Ms. Doctor Divine - Chapter 2350: Mission 30

Chapter 2350: Mission 30

Chapter 2350: Mission 30

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The Emperor of Jinwei Land was genuinely relieved now. He felt a sense of ease, as if everything had transitioned from disastrous to acceptable. Hence, after his initial apprehension, his mood had improved.

The substantial matters had been thoroughly discussed, and now it was merely a matter of trivial details. The Emperor of Jinwei Land was more than willing to engage in such conversations.

Gu Chaoyan rolled her eyes.

This Emperor of Jinwei Land was certainly a peculiar character.

Moments ago, he appeared prepared to meet his doom, as if altering the rules would provoke cosmic upheaval. Then, he deemed the situation not so bad. With so many events unfolding, he now felt at ease and even seemed inclined to play matchmaker.

She couldnt help but feel a sense of resignation.

No need; now that weve reached an agreement, were leaving, Gu Chaoyan retorted coldly, showing no interest in further discourse with the Emperor of Jinwei Land.

The Emperor of Jinwei Land appeared somewhat out of place, but he was astute and guarded in his response.

He had attempted to arrange a husband for her

Naturally, he also harbored intentions of a.s.serting control.

Witnessing her reluctance, the Emperor of Jinwei Land did not press the matter. He simply remarked, Theres no rush. We can discuss it further when youre ready.

Without offering a reply, Gu Chaoyan departed with her nanny.

Throughout the journey, the nanny remained silent.

She was genuinely taken aback.

There were countless instances where she had believed herself incapable. Yet, in reality, executing these actions proved rather straightforward. They had always believed they must endure, but they hadnt antic.i.p.ated that resisting would be so uncomplicated.

But now

Women all around the world were now able to openly pursue cultivation. Though it would require time for them to genuinely compete with men, they had been granted an opportunity.

The nanny remained in a meditative state, so Gu Chaoyan left her undisturbed.

The Emperor of Jinwei Land kept his word. Early the next morning, he officially proclaimed that the women of Jinwei Land were free to pursue cultivation.

When the imperial decree was issued, there were no objections from the officials in the court. First, they had mishandled the previous mission, and after learning about what had transpired in the palace the previous day, no one was eager to challenge the emperors decision.

The people of Jinwei Land, however, harbored bitterness and were unhappy about this decree. These men had limited influence to begin with and could only exert some control over women. Now, they had lost even this modic.u.m of power.

How could they be content?

Yet, they found themselves powerless to change the situation. Their grievances were swiftly overshadowed by the jubilation of the women in Jinwei Land.

Gu Chaoyan observed Jinwei Land.

It was akin to teaching someone how to fish.

The women had been granted the right to cultivate, and as long as they were willing to put in the effort, there would be no hindrance.

At this juncture, her mission could be deemed accomplished.

The responsibility of guarding the paG.o.da was left to the nanny and Miss Lin.

The existence of this paG.o.da appeared to have the ability to shape the destiny of the dynasty.

Reversing their decisions would require caution.

He organized everything accordingly.

The turbulent s.p.a.cetime also emerged, saying, The task was completed rather swiftly. Would you be willing to undertake another mission within this 500 meters? The rewards will be significantly more enticing, offering the opportunity to enhance your cultivation to the Paragon Martial G.o.d level in the chaotic s.p.a.cetime.

At the mention of the Paragon Martial G.o.d, Gu Chaoyans eyes gleamed.

It was clear why they referred to it as a valuable opportunity; it certainly was.

He hadnt antic.i.p.ated her progressing to the Paragon Martial G.o.d Realm so swiftly..