Chapter 1091: Bad Luck!
Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations
It was Changmei, the Chief Maid serving Mrs. Gu. It had been Lianxiang who served Mrs. Gu in the past, but after Lianxiang pa.s.sed away, Chang Mei was promoted to become the Chief Maid. Changmei was almost equally capable as Lianxiang, and Mrs. Gu trusted her deeply. She entrusted everything to Changmei.
Hearing that Changmeis voice was rising and the tone seemed rather anxious, Mrs. Gus expression sank as if something really bad had happened.
She never liked it if her maid panicked when something happened, so those who served her often knew the rules.
So what was Changmei panicking like this for?
Mrs. Gu was alarmed as she looked at Gu Ruxue, asking, What is happening? Come inside and spill.
Changmei hurried in.
She greeted Gu Ruxue still, although she was very anxious.
Gu Ruxue was very satisfied, so she did not pester Changmei yet and said, Just get up and spill!
Mrs. Gus expression was low.
Changmei said quickly, Madame, something is wrong at the remote yard.
Madame Gu just pa.s.sed away. Changmei looked very anxious and frightened. She just found out this news and she had no idea what to do.
And she felt very guilty as well.
She had witnessed the remaining days of Madam Gu at the Gu Mansion.
After Madame Gu got a stroke, she was removed to the remote yard, ignored by Old Master and disliked by Mrs. Gu. Madame Gu was suffering terribly and she was not fed well. She did not even get food served to her every day either.
Those servants of the Gu Mansion only turned to those who gave them something good.
Since Madame Gu was disliked by the leaders of the mansion and she was suffering from a stroke, those servants understood that she had no way out, so they decided to give her up.
People from Pear Garden knew about this, but they not only failed to stop the servants from treating Madam Gu like this, but also asking the servants to give Madam Gu trouble.
No one said anything against that, because nothing really happened.
However, now Madame Gu suddenly pa.s.sed away.
She was just suffering from a stroke so she should not have pa.s.sed away so fast.
Changmei was panicking because she subconsciously believed that Madame Gus death was related to Mrs. Gu and she was here to see what Mrs. Gu was going to do about it.
Changmei was really worried, but Mrs. Gu did not even blink upon hearing the news.
She showed a calm look on her face as if she had just heard some trivial matter.
You panicked like this because of such a small thing? Mrs. Gus expression sank as she looked at Changmei unhappily, I told you many times not to get anxious but stay calm when you work for me. How could you panic like this when you run into such a small thing? What more can you do in the future?
It is Madame Gu who has just pa.s.sed away.
She is old and sick, and it has been her luck that she can live for so long.
But it is such bad luck she has brought to us by dying at this moment.