui.

Yuerui read the contract and didn't have any obligation.

"I am okay with it." Saying so Yuerui took a pen and was about to put her signature but Xianw.a.n.g interrupted.

"Um.... Before you sign, I must tell you, we can't just start dating in front of people out of no where. We have to play it as in we got caught while dating so that there will be no suspicions."

After hearing it Yuerui gave it a thought.

"Okay. I don't have any problem. But have you decided on how we will do that?"

"No yet." 

"If not, then I can give you some suggestions." Saying so Yuerui gave out a smile and put her signature beside Xianw.a.n.g's signature.

To be honest after watching hundreds and thousands of tv series and dramas Yuerui always had interest in contract marriage dramas. She wanted to know if that is actually possible in real life. And if that so, then how does it feel like?

So now that she got the chance, she will wrack her head and use her drama knowledge.

Life had never been so dramatic before.

After her signature they both quietly finished their lunch.

After lunch Yuerui asked him again, " Have you thought of any plan, yet?"

"Not yet."

"Oh great. Then hear my plan." It wasn't been an hour and Yuerui already had a plan.

"Oh... Then tell me." Xianw.a.n.g asked.

"Okay, at first we will portray how caring our hero is." 


"Yeah. In every drama there is hero and heroin, right? Son in our case, you are the hero and I... I am the heroin." Yuerui couldn't believe she blurted out such a line. She cursed herself after saying this.

"Hero... And heroin... Interesting." Xianw.a.n.g felt b.u.t.terflies in his heart out of nowhere.

"Umm... Yeah... where were we? Yes.... So our hero and heroin, I mean you and me, will go to the news station tomorrow for the press conference of your new project. Then after the conference I will act to become dizzy. Then You will act like you are very worried and help me to walk out if the station then give me a ride to my home. That's it. How is it?"

Xianw.a.n.g couldn't understand how can she think such a plan to fast?

Is she experienced or she just loves drama!

"Yeah it's good." He reached out to clank their

gla.s.s of water.

"Then, this is it. Tomorrow we will do just as we planned."

After that Yuerui prepared to leave.

"So, do  we have a relations.h.i.+p between us now?" Xianw.a.n.g suddenly said in low voice which made Yuerui stop.

"Actually I wanted to say something about yesterday, Ms. Mai, if you don't get offended." He said apologetically.

"I really didn't mean to be rude to you. I am realy very sorry if I  was inappropriate. And if behave inappropriately again, please tell me immediately, or even better slap me in the face no matter in which place we are." 

He said with such an innocent face that Yuerui couldn't help smile. Of course there was sincerity in his eyes.

"Okay. I will keep that in mind." Yuerui replied.

Saying so she prepared to leave but suddenly Han Yefang entered the room. 

"Oh... I didn't know you were having lunch. Your secretary told me you were inside so I came in." He said.

"It's okay. I just finished it. What brings you here, Mr. Han? We can talk over a cup of tea." Xianw.a.n.g said.

"I'll take my leave, then." Yuerui asked politely to Xianw.a.n.g.

Xianw.a.n.g nodded in reply but when she was about to leave Han Yefang interrupted.

"Why don't you join us as well? You also know about the project. You are welcome to give us your feedback." He said.

Yuerui exactly knew what Yefang was playing.

He has come to check if Yuerui actually is in relations.h.i.+p with Xianw.a.n.g.

She faked a smile and deliberately sat beside Xianw.a.n.g as he was calling for tea.

Xianw.a.n.g was actually not prepared to see Yuerui say beside him. But he didn't let that surface. He took her bag with a gentle smile and put that beside him.

After a moment the tea was served. Their discussion was in the end as well. The whole time Yuerui didn't disturb them. She was just scrolling her social media account in phone.

While they were having tea Xianw.a.n.g casually said to Yefang, "I heard that you studied from 'A' university."

This made Yuerui freeze on the spot.

'Why is he saying this all on a sudden?' she thought.

"I suppose Yuerui told you that?" Yefang said.

"Yue...rui?" He asked with confusion. As in why is this guy addressing Yuerui informally.

"What? She didn't tell you?" Yefang smiled.

"We studied from the same university. In fact, in the same session." He added.