My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily - Chapter 414 - You'll Accept It Even if I Kill You?

Chapter 414 - You'll Accept It Even if I Kill You?

Chapter 414: You’ll Accept It Even if I Kill You?

“Even if I want you killed, you’re fine with it?” Gu Mang asked.

Lu Chengzhou nodded. He would rather she make it quick than keep torturing him like this.

A smile slowly appeared on Gu Mang’s face as she bent down and inched closer to him. She said softly and lazily, “You’ll accept it even if I kill you?”

Their faces nearly collided with each other as their breaths intertwined. Lu Chengzhou did not move. He looked straight into her clear, deep eyes. They were so dark that he could see his own reflection in them. Her eyes were so cold. For a split second, when she narrowed her eyes, she really wanted to kill him just like how he had almost killed her back then.

Lu Chengzhou pursed his lips. “I’ll accept it but let me say my last words.”

Gu Mang raised her eyebrows and leaned back in the chair again. “Sure.”

“Alright.” He removed the pistol attached to Gu Mang’s camouflage pants and loaded it before handing back to her. You require a lot of money so I’ll leave all my money to you. It should be sufficient. Stop accepting missions using Silence’s identity in the future.”

If she could be tricked by him, there would be others who could do the same.

Gu Mang kept her gaze lowered. Upon hearing his words, she paused for a moment. All the anger that was repressed in her for the past few days was released. How could she not be infuriated?

Yet, she remained expressionless.

“What else?” Gu Mang placed her finger on the trigger as though she would pull the trigger the moment he finished speaking.

Looking at her for a while, Lu Chengzhou said, “Can you really bear to kill me?”

Gu Mang laughed. “Try me.”

Lu Chengzhou paused and stared straight into her eyes. “Can’t I keep my life?”

“You lost it to me yourself.” Gu Mang sounded insipid.

Her index finger tapped the trigger thoughtlessly and yet she knew that she wa