My Werewolf System - Chapter 540: It's an order

Chapter 540: It's an order

If before the trio had been unsure about the identity of the group of teenagers who had appeared at night in the hospital, it became obvious enough that they had to be members of the Howlers when Marie asked for the room of Kai. A few moments later, their small group headed in the direction the receptionist had pointed them to.

aCome on, let's go with them and see Gary.a Numba suggested to the other two.

aAre you sure thataTMs a good idea? ShouldnaTMt we like leave gang business to the gang members? We might be close with Gary, but we donaTMt really know any of the other members. Heck, around an hour ago, we didnaTMt even know that Kai guy.a Ian wasnaTMt too keen to interrupt their group, especially given the circumstances of their visit.

aWeaTMve risked our lives not only by coming here, but we also fought that guy. We did the best we could to help out Kai. That should be worth something.a Numba argued. aBesides, whatever they're going to talk about we need to hear it as well. After that, I also have a lot of questions I would like answered, and depending on what those answers might be... we might need to find a way to pull Gary out of this gang.a

The three started to follow the Howlers down the hallway, but it didnaTMt take long for one of them to notice. Innu stopped and turned around, hearing the footsteps of the Altered trio behind them. It took him a moment to recognise them without their clowns' makeup.

aOh, it's you guys.a Innu said. aWe heard the gist of what happened. ItaTMs great that you three were there, otherwise, Kai might have been in even more trouble. WeaTMve been told that he isnaTMt in any condition to speak right now, but if you guys want to come in and see him as well, feel free to join us.I donaTMt think he would mind you guys seeing him, not that he can say anything anyway.a

It was an unexpected response, because the students just never thought that gang members, especially the ones that they had seen breaking bones so easily, would be so nice. Then again, they hadnaTMt exactly expected the HowlersaTM members to be this young, either.

aThank you.a Izzy answered for the group, since Numba was at a loss for words. The Goat AlteredaTMs anger had been building up, yet this kind of response had caught him off guard.

As they joined up with the HowlersaTM group, they heard the sound of sniffles, coming from the black haired girl with pigtails. She kept wiping at her face as she got closer and closer to the door where Kai was resting.

aYou have to be strong, Marie.a Austin told her. aWe all have to show strength in this type of situation. Remember what the receptionist said, he will leave... even if he will likely end up with scars.a

What was coming out of the students was how close-knit this gang seemed to be. Expressing these strong feelings, it didnaTMt feel like a gang at all. It was clear to them how much they thought of this individual Kai as well.

When entering the room, Marie somehow managed to stop her tears and Tyler held the door open for the other three students. The room was relatively large, but will all of them inside there wasnaTMt much room for them to move around.

Gary was already inside, sitting by KaiaTMs side on one of the few chairs. Olivia, and Blake were with him in the room but they were standing by the wall away from where Kai was, they had already been in the room for a while, and Gary had yet to move from his position.

The teenager himself was covered under the bedsheet, so the most prominent thing they could see was the large bandages around his face, as well as tubes attached to him. There was a type of stitching around his jaw, no doubt from the surgery to reattach his jaw.

While it was apparently successful, it was also obvious that there were clear imperfections. Altered or not, it was practically guaranteed that even if he healed from this, it would leave behind obvious scars, perhaps even disfiguring the previously pretty boy.0

Those that had just entered the room went to get a close look at Kai, they could hear the monitor, the sound of his heart beating still there, but they were unable to see GaryaTMs face that was looking down on the floor in a hunched over position.

The students decided that this wasnaTMt the best time to talk with him, so they stayed at the back with the others, giving the Howlers a chance to deal with the situation.

In the end, looking at KaiaTMs miserable state, Marie couldnaTMt hold back her tears any longer and her sobs turned into a loud cry. There was nothing, anybody could say to make her stop, making this the only sound that filled the room. After a few minutes, Marie quieted down, and the others silently helped walk her toward the back of the room with the others so she wouldnaTMt have to look at Kai.

The silence felt deafening and the pressure was tense. A few times Numba opened his mouth to say something, only to close it again, since the timing felt horribly wrong.

aThe Scatterbugs.a Eventually Gary was the one who broke the silence, his head still down. aTheyaTMre the ones responsible for him lying there. They ordered a hit and went for KaiaTMs life. IaTMm going to take them out... IaTMm going to take out every single fucking one of them and rip them to shreds, just like they did to Kai!a

Numba could tell from the pain in GaryaTMs voice, that his friend was serious and intended to put his words into action. He himself he couldnaTMt help but feel guilty, after all, this entire situation came about because the Howlers had decided to help his fatheraTMs company.

aI get how youaTMre feeling, but attacking them outright was not part of KaiaTMs plan.a Olivia chimed in. aHis plan was to defend against an attack from the Scatterbugs, before we take the fight to them before they have any chance to regroup. This attack on him wasnaTMt that, they will surely come for us soon, and it is always easier to be the ones defending a location, rather than be the invading force. TheyaTMre a Tier-2 gang, in a city none of us ever visited.a

Gary then stood up from his seat, and turned his body towards them, but was still looking down at the ground with his fists tightly clenched.

aI donaTMt care!a The Alpha Werewolf practically growled. aThe guy who did this... he is hiding behind the Scatterbugs, and knowing this, how can I just stand by and do nothing?!a

aGary!a Numba finally spoke. aI know how you feel... I know you're strong, but you canaTMt just attack the Scatterbugs on your own. Going into a city without anyone there to back you up is suicidal.a

There was a pause, Ian and Izzy agreed with Numba. They were just too shy to say it in this situation.

aHeaTMs your friend, but do you really think all Howlers will go on a vendetta just for one guy? Your gang wonaTMt start a gang war over one person... Please, Gary, just come back to the academy. It will be safe there.a

Gary finally lifted his head up, and when he did, his whole face was scrunched up, his teeth were elongated, and his red eyes were glowing, looking at all of them.

aIaTMll be going to attack the Scatterbugs tomorrow. Inform everyone in the Howlers, anyone who wishes to come with me, should be in front of the WolfaTMs Pool Club at 9:00. This is a direct order.a Gary stated.

Hearing those last words, those in the room knew how to act, Gary rarely used those words, and it meant he had made his decision, so there was only one response they would all give.

aYes, boss!a They all replied in unison, bowing down their heads.

aBoss?a Numba repeated.