Chapter 84.
The knight captain looked like he was just struck in the head with a hammer. "I guess that does make sense.
"Yes, the horn found in the director's stomach poisons you as soon as you consume it. However, there's a way to slow down that toxicity."
"What method is that?"
"The most basic process is to wrap the poison with a thin film to delay contact with the stomach, but this wouldnt work if you wanted the director to consume it without knowing, I said.
"When people eat, unless they purposely swallow their food whole, they usually chew. If that happened, the thin film would break and render itself useless. However, for horn, there's a way to temporarily reduce the toxicity and slow down the effects using a special process, but this doesn't last long. That means if we find someone who can use that method within a day, we can track the culprit or someone who's been in contact with him."
The knight captain still appeared doubtful. "Do you even know the number of people in the capital who are aware of this method?"
I smiled at the remark. "Do you know of the Big Mama Information Agency?"
The knight captain looked at me with surprise.
* * *
In the end, I was released on parole for one day under the condition that Id be accompanied by a knight. This made it easier to run away if I wasnt able to apprehend the criminal. Of course, I was definitely going to capture the criminal. After I catch him, Im going to stick a hergamorphin in his butt. For bothering me, I'll make him crap until his anus becomes raw.
However, there was no need to limit me to only one option idiotically. Life didnt always go the way you wanted. If things were to go wrong, I'd run away without looking back. Running was the best tactic.
"What are you so deep in thought about?" The somewhat rambling voice shook me awake from my various thoughts.
"I was thinking about how to catch the criminal," I said.
The knight assigned by the knight captain nodded. He looked like a gangster, but in fact, he was the vice-captain of the White Deer knight division.
"So what are you going to do?" He asked.
"First of all, let's go to the Big Mama Information Agency."
The vice-captain sighed,