My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker! - Chapter 347 - The Miraculous Youth

Chapter 347 - The Miraculous Youth

Chapter 347: The Miraculous Youth

The crown prince grinned at her. “How many do you have?”

“100 blue storage talismans, 80 yellow summoning talismans, 20 blue summoning talismans, and a number of low-level supportive talismans, that’s all. Will people buy them?” The little girl asked while tilting her head.

“As Guanlan City’s talisman patrician family don’t produce many, talismans have always been a popular item. The talismans they draw usually first satisfy internal demand, and only when they have a surplus will some trickle out. Hence, there are basically not many talismans on the market.” The crown prince held the little girl’s hand and led her downstairs. “So, what silly things are you saying? If we put them out on auction, people will only think that there aren’t enough.”

‘So it’s like this…’ Qiao Mu’s eyes brightened slightly. “Then how much can I exchange from auctioning them off? Since I probably won’t need food, I want to exchange for some ebony. Do you know of this kind of wood?”

Mo Lian’s footsteps halted for a bit. He nodded and said, “Ebony generally grows in the south. Do you have any requirements?”

Qiao Mu thought for a bit. “The wood has to be in good condition. Other than that, I don’t really have any other requirements. They need to be sliced into thin pieces, roughly the size of a bamboo tablet.”

“For drawing talismans?” The crown prince lowered his head to ask with a smile.

Qiao Mu fiercely nodded her head.

“It’s not like ebony is that rare, so you don’t need to exchange for it with auction items.” The crown prince squeezed her small hand and said, “I’ll first have people prepare a batch for you. As for those talismans you want to auction off, how about I exchange them all into mid-grade magnetite for you once the auction comes around at the start of the month?”

“Transactions at auction houses now are carried out with magnetite?”

“That’s right.” Mo Lian smiled faintly while nodding. “You could still transact a sale with gold in the past, but those lousy