My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 151 An Eye For An Eye, A Heart For A Hear

151 An Eye For An Eye, A Heart For A Hear

After the kiss which lasted for few seconds Yuerui let him go.

Xianw.a.n.g slowly retracted his face.

He was about to say something. But he stopped. 

He saw that Yuerui's lips were trembling. Not only that her hands were shaking as well. She was trying so hard to stop them from shaking but couldn't stop them.

Xianw.a.n.g turned his gaze and saw Han Yefang standing with a dark expression.

He understood the rest.

He looked at Yuerui with caring eyes. The corner of his lips curved a little.

He gently held her trembling hands with one hand and hugged her with another.

"Why are you kissing me suddenly? Did you miss me that much?" He intentionally said that out loud and patteder shoulder softly.

Then he removed her from his embrace and looked at her with immense care.

Yuerui gave a confused look to him but Xianw.a.n.g's gentle eyes comforted her and ensured her not to worry.

"You know what? You don't have to drive alone. I'll drop you home." Saying so he removed his coat and wrapped her around with it.

"It's cold. I don't want you to get any fever. Let's go."

Yuerui didn't say anything. She didn't even look at Han Yefang who was still watching them and followed Xianw.a.n.g obediently.

Xianw.a.n.g opened the pa.s.senger seat for her. He told his driver to go home and went for the driver seat.

He doesn't want Yuerui to feel uncomfortable.

After that, he started the car and left.


For a long time, the atmosphere inside the car remained quiet. They didn't say anything. Yuerui kept looking outside through the window and Xianw.a.n.g was focused on his driving.

Only the sound of their breathing could be heard.

To break this awkwardness Xianw.a.n.g took the initiative.

"Well...." But he was cut in the middle.

"Can.... We.... talk tomorrow..." Yuerui said hesitantly.

"Oh... Okay. We can talk tomorrow." Xianw.a.n.g immediately agreed.

The car again went in silence.

There were a lot of traffic. So it took a while to reach Yuerui's house.

After they reached, Yuerui still didn't say anything to him. She just nodded to him and left. She didn't even look behind to say good night or good bye.

Xianw.a.n.g sighed.

He leaned on his seat and looked at her back until it disappeared in the dark.

He subconsciously touched his cheek where Yuerui kissed him and gave a huge grin.

"Her first kiss." His lips curved into a smile.


Yuerui took small steps to reach her apartment. She was very tired. She took off her and sighed. She reached for the doorbell slowly and rang a few times. After a few seconds Ning tan opened the door.

"Rui rui, what happened to you?" Ning got scared when she saw that Yuerui's eyes had turned red. She was scared that, that Han Yefang must hurt her again.

She was partially right. Yuerui indeed wanted to cry. But she held it. She kept on rubbing her eyes so that no one can see the few drops of tears that fell from her eyes no matter how much she tried to hold.

"Rui rui, tell me what happened?"

Yuerui looked at her friend and gave a smile. She put away the things she was holding and went to the washroom.

Her smile was not normal and Ning tan knew that. She kept waiting until Yuerui was ready to share her worries. So to cheer her friend, Ning tan cooked Yuerui's favorite dishes.

By the time Yuerui came out of the washroom her bed was filled with her favorite dishes.

"Why did you cook so much?"

"I know you are hungry." Ning tan replied.

"There were food at the party."

"I know. But I also know you didn't eat much."

"You are thinking so much. I am not hungry."

'Gghhhrr....' but Yuerui's empty stomach made her caught red handed.

"Yes. You are not hungry." Ning tan rolled her eyes.

Yuerui gave a foolish smile and started to eat.


After dinner both of them went to the kitchen to do the dishes. Ning tan was was.h.i.+ng and Yuerui was wiping the dishes.

While they didn't say anything while was.h.i.+ng. They were like doing the work in a synchronized manner without any talk.

Suddenly Yuerui said, "I agreed to Mr. Kong's proposal."

Ning tan stopped in her motion.

""Didn't you reject him before. Why did you agreenow?"

"Because Han Yefang confessed to me." Yuerui replied.

Ning tan blinked twice in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Ning tan turned off the faucet and turned to Yuerui.

"He said that he loves me." Yuerui gave a wry smile.

Ning tan knows that somewhere deep in her heart Yuerui still has feelings for Yefang. But she didn't get how is his confession made Yuerui decide to marry someone else.

Yuerui slowly continued.

"You know today when Yefang kneeled before me I saw the previous me in him who he torn into pieces. He didn't consider my feelings for him before. He brutally killed that feeling in me that people call love."

Yuerui took a deep breath. Even talking about him was hurting her.

She again continued,

"I don't know what he said to me today is true or not. But when he said those words to me only one thought went through my mind. 'An eye for an eye, and a heart for a heart.'"

"And then the man who can help me in it came in front of my sight."

"So you decided to marry the best man in China." Ning tan completed her sentence.

"I don't know if he is best man or not. But he fulfills the criteria for my marriage."

Even if Yuerui hastily took the decision but Ning tan didn't decline her decision. Actually she agreed with her.

'An eye for an eye, A heart for a heart.'

He broke her heart so now it's her turn even if his feelings are true or not.

Ning tan came close to to her friend and hugged her tightly.

"Whoever you marry, I will always support you, Rui rui. Whoever you marry I am sure he will not be as bad as that jerk."

Yuerui gave her a smile.


In the hotel, after changing Han Yefang directly went to the gym. He had been running in the treadmill for a long time now.

He kept on running and running and increasing the speed in every minute.

At the moment the speed became so high which was too much for him. But he didn't care.

Sweat was dripping from his head like a stream. But he kept on running with a straight face.

But after all, he is a human and has limits. He eventually tripped and fell on the floor.

His pale ankle became swollen and red. But he didn't care. He still stood up and was about to run again. At that moment the waiter came and said to him that he has a parcel then handed him the box.

Seeing Yuerui's name as the sender Yefang became so much happy. He took the box and returned to his suit while stumbling.

He reached his bed and sat in the floor at the corner of the bed then put the box on his lap.

He gently opened the box with care. But when he saw what was inside his face darkened.

The torn pieces of the dress that he gave her was inside.

"Since she didn't accept you, then you must be destroyed." He murmured.

He reached out to the side table of the bed and took his designer lighter and burned the pieces of cloth along with the box.

In the light of the flame his pathetic face could be seen. But suddenly a faint smile rose on his lips.

"You said you don't care about me? Than these pieces of clothes are the proof of you feelings. Yue're I will bring you back to me. Just wait a little."