My Father in Law is Lu Bu - Chapter 645

Chapter 645

Chapter 645

Zhou Yu furrowed his brows the more he thought about money. The government only had about twenty thousand gold left. It was barely enough money to do anything. He could not even pay pension to the families of the casualties at the Yangtze River. On top of that, he would still need leave enough money to form a new army.

Master Zhang Zhao. What do you think about giving each soldier a hundred coins? Zhou Yu asked. Zhang Zhao was one supposed to do the accounting. Zhou Yu had to help out because the accounts were in such a rotten state that Zhang Zhao alone would not be enough.

Grand Governor. Isnt that too little? Zhang Zhao found himself in a difficult position. These were human lives. The soldiers died for your cause and you only give them a hundred coins? On top of that, with the trade route to Jingzhou cut off, the prices of food had increased. A hundred coins was only worth a little amount of grain.

I know but! Sigh! Zhou Yu sighed as he suddenly put down the scroll in his hand. It was hopeless without resources. In the past, they had never lost so badly in the war against Jingzhou. There were spoils every time and even when they lose, it was not too bad a loss. But now they have experienced consecutive heavy losses. Jiangdongs weakness is immediately laid bare. They were weak internally. This is unlike Liu Biao who could afford to lose more than half of his territory and still make a comeback because he was rich.

On the other hand, the whole of Jiangdong would become crippled if they lose in a war.

Master Zhang Zhao. Is it possible for us to borrow money from you? Dont worry, Jiangdong will repay you next year. Zhou Yu asked. Zhou Yu wanting to borrow money from Zhang Zhao is equivalent to Jiangdong borrowing money from the n.o.bles. This is because Zhang Zhao was also a n.o.ble.

How could Zhang Zhao not feel worried? It was still more than half a year before they get tax money again. On top of that, who would pay him back if Jiangdong gets wiped out before they could? Even if Jiangdong manages to collect tax, it would only be enough to support their own army. How could they pay him back?

As a result, Zhang Zhao immediately showed a mournful expression. Grand Governor. It is not that I dont want to lend you money. It is just that we too do not have much provisions left. We n.o.bles of Jiangdong had accompanied the Lord for the battle at Wancheng. We sent hundreds and thousands of men but in the end only a few managed to return. These were all personal troops so we had to compensate their families as well.

Zhou Yus face turned cold when he hear Zhang Zhao talk about his own poverty. Saying that the n.o.bles help Jiangdong fight at Wancheng was just the nice way of saying it. In actual fact, the local tyrants were wiped out by Liu Mang, creating a power vacuum. These n.o.bles just wanted a piece of it so they all sent troops.

However, Zhou Yu did not say anything because in the end, it was still true that the n.o.bles had suffered losses there. They also needed to spend money to redeem their children.

Grand Governor. This aside, have you forgotten that we also help fund the Second Lords expedition? After these two events, we would not have enough money left. Zhang Zhao grumbled.

At that time, Sun Ce ripped off the n.o.bles but Sun Quan had still lost.

Sigh. The Second Lord Zhou Yu stamped his feet. He had told Sun Ce before that Sun Quans existence was at best, like trying to tame a wild animal in a cage. It was better to just cage him or send him away as a hostage. This is because Zhou Yu could not help but feel worried especially since Sun Quan was capable.

We really cannot help the Lord at all? Now is an extremely important moment for Jiangdong. All of us are together with Jiangdong and the Lord. Zhou Yu persuaded patiently.

In that case, my Zhang Family can take out five hundred gold. Zhang Zhao said to Zhou Yu.

Haha. Zhou Yu became angry instead of happy. Master Zhang Zhao. Do you think Jiangdong are beggers? Five hundred gold was a lot to but to the influential n.o.ble families of Jiangdong, it was only a small amount.

Since Master Zhang Zhao says this, then I will speak plainly. The Zhang Family, the Wu Family and even my Zhou Family, must each take out two thousand gold! The Zheng Family, the Hao Family and the Cheng Family must each take out one thousand five hundred gold. The other small n.o.ble families must each take out eight hundred gold!

Grand Governor. How are we going to get the money! Zhang Zhao replied bitterly. That years income did not even add up to two thousand gold.

I dont care how you get the money! However, if you dont take it out, I will personally send people to collect it! Zhou Yu said ruthlessly. Before this, he was afraid of offending the n.o.bles but now, Jiangdong would be finished if he could not get the money.

This servant is just saying Zhang Zhao sighed. He too knows that Zhou Yu was left without any option.

In that case, Master Zhang Zhao. Please hurry. Zhou Yu said as he gestured.


Zhang Zhao was the n.o.bles representative just like the Kuai Family from Jingzhou. So naturally he would discuss with the others about Zhou Yus words.

The moment he relayed Zhou Yus message, the other n.o.bles immediately objected.

How can we do that? How can we take out eight hundred gold? One n.o.ble stood objected.

Eight hundred gold was not much but that was only in the grand scope of things. That year, the n.o.bles all did not earn any profits and had only lost money. They had paid a lot for the equipment of their servants in hopes that they would be able to capture Lujiang. Instead, their entire army got routed. Their servants were all dead. Not only do they gain nothing. They even wasted a total of three thousand gold.

After that, Sun Quan went for an expedition. They also invested at least two thousand gold there but gained nothing. This totaled up to five thousand gold. To the small n.o.bles this was already a disastrous loss. They could not afford another eight hundred gold.

Patriach He. Eight hundred gold is little enough. I need to pay one thousand five hundred gold! It is almost double your amount! My Hao Family dont have that much. We can only sell off our family property. The head of the Hao Family said mournfully.

No way! We cannot take out this much money! We must go and complain to the Lord! One man said resentfully.

Complain? Haha! Dont you know the Lord and the Grand Governors relations.h.i.+p? Zhang Zhao sneered. Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were sworn brothers. Right now, the Lord has given all of the authority to the Grand Governor. Your complaints about the Grand Governor will fall on deaf ears! Zhou Yus words were now equivalent to Sun Ces words.

Then what should we do? The people panicked. Some with hidden savings could slowly pay the amount. The others could not pay and could only suffer. Even if they paid the money, it was bad investment which makes them even more reluctant. Yet if they refuse, Zhou Yu would personally take it from them along with their lives.

Anyway, Jiangdong is finished. We might as well not give the money. I dont believe Zhou Yu can even do anything to us!

What if the Grand Governor really dares to attack us?

If that happens, then we can only go all the way. We should rely on help from the North of Yangtze River. The n.o.bles said harshly. The n.o.bles did not like Sun Ce, and was of the same opinion as the Xu Family. Though Sun Ce did not look for problems, they still did not have a good impression of him.

You want to seek help from Liu Mang? Are you mad? It would bring disaster if someone hears this! The more cowardly n.o.bles rebuked angrily. If Zhou Yu heard about this, all of them would die here.

What are you afraid of? There are no outsiders here! Do you think Zhou Yu can wipe us all out? If he does, who is going to give him money?

Zhang Zhao raised his hand and stopped the two n.o.bles from arguing. We cannot go there.

Why not?

Do you know about Liu Mang Liu Hanyang?

Not really.

What if Liu Mang also wants your money? Besides that, what can you give Liu Mang? Have you all forgotten what happened at Wancheng? You all had almost killed him!

It was true that Liu Mang would have been killed by them if he was not that lucky. That was why relying on Liu Mang was not the best option.

Do we have no other choice? One person asked.

We do. Zhang Zhao said as though he knew something. If Jiangdong were to change owners, who would you want as your new Lord?

The Second Lord! The n.o.bles replied in unison.

Phew. Then let us wait and see. Zhang Zhao said to the others. If we dont change Lords, we should just pay the money. Otherwise Hahaha.


After Zhang Zhao had left, Zhou Yu became busier. After saying all that, Zhou Yu was certain that Zhang Zhao would bring the money. Zhang Zhao would not dare bring any less.

By Zhou Yus calculations, there should be about fifty thousand gold after getting the money. After paying pensions, they could recruit another ten thousand men. With this, Jiangdong would be able to fight again.

Just as Zhou Yu was about to relax, a few soldiers suddenly ran in.

Hm? Zhou Yu looked at them and furrowed his brows. These men were his subordinates that gathered intelligence. If they appeared personally, it meant that something urgent has happened.

Report. Information from the bird.

Bring it here. Zhou Yu said after leading the men into a secret room. After reading the letter, he realized that something big had really happened.

Xu Gong? Wasnt he dead? Zhou Yu thought to himself.

Many people in Jiangdong knew the name Xu Gong. This is because Xu Gong was the governor of the Wu County. When Sun Ce arrived, everyone surrendered except for Xu Gong. He was rebellious and sent a letter to Cao Cao in hopes that Cao Cao would do something about Sun Ce. In the end, Sun Ce ruthlessly wiped out the Xu Family.

Zhou Yu was there the day Xu Gongs entire family was executed.

It is not a mistake. The bird says that they werent mistaken. It is really Xu Gong! The soldier said to Zhou Yu.

Xu Gong was not dead? What kind of joke was this? It does not matter what the initial reason was. It remains a fact that Xu Gongs hatred for Sun Ce was something that cannot change.

Where did this person go? If Xu Gong was not yet dead, then he needed to die.

Xu Gong took a squad of soldiers with him out of the city.

Out of the city? Which direction?

They headed West.

West? Zhou Yus eyes grew wide. He then sat back down. Go and find out where the Second Lord has gone to. Then bring him to me.

The soldiers did not know why Zhou Yu wanted Sun Quan investigated but they followed their orders anyway.

Xu Gong is not dead? Did the Second Lord neglect his duty or did Xu Gong escape? Zhou Yu thought to himself. He wanted to ask if Xu Gong was really dead as Sun Quan was the one in charge of the execution.

Soon, the soldiers returned.

Where is the Second Lord?

Report. The Second Lord was not at home!

What? Did you ask the housekeeper where Sun Quan had gone?

Apparently, the Second Lord had left the city!

Zhou Yu suddenly stood up. Sun Ce and Xu Gong had left through the West gate. The one involved in Xu Gongs execution also left the city.

Not good! Zhou Yu was intelligent so he could tell that something was very wrong. Xu Gong being alive was Sun Quans responsibility. If Xu Gong had escaped before, then he shouldnt be at Jiangdong now. Yet, Xu Gong was around and had just left the city. Sun Ce and Sun Quan had also left the city. Zhou Yu could clearly tell that there was a connection.

Quick! Get the troops to follow me! Zhou Yu stood up. He wanted to wear his armor but it was too troublesome to wear. So he simply grabbed his sword. Prepare the horse and move out!

Grand Governor. Whats wrong?

The Lord is in danger! Zhou Yu immediately kicked his horse and rode off. He was followed by his soldiers.