Ms. Doctor Divine - Chapter 2364: Mission 44

Chapter 2364: Mission 44

Chapter 2364: Mission 44

Translator:Henyee TranslationsEditor:Henyee Translations


Despite his inner reluctance.

However, there appeared to be no rational justification for women to engage in cultivation within Baizhou Land; it was deemed inauspicious. How would they ever explain this to Baizhou Lands ancestors if unforeseen events unfolded in the future?

The landscape has changed. For a nation to endure, military strength ultimately becomes the decisive factor. Without sufficient military power, Jinwei Land could overwhelm us without even a hint of divine retribution.

Now that Ive elucidated the situation, if you believe its unfeasible for the women of Baizhou Land to cultivate, then propose a superior alternative.

It has the potential to double Baizhou Lands national strength, preventing it from falling too far behind Jinwei Land.

If you can present a viable solution, we can disregard the notion of allowing women to cultivate.

Commencing now, within the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, speak.

The Grand Council ministers exchanged uneasy glances, facing a formidable adversary.

How could they possibly devise such a solution?

Even if they couldnt, they remained steadfast in their opposition to women engaging in cultivation.

For one, it was an unprecedented practice in Baizhou Lands history.

Secondly, women were already perceived as lacking utility.

Thirdly, it was regarded as ill-omened. They feared invoking divine wrath.

If a viable solution truly existed, they would have proposed it earlier to bolster the nation.

The handful of Grand Council ministers wore grim expressions, their evident.

The Kings determination was unmistakable, but there were no historical precedents to guide them in this matter.

Your Majesty, Baizhou Land has, but

Have you devised an alternative? If you have one, speak up.

No, I just wanted to say

Since no alternatives are forthcoming, remain silent. Jinwei Land wields significant power now. If Baizhou Land faces destruction in the future, can you bear the consequences?

Having articulated his position so decisively, the King of Baizhou Land had left no room for discussion.

None among them wished to be held accountable for the countrys downfall.

Nonetheless, the matter remained profoundly unsettling.

There seemed to be no rational justification for women to cultivate.

Jinwei Lands intentions remained a mystery.

The few Grand Council ministers appeared to harbor grievances.

Grand Council Minister Wu Jinghui, a recent addition to the council, rose to his feet. Your Majesty, I believe that many people in Baizhou Land may find it difficult to accept the idea of women engaging in cultivation.

However, the pressure from Jinwei Land compels us to consider this course of action.

While allowing women to cultivate is an option, it must be approached with greater sensitivity.

I believe it would be prudent to send someone to Jinwei Land in order to gather more information on the situation. Presenting a reasonable pretext would lend greater credibility to this matter. What are your thoughts, Prince, King, and Monarch?

The elderly Grand Councilors suggestion caught the King of Baizhou Lands attention. It offered a glimmer of hope amidst the deadlock with the other Grand Council ministers, making the situation more amenable.

This approach was a display of astute diplomacy, a quality that the King of Baizhou Land appreciated.

Previously, it had been this very ministers initiative to introduce new members to the Grand Council, ensuring that it wasnt solely comprised of older, traditionalists. If the old guard refused to embrace change, there was little to be done.

The King of Baizhou Land wore a satisfied smile as they replied, Very well, Minister Wu, I entrust this matter to you.

I understand.

s.h.i.+fting their gaze away from Wu Jinghui, the King of Baizhou Land regarded the other older council members with a less favorable expression.