My Civil Servant Life Reborn in the Strange World - Chapter 77.2

Chapter 77.2

Chapter 77.2

Hillis had done away with the walls of the carriage as she drove into Zaharam in a now open carriage. Accompanying her was Leisha, she created barriers with magic where the walls would have been and looked at the carriage with amazed eyes.

"Wow, was it capable of opening like this? Leisha said in admiration.

Hillis shrugged. "It's a special pilgrimage service carriage from the temple. It's nice and cool to ride it like this!"

"I think the sand will come in though?"

"If it couldnt even stop that much, it would be undeserving of the word 'special'. Do you see that over there?

There was a magic circle drawn where Hillis was pointing. Leisha was amazed by the magic circle.

"It's a magic circle that even blocks dust depending on the size. If they were going to engrave something like this, I'd rather they put magic to make it cold inside." Leisha pointed.

It was really the height of inefficiency. Hillis smiled bitterly. Even if she wanted to, those spells were listed under forbidden magic as they had been banned in the past.

"I see the wooden fence! Be careful!"

At the paladins warning, the servant who was riding in the carriage with them, crouched between the carriage chairs. They determined that it would be more dangerous to leave the servant alone outside of Zaharam just because she was a non-combatant. So, she had had no choice but to follow along.

Standing at the front, Leisha aimed her magic wand at the wooden fence.

"Fireball! Ten shots!"

A series of fireballs as big as camel heads were fired from the magic wand.

Kwang! Kwang! Kwagwagagwang!

The wooden fence was blasted apart and burned down at once.


Leisha resisted the power of the World Tree governing Zaharam, she started feeling tired as a result of using magic.

The flames created by the fireballs quickly died down under the power of the World Tree.

"Are you all right, Miss?!" holding a bow on the wagon and guarding the surrounding area, Mac asked.

"It's okay! It's much more comfortable than in Olympus Forest!" Leisha replied.

At least here, she didn't have to worry that magic would suddenly make a U-turn and attack her. Using magic in Zaharam felt like running in a space with five times the gravity. Although difficult, it was not an environment where magic could not be used for a magician at her level.

Still, it's harder than in the village, Leisha muttered as she got ready to use magic again. She had to be prepared in case magic was shot at them at any moment.

The initially nervous paladins couldnt help but be dumbfounded by the sight inside as they passed through the broken wooden fence.

It was because black magicians were already fighting against paladins.

"Die, dirty black magicians!"

"Keuk! Devastating Wind Blades!"

Ten paladins holding large shields blocked the black magicians magic as they continued to cut down the black magicians.

Albatoss had thought it was going to be a lonely fight, now, he couldn't hide his confusion.

"What is this?"

They hadnt even informed the temple and rushed to recapture the Holy Land from the black magicians, but the support forces were already here.

At that time, one of the paladins in battle raised his helmet visor shocked.

"Paladin Albatoss?! How come you are here?!"

The face beneath the raised visor was one that Albatoss knew.

"Paladin Mario! How come you're standing here?"

These people who were fighting the black magicians first were paladins following Cardinal Fernando.

Fernando was a hard-liner priest working with the capital as his base. As such, he never thought he would see them in Zaharam, so far away from the capital.

Mario tried to say something to Albatoss, but stopped to block a black magicians attack with his large shield. With that, Albatoss realized his priorities and drew his sword.

"First, we will take care of the black magicians!"


The paladins on the camels rode fast and quickly began to cut down the black magicians. Thus the black magicians began to attack Hilliss paladins.

"God, protect your children!"

For those paladins under her that did not carry shields, Hillis performed defensive holy magic.

The sight astonished Mario.

"Sa... Saintess?! No! Paladin Albatoss! Are you out of your mind? How could you have brought your Saintess to the battlefield!" Mario reprimanded.

Albatoss swung his sword looking ashamed.


One black magician was killed by Albatoss's sword.

"Sorry! Paladin Mario!"

Mario bit his lips at Albatoss's apology.

"Eagle squad! As of now, we are changing priority from destroying the altar to safeguarding the Saintess!"


The paladins under Mario moved in their squad and surrounded the area to guard the carriage that Hillis was on.

Perched atop the carriage, Mac looked for Malecia amid a battlefield filled with paladins and black magicians. He clicked his tongue. "Chet, he isn't here as I thought. He wanted to try fighting him again if possible, so it was regrettable.

Mac shot the arrows and hunted the black magicians. Each of his arrows struck and cut through in between the brows of the black magicians.

Mouths agape, the paladins admired Mac's archery skills as if there was nothing left for them to do.

"Paladin Albatoss, just who is that person?" Mario asked admiringly

Albatoss took a moment to look for the apt explanation and then replied, "He is Miss Saintesss guest."

Mario was genuinely concerned. "Are you sure of his identity?"

Apart from Mario's relationship with Hillis's older sister, Vibrio, the position of Saintess was too important in the temple. It was impossible to allow anyone near the Saintess without knowing their identity with certainty.

"I'm sure. If we hadn't been sure of his identity, would we have let him approach Miss Saintess?"

After Hillis had offered to have them join their party, Albatoss, had confirmed Leisha's identity by looking at her identification card without Hillis's knowledge. Thus, he believed that they were from the Crow Tribe. Moreover, he was convinced by Mac. And above all, being that strong at that age, it was impossible not to believe it.

Mac had been constantly shooting arrows from atop the carriage, he came down below the carriage when he ran out of shots.

"Are you out of arrows? Leisha took the arrow out of her pocket space and asked.

Mac flashed his characteristic sly smile. "Yes, thats the case. It doesn't look very dangerous, so I think Ill go jump in." He pulled out his sword and tried to run toward the group of black magicians.


As Leisha stopped Mac, he cast her a curious look. Leisha spoke as she descended from on top of the carriage.

"I'm coming with you."

Mac looked at Leisha incredulously and said, It could be dangerous.
