I grabbed the tablet and happily upgraded the room to a big room with a turning wall splitting the room in half. It was a large twenty meter white room with luxurious bathrooms with both a jacuzzi and a shower. The closets were wide as it was three meter squared with already twenty hangers inside each closet. The best part was that all this cost 90 000 points!
It was nice being rich with points for once. After I upgraded the room, I pa.s.sed the tablet onto Luke. Luke decided to buy two luxurious king sized beds packaged with things like pillows and blankets. Another thing I saw Luke buy were some necessities that we both needed like pyjamas, toothbrushes, cups and the list went on.
By the time we finished buying all the stuff we thought we needed, we were still left with 95 000 points!
So this was how it felt to be rich with points~.
Currently both Luke and I were mentally exhausted after the long dilemma of what to buy. So Luke soon left the room to go to the cafeteria for dinner ahead of me, while I decided to take a short break inside our new luxurious room. Another reason that I stayed was to get the chance to open the dimensional library to start preparing for the next exam to earn more points.
I grabbed a book from the library covering this month's material and tried to absorb the material. However, I couldn't absorb the material! "Why isn't the absorption working?" I asked the guide.
"You can only absorb a maximum of two books per day for one week once a month." The guide replied.
"However, if you absorb one book per day, you can keep absorbing books for two weeks straight every month." The guide added on.
Of course there was a setback! I knew it was too good to be true. Now I actually had to study for my exams. Sob.
Thankfully, the school didn't announce any exams coming up soon or else I would have been doomed.
Ever since they started the partner switching thing, I knew that even though they didn't announce it, there was a 99% chance there was a exam next week. Sigh.
How was I going to explain to Luke how I got these marks when he figures out I've haven't been studying?
Sigh. Time to make a plan!
Plan A: 5% chance of working - I could get Sh.e.l.ly and Ellen cover for me
Plan B: 50% chance of working - Tell Luke the truth
Plan C: 95% chance of working - Tell Luke that I cheated in a very unique way
Plan D: 70% chance of working - Do nothing and hope that Luke makes decent a.s.sumptions on his own
Yup. Plan D seemed the best!
Now that I was finished with my plan, I headed towards the cafeteria and ordered something cheap while trying to not look suspicious.
I ordered a small sandwich that cost about 40 points as I didn't want to spend extravagantly because we had a high chance of earning minus points next time.
"Hey Rika!"
"Hey Sh.e.l.ly! Why isn't Ellen with you?"
"She's studying with Alex to earn more points next week."
I started to feel kind of guilty using my cheat, but you have to do what you ought to do in order to survive.
"By the way, why are you ordering that small sandwich when you have a lot of points?"
How do I explain that I'm sure I'll earn minus points next week?
"I'm just not feeling that hungry today," I replied back with a awkward smile.
Sh.e.l.ly stared at me for a while as her eyes narrowed and oddly smiled back, "Ok."
After I finished eating my small sandwich I got up to go to the library.
Maybe I could cram all the materials somehow into my brain (even though it has never worked before without Luke)?
I entered the study room and opened my laptop to start going over the cla.s.s materials ahead of time.