My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker! - Chapter 94 - Father and Daughter at Odds

Chapter 94 - Father and Daughter at Odds

Chapter 94: Father and Daughter at Odds


Henyee Translations


Henyee Translations

As she said this, her stoic face tried its best to put on a deeply worried expression. She imitated the crown prince’s tone and sighed, “If we don’t leave here as quickly as possible, our future is bleak.”

Shaoyao nearly laughed out loud at this scene. Little Miss’s face was truly unsuited for such an odd expression. The deep worry was not apparent; instead, it looked more like a stoic face suddenly crumbling into a ball, giving people an inexplicable comical feeling.

“Eldest Aunt, we can’t allow those bad people to capture Elder Younger Sis,” Qiao Hu injected in a hurry. Besides the paleness on his face, he appeared mostly recovered.

This child was not someone who could stay stationary. He had just gotten better, and he already wanted to leave the bed. Thankfully, the life-saving pill was quite good, so Qiao Mu was not worried.

Wei Ziqin could not tell in the slightest that Qiao Hu had serious internal injuries just now or that he had nearly stepped into the jaws of death.

Qiao Hu kept urging noisily, “Eldest Aunt, why don’t we pack up now and immediately leave?”

Hearing this, Wei Ziqin almost automatically nodded in agreement. On the side, Qiao Mu could not resist rolling her eyes. What need was there to be in such a hurry?

“Mother, it’s not that urgent. Plus, we can’t leave so impromptu. We still need to clean and pack the things at home and wait for Second Uncle to return.”

“Oh, right! Father is still outside!” Only then did Qiao Hu remember his father…

“But will those people from the evil faction…?”

“They shouldn’t.” Qiao Mu continued to beguile without missing a beat, “Those people were sent running by the Crown Prince, so they shouldn’t be returning in these next few days. We still have time.”

As she said that, she stuffed the two storage talismans into Wei Ziqin’s hand. “Mother, these two storage talismans are for you to pack up the house – pack up what you can. Take all the living equipment and farm tools, we might need it in the future.”

Wei Ziqin