My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 16 Thinking About Appearance

16 Thinking About Appearance

After working till 4 in the morning Yuerui only get to sleep for a mere 2 hours.

She would've been late again if she didn't set multiple alarms in different clocks.

The time she woke up she had two large racc.o.o.n eyes.

"Oh great! I was waiting for you, dear dark circles. Oh my dark circles today you are gonna save me from those hungry wolves and that nasty weirdo king." Yuerui was the first girl who was happy to get dark circles.

She didn't dress up well today as well. Actually she did that on purpose. Number one, this will prove to others that she is not into that CEO. Number two; most importantly this will give hint of her staying late to complete her task. So the nasty weirdo will know how hard working she is.

She skillfully hide some of her dark circles so that he couldn't get that she over worked herself. As she saw that the company doesn't let the employees to overwork which proves the company is strict as well as cares for the health of them. So she also can't do anything that goes against the rules.

While getting ready she prayed, "Thank goodness this project gives good amount of profits. I will be able to give some good news to them. Please almighty please….Spare me today. Don't make any ruckus today."

She wore a polka dot black and white s.h.i.+rt and bottle green colored sweater with grey jeans. It's not like she doesn't have any knowledge in fas.h.i.+on. She just doesn't want to attract any attention. She finished her look with a big rectangle spectacle. Yuerui actually doesn't need spectacles. But since she doesn't like to interact with people this helps her a lot as this gives her a nerdy look and people don't seem to like nerdy people. Yuerui doesn't like to use make up. She just applied lip balm on her chapped lips.

She twisted her hair in a bun and off she goes to her office.

When she entered the office it was 8.45 AM. 'Thank goodness I am not late.' Yuerui thought.

"Little cat you made it. Tell me did you complete your report?" Su came running towards Yuerui and said to her while panting.

"Yes." Yuerui replied with a bright smile.

"Great. Save your money for my treat." thinking about food makes her drool.

"I have to pa.s.s before that you remember?"

"I know you'll do great."

"We'll see if I can satisfy big boss."

"You came just in time" Zongguan came from behind.

"Good morning sir." Both greeted him.

"Good morning. Yuerui get yourself ready. We have to go." said Zongguan.

"To where sir?" Yuerui asked.

"To greet the CEO" Zongguan said.

'WHAT THE h.e.l.l!!!' Yuerui screamed in her mind.

"What!" Yuerui's usual low tone voice raise a little due to anxiety. But she calmed herself down and said, "I mean sir I am not qualified enough to go there."

"Yeah you aren't. But since you were late yesterday and were given a task to do I thought it would be better to let CEO see that you have come early today." Zongguan explained.

"Oh it's time for CEO's arrival let's go newbie."

Yuerui was literally dragged from the marketing department. Yuerui spread her hands to Su for help but that couldn't help. Su was just standing there waving her handkerchief to Yuerui and wished her good luck.