My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - Chapter 125 - Match Made In Heaven

Chapter 125 - Match Made In Heaven

Su was awwed to she the beauty in front of her.

"Little cat, I didn't know that you have such long and beautiful hair. And your eyes, they are so pretty. Makes me wanna look at them whole day."

Yuerui was initially feeling shy to hear her friend. But when she mentioned her eyes, Yuerui became aware that the make up artist had removed her So she immediately hide her eyes with her hands.

"Hey! Why are you hiding them?" Su asked.

"Um... Um... Where? I am not. It's just that I can't see anything without the" Saying so she immediately put on her

"Miss, I recommend you to remove them. You look better without the" The makeup artist said.

"See.. Even the professional is saying that. Remove them quickly." Su reached out to the to remove them but Yuerui caught her hands.

"But I can't see anything without them." Yuerui was still insisting on wearing them.

"Don't worry. You don't have to see. Just stick with me. I will lead you the whole party." 

'What? You rather want me to be blind than ugly?' Yuerui couldn't believe it.

"O I remember I have contact lenses with me. Let me try them." Yuerui don't wanna make her eye color visible at all. So she hurriedly took out a black coloured lens and put them on.

"If you had those anyway then why didn't you wear them earlier? Hey? Why are those black? They are hiding your beautiful eyes." Su screamed.

'That's what I want, dear.' Yuerui thought.

"I only have those. If you still behave like a child then I will wear my" Yuerui threatened.

"But your eyes are so pretty. Why are you hiding them?" Su pouted.

"Listen, these are the ugliest pair of eyes I have ever seen. And Don you dare mention them in front of anyone. Or else I will never talk with you." Yuerui emotionally blackmailed Su.

"Why do you say that they are ugly. They are pretty." Su asked in confusion.

"There are alot of beautiful eyes in the world. Like like... Yeah! Like that Kong Xianw.a.n.g." Yuerui tried to change the topic.

"Aw.... You like our boss's eyes, little cat?" Su teased.

"They are really pretty. If anything is pretty, then of course I will say that. There's nothing wrong with that." Yuerui gave a smile and stood up from her chair. Then prepare to leave.

The moment Yuerui came out of the dressing room, she instantly became the centre of attention. Every one of them was looking at her and admiring her beauty.

Yuerui became so frightened that she hide behind Su.

"Su, why are they looking at me? I didn't do anything wrong, right?" She was scared.

Su chuckled to see her timid friend.

"No silly. They are looking at you because you look beautiful."

'I told you not to change me look. Now see, how will I pa.s.s this party now?' Yuerui cursed on her mind.

"It all your fault. Now you will have to save me from these people." Yuerui said.

"Okay okay, My Rupanzel. I will be you knight in s.h.i.+ning armor tonight." Su chuckled.

The trio was gossiping at one corner of the hall. Only because Yuerui didn't let them to leave her and she was not willing to leave the corner.

Xingtian came to complement the beauty.

"Oh my G.o.d, Yuerui you look stunning."

"Thank you director." Yuerui replied shyly.

"Hey, didn't I tell you to call me by my name?"

"Oh, I am sorry. Thanks, Xingtian." Yuerui replied with a smile.

"That's more like it. I must say Yuerui, you have put a new charm in this party." Xingtian said.

"Me? H.. how?" Yuerui asked.

"You don't know, how amazed people are to see you. Everyone is asking about you to me." Xingtian said as she came close to her and held her hand.

Yuerui only awkwardly smiled back at her.

This is the thing she doesn't want. 'Attention'

Xingtian came near Yuerui's ear and whispered, "Some of them have also asked me if you are single. Feel free to tell me if you are in the mood to date, beautiful." She winked.

"No please tell them I am not." Yuerui immediately replied with a worried face which made Xingtian chuckle.

"Okay, silly girl. You don't have to be so tensed."

When they were busy in talking, the main attraction of the party finally arrived. The CEO of Skyhigh development, Kong Xianw.a.n.g.

Hearing the ha.s.sel around them, Yuerui looked at the entrance and almost lost her balance.

'What the h.e.l.l!!!' she screamed.

Xianw.a.n.g came in a grey colored suit with a blue tie. His deep black coloured locks are brushed backward with perfection. His golden like eyes were capable enough to kill in one glance. His look was a perfect pair with Mai Yuerui. If they stood next to each other it would look like they made matching outfits.

"Oh my goodness. Little cat, how did you guys match? You two look like a couple together." Su was so much shocked that she did remember that Xingtian was with them and blurted in front of her.

On the other hand, Xingtian looked at both of them, one after another and gave a smile.

'Looks like I have finally found my sister-in-law. I like her, bro.' she thought.

Xingtian turned towards Yuerui to told her to enjoy the party. Then she went towards her brother.

After Xingtian left both Su and Kai turned towards Yuerui with a mischievous smile.

"Little cat, you naughty little fellow, how did this happen?" Kai said.

"I... I don't know. Guys you have to save me." Yuerui immediately hide behind the pillar and begged for mercy.

"Don't tell me, you told boss your dress color, so that you guys will look like a couple." The duo just getting started with their teasing and they are not gonna stop.

"What! Why would I tell that jerk about it." Yuerui cursed.

"Then there is only one conclusion." Su said with seriousness.

"What?" Said Kai.

"You guys are match made in heaven. You guys are so perfectly matched that you even have the same taste." Su concluded.

"What?" Yuerui lost are balance.

"You guys are out of your mind. If you guys don't help me hide then... then... I am gonna leave right away." Yuerui threatened.

"Okay. We will not leave you. And stand with you here. But how will you escape from other people? After seeing big boss everyone's eyes are looking for you, little cat." Kai said.

"That's why I am asking your help." Yuerui cried.

"Okay, I have an idea. Let's go the dressing room and change into my normal look. I have seen a pair of jeans and s.h.i.+rt there." 

Saying so Yuerui prepared to go to the dressing room but both Su and Kai grabbed both her hands.

"Don't you dare, Little cat. If you spoil your look, I am gonna kill you." Su threatened.

"I am dead anyway." Yuerui sheepishly cried.

"Even if you are, I am gonna kill you again. So shut up and stay with us."

Xianw.a.n.g was still standing at the entrance with his majestic look when Xingtian came and patted on his shoulder.

"Great going, brother."

Xianw.a.n.g gave a confused look.

"I know what you are trying to do." Xingtian smiled mischievously.

"Whatever you think, I don't care." He totally ignored her and entered.

But Xingtian was not in the mood to leave her brother.

"The girl didn't fall for your charm, right. Oh man! I like her even more now." Xingtian chuckled.

Xianw.a.n.g didn't bother to listen to her. He was busy in looking for his target.

"If you are looking for someone, I can lead you the way." She said.

"I am not looking for anyone." He refused to concede.

"Okay, then don't look at the western corner of the hall." 

Xianw.a.n.g immediately turned to look at the corner and found the Little cat trying to hide behind the pillar.

He frowned his brows but was still looking there and finally the beautiful Rupanzel came in front of her.