My Husband and I Brought Hundreds of Millions of Supplies to Farm - Chapter 807 Exposing

Chapter 807 Exposing

Chapter 807: Chapter 807 Exposing

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

I Doctor Song hesitated. You should ask her servant girl, Su Jin. She knows more details than me.

Ive already given you a chance. I hope youre telling the truth. After the judge finished speaking, he ordered someone to bring the servant girl, Su Jin, over and asked, Has your madam seen anyone recently?

Im not sure. Su Jin raised her head and replied.

The judge did not answer her but turned to look sharply at Doctor Song. Since he recommended this person, let them fight it out.

As expected, Doctor Song received the judges knife-like gaze, and his heart trembled violently. He looked at Su Jin and scolded, How could you not know? You even listened to us sleep together. What secrets do you not know?

You Shameless. Su Jins face turned red after hearing this.

I dont know about anything you did.

Although I dont know who you met, it was definitely during the two days you stayed in the manor.

Dont even think about pretending to be stupid, and dont even think about implicating me and my sons.

Nonsense. We only stayed at the manor for two days. Who did we meet? Su Jin raised her head and angrily looked at Doctor Song.

Someone, bring me a few pieces of paper and a bucket of water. Gu Chengrui saw that they werent cooperating and could not be bothered to waste time with them.

Yes. The prison guard responded and went out to bring a few pieces of paper and half a bucket of water.

However, it was a kind of inferior paper.

Gu Chengrui did not mind. He took the paper and pointed at Doctor Song.

The prison guard called for two people to come up. He first tied the two of them up and then pressed them firmly to the ground.

You, what, what are you doing? Doctor Song asked in horror.

Ill let you have a taste of a new interrogation method that Ive discovered. Its very fun, very energy-saving, and not b.l.o.o.d.y. After Gu Chengrui finished speaking, he immediately pasted the piece of paper on Doctor Songs face. Then, he scooped half a ladle of water and slowly poured it on the paper.

A moment later, the paper was stuck tightly to Doctor Songs face. Doctor Songs breathing became heavier.

Gu Chengrui then pasted another one. This time, Doctor Songs breathing panted, his face turned pale, and he kept struggling.

Your body is weak. Why, cant take it after just two pieces of paper? After Gu Chengrui finished speaking, he waited for Dr. Songs breathing to have a rhythm before he pasted another.

This time, Doctor Songs eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were wide open. His face quickly started distorting.

He was trying to find a chance to catch his breath.

However, Gu Chengruis papers overlap with each other and have already blocked all the gaps, making him unable to find a breath.

When Doctor Song began to kick his legs with all his might, he went forward and stuck another piece of paper.

This time, Doctor Song struggled even harder.

By the time the fifth paper was pasted, Doctor Song was no longer struggling but was whimpering before his death.

Interesting. This is crueler than the tiger stool and chili water. Suffocation. The judges eyes lit up.

Some felons and wanted criminals were really stubborn. Many of them would not speak well, even if they were beaten to death; perhaps this would be a breakthrough.

Soon, Doctor Song stopped moving. My Lord, is he dead? The judge asked.

No, he hasnt. After Gu Chengrui finished speaking, he pulled the paper off his face.

Soon, Doctor Songs coughing was heard, followed by heavy breathing. The judge finally heaved a sigh of relief. Doctor Song, this is your last chance.

Otherwise, Ill use you to try and see if a few pieces of paper can suffocate someone to death..