My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - Chapter 128 - Xianwang And Yuerui In The Dance Floor

Chapter 128 - Xianwang And Yuerui In The Dance Floor

The Kongs will throw a party and Zhang Eliza will not come, can never happen.

She came in a black coloured vintage style gown. She adorned her hair with a black c.o.c.ktail hat decorated with beads and net. The dark red lipstick on her lips and pale white skin is making her look like a s.e.xy, seductive and mysterious serial killer came out of novel.

With the clanking sound in her heel she approached towards Xianw.a.n.g and held his arms without his notice. She just came and held his arms just like that.

Xianw.a.n.g looked at her with annoyance then at her arms holding his.

He didn't have to do anything. His deathly glare was enough to make Eliza retreat her hands.

"Brother w.a.n.g, you didn't call me after our families met that day?" Eliza asked with a little disappointment.


"Family meeting?"

"Are they dating?"

"Are they going to marry?"

The people around them started to whisper.

Xianw.a.n.g came aware of the situation and was not pleased at all.

He looked at Eliza without any drop of emotion and said," Why should I call you?"

"Why not? Our families met that day."


"So... So.... I mean you could have called me, if I came home safely." She stammered a little.

"Why would I call you for that?" He said with annoyance in his voice.

"What? You can't call me to know if I am okay?" Eliza replied in a creepy voice. Her inner psycho was on the verge of coming out. 

But Xianw.a.n.g was not afraid at all. In fact, he nonchalantly replied, "Have I ever called you?"

His statement was making it clear that there is no such thing between them. Besides everybody is aware of Eliza's behavior and knows that she has the habit of making things in her mind. So it was clear to all that she was just making up thing as usual.

Hearing out Xianw.a.n.g, Eliza gave an awkward laugh.

"Okay, forget that, brother w.a.n.g. Tell me, how am I looking today?" She asked with excitement.

"Just like a ghost of a serial killer." He replied bluntly and left before excusing himself from the business a.s.sociates.

This gave the sorrounding people a hard time to laugh.

Xianw.a.n.g came a little close to the dance floor to see what his future wife is doing.

"You seem to have fun in the dancing floor. But don't dance with other men for so long." He murmured.

He was busy in looking at Yuerui when an old shareholder of the company came.

"How are you, Young man?" The old man said.

He is the one who withdrew his shares in the first place when the fake gay news published. Even if he is not a shareholder any more, Xingtian still invited him out of courtesy.

"As you can see." He replied.

"This year's party sure is so grand." The old man said.

"It's all Xingtian's plan."

"Yes. You sister sure has the talent to manage everything. But you will have to crack some hard deals to make up for this cost, I guess."

The old man was behaving as if, since he has withdrawn his shares the company will fall on the streets.

Xianw.a.n.g gave a smirk and replied, "You don't have to think about my company anymore. It will still run as smoothly as before. May be a little too smoothly since you are not the company anymore."

Xianw.a.n.g's harsh words tore the pride of the old man. But he still controlled himself and said, "Yes, you will ran the company well even without me."

"I know." He replied.

After a pause Xianw.a.n.g added," I heard you invested in a new company. Feel free to ask me if you need any investment."

This made the old man greet his teeth in anger. But he still has a trump card to play.

"Have you taken care of that news about you?"

"I didn't know you were so concerned of me?" He mocked.

"We were a part of the same company. Of course, I care."

"Don't worry about such no sense."

The old man leaned closer to Xianw.a.n.g and whispered, "Be careful in future. Or else who knows, your boyfriend might get caught in camera."

"Do you think I have any chance to look at any man when women always block my sight?" Xianw.a.n.g smirked.

After a pause he added, "In case you don't know Mr. Song, you daughter is one of them as well."

The old man was like strock by thunder. He didn't no what to say.

In the mean time, at the dance floor, all were now doing the ball dance in a circle mode and changing their female partner at a time interval.

Xianw.a.n.g looked at Yuerui. He knew it was time to change the partner.

He looked at the old man and said, "Don't worry, I am not interested in her. I have my own woman."

Saying so he marched towards the dance floor.

The male partner twirled Yuerui and let her lose. Yuerui twirled and twirled and fall right in Xianw.a.n.g's arms.

"Hey, Beautiful. Let's dance." Xianw.a.n.g smirked.

The male dancer who was supposed to dance with Yuerui saw that it was the CEO, so he immediately retreated from the dance floor.

All the guests present were shocked. Kong Xianw.a.n.g has never danced in any party. He is always seen standing with his business partners in every party.

And today he has willingly come to the dance floor. Not only that he approached the lady who wore a matching dress with him.

They were looking like a fairy tale couple. The guests picked up their phones and started to click photos of them.

On the other hand, Yuerui was soo embarra.s.sed that she hide her face by burying it on his broad chest.

"Your are giving such a nice pose for them to capture." Xianw.a.n.g teased.

'Oh s.h.i.+t.' she cursed.

 She rise her head and now hide it with her one hand.

"You were not hiding your face before when you were dancing with other men." Xianw.a.n.g was enjoying Yuerui's timid and sheepish behavior.

Yuerui wanted to leave the dance floor but could not. Because Xianw.a.n.g was holding her very tightly.

"Tell me, why are you hiding your face?" Xianw.a.n.g again asked.

"Isn't it all your fault?" Yuerui replied while looking at the floor.

"What did I do?" Xianw.a.n.g again played innocent.

'If you say that word again I am gonna smack your pretty face.' Yuerui thought.

"Why are you here?" Yuerui said still looking at the floor.

"To dance with you of course."

"How many times do I have to tell you? I am not interested in marrying you." Yuerui wanted to make things clear again.

"Have I mentioned about marriage to you today?"

'You are making me think about that d.a.m.n contract.' Yuerui thought.

"You are intentionally approaching me."

"I jast wanted to dance. Let's dance for a while then we will talk about that."

And the couple dance for at least 20-25 minutes.

Whenever it was time for changing partner Xianw.a.n.g would hold her even more tightly and signal others to change among themselves.

"Why are you not changing?"

"Do I have to change?" He again played innocent.

"Hey look at me when you talk."



"I don't want people to know that we are talking."

"What?" Xianw.a.n.g was amazed to know what plays in Yuerui's tiny little mind. She is always protective of herself so that people don't makes things of her.

"Okay as you wish." He replied.

After a while Xianw.a.n.g noticed that there is a lens fallen over his chest pocket.

"Hey, are you having any problem in seeing?" He asked.

"Why do you care?"

"I care, because one of your lenses is lying on me pocket." And he picked up the lens.