Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty - Chapter 268 - Strange Family

Chapter 268 - Strange Family

"Good morning, Mr. Patient!" Yang Ziyi greeted Wu w.a.n.g cheerily. But he responded in a nonchalant way. Her lips twitched at his indifferent look and she decided to focus on her job of treating him.

The private hospital room was s.p.a.cious but extremely silent with only the sound of machines lingering in the air. It was a serene atmosphere for a patient.


Suddenly, this tranquility was disturbed when the door of the room was pushed open and a wave of people came running inside.

"w.a.n.g!" Fan Bingbing ran up to her son's side and touched his pale face feeling heartbroken.

"You! Young man, look at how much exhausted you seem in a couple of days," this voice belonged to Sun Ju who came along with Lin Shen.

"Bro, you look so sickly," his sister Wu Xia also have tagged along and was now bawling her eyes out looking at her brother's condition.

"I'm absolutely fine. Stop overreacting!" Wu w.a.n.g didn't know how to deal with these dramatic ladies at all. So, he turned to his friends for help. "Shen, please calm your fiance and Jian, could you please hold my mother?" Then his gaze s.h.i.+fted to his little sister as he went on, "And you! Stop crying, I'm not dead yet!"

His last remark earned him a thras.h.i.+ng from his mother and even Sun Ju joined in. "Could you ladies refrain being so violent with a patient?" Wu w.a.n.g complained like a victim.

"Then stop spouting nonsense!" Sun Ju warned him with a glare.

"Exactly! I have only one son and you're still cursing yourself?" Fan Bingbing didn't seem easygoing at all for the time being.

"Who cursed whom?" Hearing the soft pleasant voice, everyone turned to look at Xu Mey who was gazing curiously at everyone while Ye Jie was silently following behind her.

"Little Mey, look this brother of yours was cursing himself," Fan Bingbing didn't hold back at all. She knew the only person Wu w.a.n.g would listen to was Xu Mey.

Sure enough, Xu Mey narrowed her eyes at Wu w.a.n.g and glared at him dangerously taking slow steps towards his bed. "w.a.n.g Ge, how dare you dictate your own life? Did we allow you to die? No, we did not! Don't forget, your life is not just yours. We all are a part of it." Wu w.a.n.g stayed quiet and listened to her lecture with a ghostly smile on his lips. He didn't mind anything Xu Mey said.

We all get used to changes that come with time but there still remains hope in us that some things could stay the same forever. With everything changing in his life, Wu w.a.n.g was more than just content to know that no matter what, his friends and family were standing by his side with the same feelings they once had for him.

After the lecturing was done, Wu w.a.n.g's mother remembered something and said, "Oh, right! I brought you some porridge." She opened the lunch box she had brought.

"Auntie, w.a.n.g doesn't like porridge. How can you not know that being his mother and all?" Sun Ju gave Fan Bingbing an odd look.

"I know he doesn't like it but it's very healthy for him." Fan Bingbing argued righteously.

At the same time, Sun Ju also opened her lunch box and an enticing aroma wafted out as she said, "w.a.n.g, you eat this. I made seafood soup for you early in the morning. It has a lot of protein and it will help you in healing."

Wu w.a.n.g was obviously drooling at the sight of seafood soup rather than that bland porridge that he despised the most. But at the same time, Xu Mey pushed her own lunch box saying, "w.a.n.g Ge, you asked for the cabbage soup and I made it just for you. No matter what you have to eat this."

While Wu w.a.n.g was in a dilemma, n.o.body noticed the pet.i.te doctor who had been gawking at this scene with a baffled look. This was a first for Yang Ziyi to see a family this strange. All of them ran here early in the morning with food containers. But she would be lying if she said that it didn't warm her heart.

"Excuse me!" Hearing an unfamiliar voice, everyone's gaze s.h.i.+fted to the corner of the room to see Yang Ziyi smiling awkwardly. She coughed lightly before taking a step to add, "It'd be better if the patient doesn't eat any of these."

"Huh? But this is very healthy." When Xu Mey argued all the other ladies nodded in agreement making Yang Ziyi want to laugh.

"It's healthy but he's still under observation. But if you still want to feed him anything as a doctor I'd suggest to eat the seafood soup." Xu Mey's face fell but there was another person whose face darkened and that person was none other than Ye Jie.

'Great! First, this soup spoiled my morning and now, it's upsetting my baby.' Ye Jie had the urge to curse out loud. The soup had really ruined his perfect morning.

While Yang Ziyi was leaving the room, Fan Bingbing stopped her. "Who are you, pretty lady? I haven't seen you before."

Before Yang Ziyi could answer Lin Shen cut in to introduce her, "Auntie, she's Dr. Yang Ziyi. She has just joined the hospital and she's the attending doctor of w.a.n.g."

"Oh, really?" Fan Bingbing was delighted to hear that. "Here, since you're taking such good care of my son. Why don't you eat this porridge? He can't eat it anyway." Yang Ziyi didn't take the lunch box, she was quite reluctant. Clearly, taking care of Wu w.a.n.g was her job as a doctor. She didn't do anything extraordinary. But Fan Bingbing didn't think the same way, she smiled gently and said, "You're so frail yourself. You should also keep check of your diet as a doctor."

"That's because Dr. Yang Ziyi is infamous for living in hospitals. Her work is her food." Lin Shen's remark made Yang Ziyi feel embarra.s.sed for some reason.

"Aiyo! Young lady, that's not nice at all. Take it, please!" On Fan Bingbing's insistence, Yang Ziyi took the box and thanked her politely.

Feeling something strange in Fan Bingbing's gaze, Xu Mey came closer to her. "You're not planning anything, are you?"

"Little Mey, wouldn't that pretty doctor look good with our w.a.n.g?" Xu Mey frowned understanding what she was implying. Xu Mey frowned when she added, "Oho! See, our w.a.n.g is heart-broken, right?" Xu Mey nodded agreeing silently. "And what he needs is someone to heal his broken heart and who better to heal a person than a doctor herself?" Fan Bingbing wiggled her brows playfully.

Xu Mey didn't know who was more immature she or her aunt that was standing before her acting like a teenage match-maker. But when Xu Mey pondered a bit, she realized that the idea wasn't so bad after all.

Yang Ziyi was beautiful, successful and most importantly, she had a very likable personality. 'They really would look good together.' Xu Mey thought but didn't share her thoughts with Fan Bingbing.