Mr. Fashionable - Chapter 91 - Rolling Thunder and Protect Me

Chapter 91 - Rolling Thunder and Protect Me

Chapter 91: Rolling Thunder and Protect Me

Translated by Yoonie of Exiled Rebels Translations

Editor: Rattie

The only thing that the Gossip Forum didnt lack was the ludicrous amount of fujos.h.i.+s and fudans.h.i.+s.


This book of love and entanglement really fills our appet.i.te ah! Of course, especially with all the beep scenes.

These really makes one feel really satisfied ah!

Although the authors recent updates were coming in very slowly, but it didnt really affect the hot conversations in the comment section. Su Nuo Nuos pictures came one after the other. Those pictures could potentially blind someone as each picture got more R-rated. And of course, all the pictures were Su Nuos face. This was all because of Su Nuos breathtaking beauty, his slim pale body, his slender and long legs, his exquisite and unique features, were all the perfect embodiment of the authors description of the main character. Even the name was similar, so the readers all pieced it together.

Su Nuo nibbled on some ribs while also feeling very conflicted as his face continued to appear on different ukes body. He even had to endure some comments that went along the lines of His b.u.t.t looks so pink! I just want to touch it!, Come on guys, I need an uncensored picture! I want to see his pet.i.te peepee!

Whats wrong with you people! How can you use someones face at will?! And my little Nuo is not pet.i.te at all! When he stands up, he looks pretty intimidating! Su Nuo was very angry, and so he closed the laptop?

Of course not.

In fact, he opened a photoshop program and searched for big chested women. Using an extremely poor technique, he photoshopped Qiu Ziyans face unto the women.

This is what you call no effort Su Nuo choose to ignore the obvious switch of color between the head and neck, and gave himself a like. He then send the picture to the gossip forum, trying to attract everyones attention. He wanted the topic to change to Qiu Ziayan is a femboy. sort of stuff.

Im so clever, Su Nuo thought to himself, Im not innocent at all!

Bark! Bark! The Samoyed ran over to Su Nuo, and pulled at his leg.

Be good, Ill go play with you later. Su Nuo ruffled the dogs head and said seriously, Im busy right now.

Bark! Bark! Bark! The Samoyeds eyes looked very anxious.

Cao Cao bullied you again? Su Nuo stood up.

Since Mr. Rabbit did not respond to his old RiceBall name, Ouyang Long had to give him a different but manly name.

In the pet room, Cao Cao lay on top of CottonCandys bowl, s.h.i.+elding the dogs food with its black beady eyes filled with a kings aggressiveness.

How could you not let him eat? Su Nuo picked the rabbit up by its ears and locked him inside the fluffy rabbit cage.

The Samoyed wagged his tail while he happily ate his dog food.

Dont bully him all the time. You have to learn to be nice to him. Su Nuo patiently told Mr. Rabbit, And he can even swallow you in one bite! That sounded very scary.

Cao Cao scrunched up his nose and turned away, and he faced his b.u.t.t towards Su Nuo. Su Nuo was obviously disliked and ignored.


Su Nuo made a fist, but he reminded himself to calm down.

Although his name is Cao Cao, hes still a rabbit. Even Voldemort cant alter his nature!

Why should I quarrel with a rabbit, Im a manly man.

And the most important thing right now are the comments. The girl version of Qiu Ziyan will be all over the web and will surely be the hot topic this week!

With this beautiful little hope in his heart, Su Nuo went back to the study and refreshed the page.

But to his surprise, the picture disappeared for no reason! This is not scientific!

Su Nuo rubbed his eyes, trying to see if his eyes were the problem.

The small icon in the upper right corner of the screen flashed, and Su Nuo clicked on it. The message showed: Because your post has been reported more than thirty times by users, according to the rules, your post/comment will be deleted. Please understand and pay attention to your posting next time. O.O

What the h.e.l.l! Who would do this kind of thing to me! Su Nuo was suddenly a bit annoyed. What do you mean pay attention to what I post, my post is clearly not wrong! Su Nuo was very angry. You guys post those evil pictures, you dont report those, but report my picture?! Thats so stupid!

The comments under his post were still popping up one by one. Everyone were all saying how much of a pervert this Wearing a flower crown feels cool user is, cant believe this person would post something that horrible! We need to see the beautiful Su Nuo Nuo to bleach our eyes of that horrible picture.



Su Nuo opened the photoshop program and thought he did a pretty good job on it.

How can they say its horrible! >:

Thats so not true, you cant say that!!

Im not happy! :p

Su Nuo Nuo wasnt happy either. Even his heart was about to break.

The perverted one-eyed man actually made Ouyang JinLong keel! What an insult!

That definitely shouldnt have been done!

Hurry up! The evil villain was still cackling while his dirty fingers choked Su Nuo Nuos pale and slender neck.

Dont touch him! Ouyang JinLong roared.

Just go! Leave me here! Su Nuo Nuo screamed with all his might as his tears flowed down like droplets of crystals.

No! Nuo! I cant bear to leave you! Ouyang JinLong roared with blood-shot eyes, At all cost, I will rescue you!

JinLong Su Nuo Nuo sobbed and couldnt even mutter a single word out. He only stared at his lover with teary eyes.

Nuo Ouyang JinLongs eyes were also full of emotions, like an endless open sea, all warm and soft.

Beautiful petals dropped from the sky, the sound of fish singing in the water, the whole world went quiet in that moment.


Doesnt this story seem kind of dramatic? Su Nuo raised the sides of his lips. Them acting like this infront of the one-eyed man, hell definitely start raging and even maybe kill Su Nuo Nuo. And then maybe the author will continue the story with back from the dead?

But it turns out that the author was still very reasonable, because in the next chapter, the one-eyed man released Su Nuo Nuo! Released!!! How can he release Su Nuo Nuo! Thats not scientific at all! Why is the author like this ah!!!! HOW CAN SHE BE SO BOLD!!!

Why?. Did you let me go? When Su Nuo Nuo was released, he didnt immediately run over to his lover, but instead tilted his head with a finger on his lips, his beautiful eyes full of confusion.

The readers madly commented under this section, saying stuff like Ahhhhhh! Su Nuo Nuo is so cute! So graphic! My heart is about to burst! The author is the best!!!.

Graphic?! Su Nuo tried to imagine it, but wasnt very successful. But he still was very curious, so he stood in front of the mirror, and tilted his head while posing his finger like Su Nuo Nuo.

HAHAHAHAH! Su Nuo didnt even finish the beautiful eyes full of confusion expression, and started laughing uncontrollably like a maniac. He even thought about the comment Su Nuo Nuo not wearing clothes is a blessing! and laughed even more crazily.

Cant believe theyre saying this action is cute Su Nuo didnt get the readers at all, and concluded that the readers have problems in their heads.

The person whos also weird in their head is the one-eyed man. Because he was also struck by Su Nuo Nuos pure and innocent look directed at him. He even spurted blood, Leave!

AH! Su Nuo Nuo was shocked, Are you hurt?

And then the one-eyed man said a cla.s.sic line from almost every drama out there in the world, Your beauty is like a sword that pierced deeply into my heart!

Cough! Cough! Su Nuo was surprised as heck and sprayed his keyboard with honey tea.

Why are you torturing yourself so much? Su Nuo Nuos eyes were tearful and regretful. A lot of people love me, each and everyone of them wants to sacrifice themselves for me. But the only one I love is Ouyang JinLong.

A lot of people love me. Doesnt that sound too narcissistic? Su Nuo muttered while wiping his keyboard. Hes a lot worse than I am, not manly at all.

His phone buzzed, displaying an unknown number. Su Nuo threw away the towel and picked up the phone. Because this phone number was very private, not many would know who it is.

NuoNuo. A very vile and shameless disgusting voice traveled into Su Nuos ears.

What do you want! Su Nuo was very fierce, I must not be soft against the pervert who is secretly in love with me.

After touching my b.u.t.t, youre still calling me?! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH??!!!

I found some high-level people here, want to come and practice? Luo Li didnt really care about Su Nuos bad att.i.tude. He actually just wanted to poke fun at Su Nuo because Su Nuo was kind of like a wild kitty.

No. Its fine. Su Nuo refused him seriously.

Wei told me to find some for you. You sure you dont want to come? Luo Li was amused.

Is it really my brother? Su Nuo was suspicious, Wait for a minute, let me ask my brother. I must not believe this pervert that easily!

Okay. Luo Li agreed.

Him saying okay this fast was kind of weird. Maybe what he said was true. Why would be brother do this kind of thing if he knows how much I hate this perverted man?! Thats too much! Su Nuo muttered angrily while calling his brother.

NuoNuo. Han Wei picked up the phone rather quickly.

Sitting on the other side of Han Wei, Ouyang Longe eyes darkened.

Did you let Luo Li find those people for me to practice with? Su Nuo went straight to the point.

Yeah. If you have time, go play it. Han Wei said, Next week, hell also arrange another session with Tang XiaoYu and the other one to practice.

Why did you let him do it? Su Nuo couldnt help but sigh, You clearly know that hes secretly in love with me!

Han Wei didnt know whether to laugh or cry, and walked out to the cafes balcony. How many times do I need to tell you, hes just playing with you. Dont worry about this matter, focus on the main issue.

Of course Ill focus on the main issue but there are just some matters that you cant ignore! I need to make things clear with my brother! He really does secretly love me! Su Nuo said seriously.

Why would he be secretly in love with you? Han Wei was amused.

Su Nuo answered the question without a moments hesitation, Of course he would be, because Im too handsome for this world! Im hot, I know how to cook, and Im super smart. Of course he would be in love with me!

Han Wei rubbed his chin with a stressed expression on his face. Isnt his brother a little bit too narcissistic?

I can go to the practice, but you have to arrange two bodygards for me! He sounded like a girl, but Su Nuo had to protect his little hole! Because only my handsome man can enter there!

Okay okay. Ill listen to your request, Han Wei agreed. If I have time, Ill take you there myself.

Having a really dumb little brother really makes life full of misunderstandings and hards.h.i.+ps ah