My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily - Chapter 801 - Discussing How to Put the Blame on Her Right in Her Presence

Chapter 801 - Discussing How to Put the Blame on Her Right in Her Presence

Chapter 801: Discussing How to Put the Blame on Her Right in Her Presence

Qiao You’s eyes lit up when she heard what the manager offered.

Only the team that places first in the competition can enter the Jijing Special Institute. Even if we defeat Imperial College this time, we might not win against other teams. However, they’re now offering us guaranteed spots. All we have to do is get Gu Mang to admit that she faked the recording.

Shen Qianzi glanced at Gu Mang.

By sacrificing Gu Mang, Capital University will be guaranteed a spot at the Jijing Special Institute every year. Even a fool knows what the best choice is. This is an irresistible offer. Gu Mang has really overestimated herself if she thinks she can challenge Leng Xuan.

Qin Yaozhi pursed her lips after looking around and noticing the hesitant looks on everyone’s faces. Even she could not be certain whether Professor Yang would refuse Jijing Island’s offer for Gu Mang’s sake.

“You’re just trying to preserve Jijing Island and the Academic Center’s reputations. What about Capital University’s?” asked Yang Tianming with a strained expression.

The manager laughed. “I don’t think Capital University is even comparable to Jijing Island.”

Yang Tianming tightened his grip on the chair’s armrests.

“Of course, you can push all the blame onto Gu Mang. That way, Capital University won’t suffer any damage in reputation,” stated the manager calmly.

Just like that, the group discussed how they were going to put the blame on Gu Mang in her presence.

The manager looked at the team in front of him and said slowly, “I think you need some time to think it over.”

Nobody said anything. Sitting lazily in her seat, Gu Mang spun her phone in her hand, expressionless. It was as if she wasn’t going to be used as a scapegoat.

“In that case, I’ll give you five minutes to discuss it among yourselves, Professor Yang,” said the Center Manager.

Leng Xuan swept a look at them before standing up and leaving the room with Leng Yun and the manager in tow.

As soon as the door closed, Professor Xue looked at Yang Tianming. “What should we—”

Before Yang Tianming could say anything, Shen Qianzi cut in. “Professors, as long as Gu Mang confesses that the recording is fake, our entire team can enter the Jijing Special Institute. On top of that, we’ll be guaranteed a spot every year. We cannot squander this chance.”

The difference between Country Z and Jijing Island was huge. The technology and resources available could not be compared. Capital University had been trying to do joint training with Jijing Island for years, but to no avail. But now the chance was right in front of them.

Qiao You added. “At most, Gu Mang will be criticized by the public for a bit, but that’s nothing compared to entering the Jijing Special Institute.”

Qin Yaozhi clenched her fists in anger. “Since you think that this is a great deal, why don’t you take the blame instead?”

“Why should I take the blame? That’s not my score, nor did I expose that recording,” retorted Qiao You with a frown.

“Talk is cheap.” Qin Yaozhi scoffed. “You sure planned it out well. You’ll get to enjoy the benefits without having to suffer the public criticism.”

“I’m just stating the truth,” said Qiao You matter-of-factly. “As long as Gu Mang takes responsibility for this matter, she’ll just be given a warning and we’ll be able to preserve our university’s reputation.”