Showta Takas.h.i.+maya spoke in j.a.panese, which was a language that Meng Fan — while pa.s.sable as an animation voiceover artist — could hardly communicate in. He wouldnt be able to understand the words completely. Luckily, black technology could easily translate the words.
Meng Fan guessed that Showta Takas.h.i.+maya probably received the time for the hijacking, which was confirmed with the words which followed.
By the way?
It seemed as if Showta Takas.h.i.+maya didnt join the hijacking plan because his fiance cheated on him; he was already part of the plan. Perhaps the thought that the cheating couple would also be on the flight made it seem even more appealing.
Of course, it was possible that his fiancée s.h.i.+no s.h.i.+buya had constantly cheated on him, triggering his antisocial personality to join the hijacking in the first place.
Was the hijacking because he was being cuckolded? It was hard to say.
Even if it was, it was not worth peoples empathy.
Even though Meng Fan had a good time hanging out with Showta Takas.h.i.+maya, Meng Fan didnt change his opinions nor his decision about the man. The hijacker needed to die, or at least get his just punishment.
If you were angry that you were cuckolded, then you can end the cheating couple. Why bring other people into it?
Now, Meng Fan was expecting more communication between Showta Takas.h.i.+maya and his partners.
Meng Fan, over there!
Minako Sakurai, who changed her mind about seeing the Minions, happily went into the "Waterworld" area, inside "The Lost World" attraction with Meng Fan.
This area was inspired by the cla.s.sic movie, "Waterworld." It features spectacular water performances. With 3,500 seats in the audience area, it is the largest performance area at Universal Studios in Singapore.
When the two of them arrived, they were just in time for a show. But their seats werent great as they had to sit in the second row.
With their up-close location, they could see all the special effects using flames and shooting water. It was very exciting but also dangerous, as they could get drenched easily.
Right after the introductory speech to the show, Meng Fans back was already drenched.
Why his back?
Meng Fan couldnt let Minako Sakurai get drenched, so he covered her every time water splashed their way, and he didnt want to block the water with his front.
After a few times, Meng Fan could tell Minako Sakurais eyes glowed every time he protected her. He thought, maybe facing the water head-on wasnt a hard thing.
While he wanted to use himself as bait for Minako Sakurai, he didnt want to sacrifice too much. However, she didnt feel the same way.
Meng Fan, your wet clothes... youll catch a cold. Minako Sakurai was grateful for Meng Fans chivalry and liked him even more now. After they left the show, she pointed at a store ahead of them. They sell clothes there, get something so you can change.
Singapore had mild weather, but it was really uncomfortable wearing wet clothes on his back. Black technology couldnt make his clothes dry faster either, so Meng Fan agreed.
Which he quickly regretted.
Minako Sakurai wasnt buying one s.h.i.+rt for Meng Fan to change into; she was shopping for him. She managed to turn the small shop into a shopping spree.
Meng Fan, this would look good on you.
This is perfect for you to wear.
How about this one...
Apparently, Minako Sakurai had envisioned herself as Meng Fans girlfriend and was playing the role happily. She also expected Meng Fan to try the clothes on.
At first Meng Fan played along and changed into a few outfits. Then he couldnt take it anymore and just bought one top, which was applauded by Minako Sakurai as very masculine.
Of course, Minako Sakurai insisted on paying, saying she needed to do it. It wasnt so much about the money; she probably just wanted to buy Meng Fan something.
Minako Sakurai was too nice to Meng Fan, combined with her tender voice, she sounded more and more like Yua Mikami than ever, making him suffer.
He better go back and stop spending so much time with her. He wasnt afraid of losing control with her, he was worried that shed be too mesmerized by him.
Lets go meet up with your colleagues. Then he added, I wonder if Mr. Takas.h.i.+maya found Mr. Ohno and others.
Minako Sakurais eyes flickered with something unusual as she heard his comment. After some hesitation, she blurted out, Maybe Showta didnt find Hideo and s.h.i.+no.
Meng Fan acted curious as he asked, Actually, I wanted to know, what exactly is the relations.h.i.+p between Hideo Ohno and s.h.i.+no s.h.i.+buya? It felt as if... Okay, Im just curious, you dont have to answer me.
Minako Sakurai wanted to tell him anyway, so she continued to talk. Girls were usually more aware of this kind of thing. With s.h.i.+no s.h.i.+buya openly flirting with Meng Fan, she had to admit s.h.i.+no s.h.i.+buya would be pretty tempting to men. While she believed Meng Fan was a good guy, she was afraid of an ambush by s.h.i.+no s.h.i.+buya.
s.h.i.+no s.h.i.+buya and Hideo Ohno had a... different relations.h.i.+p. You probably noticed, too. Minako Sakurai wanted to say more without revealing everything. Then she started again, Showta is a pathetic man. The whole crew knows about the affair between s.h.i.+no and Hideo, only he thinks no one else knows. Of course, Showta is detestable too, he has. .h.i.t s.h.i.+no before. They broke up and then made up after Showta begged s.h.i.+no. But then s.h.i.+no became more flirty... maybe as revenge. s.h.i.+no and Hideo didnt get together until later... Maybe, after Showta and s.h.i.+no get married, itll be better.
Meng Fan started to imagine all kinds of headlines such as How a Cuckolded Man Became Violent and Ive Never Regretted Cheating on Him and had to stop. Being imaginative wasnt always a good thing.
Now, he had learned one of the reasons for Showta Takas.h.i.+maya being anti-social.
Seeing Meng Fans odd expression, Minako Sakurai stopped herself from saying more. She believed that a n.o.ble guy like Meng Fan wouldnt be tempted by s.h.i.+no s.h.i.+buya now.
Minako Sakurai called her colleagues and they all met up in the Hollywood district. When they arrived, the other four people were already there.
Elisa was excited as she made Hideo Ohno take photos, while Showta Takas.h.i.+maya and s.h.i.+no s.h.i.+buya looked normal.