Ms. Doctor Divine - Chapter 2422 Mission 102

Chapter 2422 Mission 102

Chapter 2422 Mission 102

Translator:Henyee TranslationsEditor:Henyee Translations

Tribe Chief, what did the sorcerer say to you? Gary inquired with curiosity.

Sorcerers had always maintained an air of mystery, seldom engaging in conversation with others. Even when they visited other clans, they typically had their own tasks to attend to and departed after completing them.

The sorcerers interaction with the Tribe Chief seemed somewhat unique.

Gu Chaoyan cast a look at Gary. Gather some men to construct the bamboo house. Youre the only one whos curious.

With that, she playfully tapped Gary on the head before leaving, intent on seeking out Aina.

Aina had been contemplating how to fulfill the task given to her by Gu Chaoyan since the previous day.

When Gu Chaoyan arrived to find Aina, she was nearly finished.

Gu Chaoyan couldnt contain her astonishment and excitement as she gazed at the work before her. Aina, youre amazing! This is exactly what I had in mind!

Following my instructions, create the same size. When winter comes, everyone can wrap themselves in it for warmth. Theres no need to suffer in the cold, dont you agree?

Furthermore, we have ample cotton. We can produce numerous of these. We should be able to ensure that everyone has one before winter arrives.

The first ones we complete will be distributed to the elderly and children, with the younger ones like us receiving them last.

Aina, Im entrusting this task to you. Please ensure its finished before winter, alright? Gu Chaoyan requested.

Tribe Chief, I promise Ill do it perfectly! Aina a.s.sured with enthusiasm.

Aina was overjoyed and excited to receive the Tribe Chiefs approval. How could it not go well? That would be letting down the Tribe Chief.

Gu Chaoyans mood improved considerably. A significant burden had been lifted from her heart, despite the arrival of another enigmatic figure in the clan. She already held a strong aversion to the sorcerer, and his mysterious aura only deepened her dislike.

In the clan, the sorcerers house was their only destination. Fortunately, it seemed the sorcerer was preoccupied. He entered his bamboo house and didnt emerge again.

Out of sight, out of mind, Gu Chaoyan felt a sense of relief.

During these few days of relative freedom, she often roamed around, exploring the surrounding areas.

She wondered if she could find some animals suitable for use as transportation, such as donkeys. However, during her hunts with the clan members, she never encountered such creatures.

Upon her return to the clan, she encountered the sorcerer once more. In the past few days, he had rarely left his house.

Gu Chaoyan, in high spirits, approached him. Sorcerer, are you planning to depart for something? she inquired cheerfully.

The sorcerers brow furrowed.

Gu Chaoyans a.s.sessment was correct.

He had been present in the clan for the past few days, making it the longest time he had ever spent in any single clan.

His initial intent had been to observe Gu Chaoyanwhat kind of person she was, and what motivated her to come here.

After some observation, he realized that she seemed committed to improving the clan.

In that case, as a sorcerer, there was no need for him to inquire further about her origins.

If she remained with the clan, she could potentially become the savior of this race.


She appeared as though she couldnt wait for him to depart, which he found rather off-putting. As a sorcerer, he was generally met with warm welcomes.