'What did you pay for it?'
'Why do you want to know all that?' said Kanni, mildly irritated. If it had been anyone else, he would have shouted, 'If you have finished your business, be gone. Don't stand there and ask a dozen questions.'
But Sriram occupied a unique position. He was a good customer, paid down a lot of cash every day, and deserved respect for his bank balance. He asked, 'Where did you get the picture?'
Kanni was in a jovial mood and answered, 'You know that man, the Revenue Inspector in Pillaiah Street. He owed me a lot of money. I had waited long enough, so one day I walked in and brought away this picture hanging in his room. Something at least for my dues.'
'If there is any chance,' said Sriram with timid hesitation, 'of your giving it away, tell me its price.'
'Oh, oh!' said Kanni, laughing. He was in a fine mood. 'I know you can buy up the queen herself, master zamindar. But I won't part with it. It has brought me luck. Ever since I hung the picture there, my business has multiplied tenfold.'
One evening his grandmother asked: 'Do you know what star it will be tomorrow?'
'No. How should I?' he asked, comfortably reclining on the cold cement window-sill, and watching the street. He had sat there, morning to night, ever since he could remember. When he was a year old his grandmother put him down there and showed him the traffic passing outside; bullock-carts, horse-carriages, and the first few motor-cars of the age, honking away and rattling down the road. He would not be fed unless he was allowed to watch what went on in the street. She held a spoonful of rice and curd to his lips and exclaimed: 'Oh, see that great motor-car. Shall our little Ram travel in it?' And when he blinked at the mention of his name and opened his mouth, she thrust in the rice. This window became such a habit with him that when he grew up he sought no other diversion except to sit there, sometimes with a book, and watch the street. His grandmother often reproached him for it. She asked: 'Why don't you go and mix with others of your age?'
'I am quite happy where I am,' he answered briefly.
'If you left that seat, you would have many things to see and learn,' said the old lady sharply. 'Do you know at your age your father could read the almanac upside down, and could say at a moment's notice what star was reigning over which particular day?'
'He was probably a very wise man,' ventured Sriram.
'He was very wise. Don't say "probably",' corrected his grandmother. 'And your grandfather, you know how clever he was! They say that the grandfather's reincarnation is in his grandson. You have the same shaped nose as he had and the same eyebrows. His fingers were also long just like yours. But there it stops. I very much wish you had not inherited any of it, but only his brain.'
'I wish you had kept a portrait of him for me to see, Granny,' Sriram said. 'Then I could have worshipped it and become just as clever as he.'
The old lady was pleased with this, and said: 'I'll teach you how you could improve yourself Dragging him by the hand to the little circle of light under the hall lamp, she took the brown paper-covered almanac from under a tile of their sloping roof. Then she sat down on the floor, clamoured for her glasses till they were fetched, and forced Sriram to open the almanac and go through it to a particular page. It was full of minute, bewildering symbols in intricate columns. She pushed his face close to the page.
'What is it you are trying to do?' he pleaded pathetically.
She put her finger on a letter and asked: 'What is this?'
'Sa ...' he read.
'It means Sadhaya. That's your star.' She drew her finger along the line and pointed at the morrow's date. 'Tomorrow is this date, which means it's your birth star. It's going to be your twentieth birthday, although you behave as if you are half that. I am going to celebrate it. Would you like to invite any of your friends?'
'No, never,' said Sriram positively.
So all alone next day he celebrated his twentieth birthday. His guest as well as hostess was his grandmother. No one outside could have guessed what an important occasion was being celebrated in that house in Kabir Street numbered '14'. The house was over two hundred years old and looked it. It was the last house in the street, or 'the first house' as his great grandfather used to say at the time he built it. From here one saw the backs of market buildings and heard night and day the babble of the big crowd moving on the market road. Next door to Sriram's house was a small printing press which groaned away all day and next to it another two-hundred-year-old house in which six noisy families lived, and beyond that was the Fund Office, where Granny kept her grandson's money. A crooked street ran in front of these houses; their closeness to the market and to a Higher Elementary Town School, the Local Fund Dispensary, and above all to the half-dozen benches around the market fountain, was said to give these houses in Kabir Street a unique value.
The houses were all alike a large single roof sloping down to the slender rosewood pillars with carvings and brass decorations on them, and a pyol, an open brick platform under the windows, on which the household slept in summer. The walls were two feet thick, the doors were made of century-old teak planks with bronze knobs, and the tiles were of burnt mud which had weathered the storms and rains of centuries. All these houses were alike; you could see end to end the slender pillars and tiles sloping down as if all of them belonged to a single house. Many changes had occurred since they were built two centuries ago. Many of them had changed hands, the original owners having been lost in the toils of litigation; some were rented out to tradesmen, such as the Sun Press, the Butter Factory, or the Fund Office, while their owners retired to villages or built themselves modern villas in Lawley Extension. But there were still one or two houses which maintained a continuity, a link with the past. Number 14 was such a one. There the family lineage began centuries ago and continued still, though reduced to just two members Sriram and his grandmother.
Granny had somewhere secured a yard-long sugar cane for the celebration, although it was not the season. She said: 'No birthday is truly celebrated unless and until a sugar cane is seen in the house. It's auspicious.' She strung mango leaves across the doorway, and decorated the threshold with coloured rice-powder. A neighbour passing down the road stopped to ask: 'What's the celebration? Shall we blow out the oven fires in our houses and come for the feast in yours?'
'Yes, by all means. Most welcome,' said the old lady courteously, and added, as if to neutralize the invitation, 'You are always welcome.' She felt sorry at not being able to call in the neighbours, but that recluse grandson of hers had forbidden her to invite anyone. Left to herself she would have engaged pipes and drums and processions, for this particular birthday was a thing she had been planning all along, this twentieth birthday when she would hand over the savings passbook to her grandson and relinquish the trust.
It was an adventure accompanying Granny to the Fund Office, four doors off. She seemed to shrink under an open sky she who dominated the landscape under the roof of Number 14 lost her stature completely in the open. Sriram couldn't help remarking, 'You look like a baby, Granny.' Granny half-closed her eyes in the glare and whispered, 'Hush! Don't talk aloud, others may hear.'
'Hear what?'
'Whatever it may be. What happens behind one's door must be known only to the folk concerned. Others had better shut up.'
As if confirming her worst suspicion, Kanni cried breezily from his shop: 'Oho, grandmother and her pet on an outing! A fine sight! The young gentleman is shooting up, madam!'
Sriram felt proud of this compliment; he was seized with a feeling of towering height, and he pursed his lips in a determined manner. He gripped in his right hand the brown calico-bound passbook presented to him with a somewhat dramatic gesture by his grandmother a moment ago.
'Oh, the young subedhar is going to the right school with the right book,' Kanni remarked. 'He must live to be as great as his father and grandfather put together.'
Granny muttered, quickening her steps, 'Don't stand and talk to that man; he will plague us with his remarks; that's why I never wanted your grandfather to sell that site opposite, but he was an obstinate man, such an obstinate man! He was also fond of this Kanni, who was then a young fellow.'
'Did Grandfather also buy plantains?'
'Not only plantains,' she muttered, with a shudder, recollecting his habit of buying cheroots in Kanni's shop. She had thought it degrading for any person to be seen smoking a cheroot. 'Like a baby sucking a candy stick!' she was wont to remark, disturbing the even tenor of their married life. She had always blamed Kanni for encouraging her husband to smoke and never got over a slight grudge on that account.
Before reaching the Fund Office they had interruptions from other neighbours who peeped out of their doorways and demanded to be told what extraordinary thing made the old lady go out in the company of her grandson. They could understand her going out all alone on the first of the month in the direction of the Fund Office that was understandable. But what made the lady go out in the company of the young fellow, who was an unusual sight holding on to a bank book?
'What!' cried a lady who was a privileged friend of Granny's, 'does it mean that this urchin is going to have an independent account?'
'He is no longer an urchin,' cried the old woman. 'He's old enough to take charge of his own affairs. How long should I look after him! I'm not immortal. Each responsibility should be shaken off as and when occasion arises to push off each responsibility.' This was a somewhat involved sentiment expressed in a round-about manner, but her friend seemed to understand it at once, and cried, coming down the steps of her house, 'How wisely you speak! The girls of these days should learn from you how to conduct themselves,' which pleased Granny so much that she stopped to whisper in her ear: 'I was only a trustee of his money. From today he will take care of his own.'
'Wisely done, wisely done,' the other cried and asked, 'How much in all?'
'That you will never know,' said Granny and walked off. Sriram, who had gone ahead, asked: 'How is it, Granny, you stop and talk to everyone! What were you telling her?'
'Nothing,' she replied. 'You follow the same rule and you will be a happier man. Your grandfather ruined himself by talking. Anything that happened to him, good or bad, was bound to be known to everyone in the town within ten minutes; otherwise his soul felt restless.'
'Why should anything be concealed from anyone?' asked the boy.
'Because it's better so, that's all,' said the old lady.
All these interruptions on the way delayed her arrival at the bank. The clock struck four as she showed her face at the counter.
'Must you be on the last second, madam?' the manager asked. 'Is there any reason why you could not come a little earlier?'
'No, none,' she said, 'except that I'm not a young creature who can frisk along.' The manager, used to her ways, got down from his high seat, opened a side door, and without a word, let her in.
Sriram was being initiated into the mysteries of banking. The bank manager opened the last page of his passbook and said: 'What figure do you see here?' Sriram wondered for a moment if he was testing him in arithmetic, a terrible memory of his early schooldays. He became wary and ventured to say: 'Thirty-eight thousand, five hundred rupees, seven annas, and six pies.'
'Quite right!' cried Granny. She appeared surprised at the intelligence he exhibited.
Sriram asked petulantly, 'What did you take me for, Granny? Did you think I would not be good enough even for this?'
'Yes,' she said quietly. 'How should I think otherwise, considering how well you have fared in your studies!'
The manager, a suave and peace-loving man, steered them out of these dangerous zones by changing the subject: 'You see, this is your savings deposit. You may draw two hundred and fifty rupees a week, not more than that. Here is the withdrawal form. See that you don't lose it, and that nobody gets at it.'
'Why? Would it be possible for anyone else to get at my money with that form?'
'Probably not, but it's our duty to take all possible precautions in money matters,' said the manager.
Granny for some reason felt upset at Sriram's questions. 'Why do you ask so many things? If the manager says, "Do this," or "Do that," it's your duty to obey, that is all.'
'I always like to know what I am doing,' said Sriram, and added, 'There's nothing wrong in that.'
Granny turned to the manager and said with pride, 'You see the present generation! They are not like us. How many years have you been seeing me here? Have you ever heard me asking why or how and why not at any time?'
The manager made indistinct noises, not wishing to displease either his old customer or the new one. He placed a letter before the old lady, tapped the bottom of the page with his finger, and said, 'May I have your signature here? It's the new authorization, and you won't be bothered to come here often as before.'
'After twenty years, relief!' Granny cried. She had the triumphant expression of one who had run hard and reached the winning post. Sriram did not fully realize what it all meant, but took it quite casually. He simply said, 'If I had been you I wouldn't have taken all this trouble to accumulate the money.'
'You are not me, and that's just as well. Don't say such things before this man who has watched and guarded your property all these years!'
Sriram wanted to test how far the magic toy put into his hands would work. He seized the penholder, stabbed it into the inkwell, wrote off a withdrawal for two hundred and fifty rupees, tore off the page and pushed it before the manager with an air of challenge. 'Let us see if I am really the owner of this money!'
The manager was taken aback by the speed of his activity. He smiled and said: 'But my dear fellow, you know we close at four, and cash closes at two every day. If you want cash, you must be here before two on any working day. Change the date, and you can come and collect it the first thing tomorrow. Are you sure that you want all that sum urgently for the first draw?'
'Yes, I am positive,' said Sriram. 'I would have taken more if you had permitted more than two hundred and fifty at a time.'
'May I know why you need all this amount?' asked Granny.
'Is it or is it not my money?' asked Sriram.
'It is and it is not,' said Granny in a mystifying manner. 'Remember, I don't have to ask you what you do with your own funds. It's your own business. You are old enough to know what you do. I don't have to bother myself at all about it. It's purely your own business. But I want to ask you just to know things, that is all why you want two hundred and fifty rupees now. It's your business, I know, but remember one thing. One is always better off with money unspent. It's always safer to have one's bank balance undamaged.'
'Quite right, quite right,' echoed the bank manager. 'Great words of wisdom. I tell you, young man, come tomorrow morning,' he said, picking up the form.
Granny cried: 'Give it here,' and, snatching the paper from his hand, said, 'Correct it to fifty. You need only fifty rupees now and not two hundred and fifty. I'd have torn up this, but for the fact that it is your first withdrawal form and I don't want to commit any inauspicious act.'
'Ah! That's a good idea,' said the manager. 'It's better if you carry less cash about you nowadays with pick-pockets about.'
He dipped the pen in the ink and passed it to Sriram: 'Write your signature in full on all the corrections.'
Sriram obeyed, muttering, 'See! This is just what I suspected! I'm supposed to be the master of this money, but I cannot draw what I want! A nice situation!'
The manager took the form back and said: 'Come at ten-thirty tomorrow morning for your cash.'
'I hope you won't expect me to come again with my grandmother!' Sriram said with heavy cynicism.
Next day Sriram stood at Kanni's shop and ordered coloured drinks and plantains. 'How much?' he asked after he was satisfied.
'Four annas,' said Kanni.
Sriram drew from his pocket several rolls of notes, and pulled one out for Kanni. It was a veritable display of wealth. Kanni was duly impressed. He immediately became deferential.
'Have you examined your pockets to see if there may not be some small change lying somewhere there?'
'If I had small change, would I be holding this out to you?' asked Sriram grandly.
'All right, all right.'
Kanni received the amount and transferred it immediately to his cash chest. Sriram waited for change. Kanni attended to other customers.
Sriram said, 'Where is my change?'
Kanni said: 'Please wait. I have something to tell you. You see '
An itinerant tea-vendor just then came up with his stove and kettle to ask for a packet of cigarettes. And then there were four other customers. The place was crowded and Kanni's customers had to stand on the road below his platform and hold out their hands like supplicants. All the while Sriram stood gazing on the portrait of the rosy-cheeked queen who stared out at the world through the plantain bunches suspended from the ceiling. School children came in and clamoured for peppermints in bottles. Kanni served everyone like a machine.
When everybody had gone Sriram asked, 'How long do you want me to wait for my change?'
'Don't be angry, master,' Kanni said. He pulled out a long notebook, blew the dust off its cover, turned an ancient page, and pointed at a figure and asked, 'Do you see this?'
'Yes,' said Sriram, wondering why everybody was asking him to read figures these days. He read out: 'Nine rupees, twelve annas.'
'It's a debt from your grandfather which is several years old. I'm sure he'd have paid it if he had lived but one doesn't know when death comes: I used to get him special cheroots from Singapore, you know.'
'Why didn't you ask Granny?'
'Granny! Not I. He wouldn't have liked it at all. I knew some day you would come and pay.'
'Oh,' Sriram said generously. 'Take it, by all means,' and turned to go.
'That's a worthy grandson,' muttered Kanni. 'Now the old man's soul will rest in peace.'
'But where will the soul be waiting? Don't you think he will have been reborn somewhere?' said Sriram.
Kanni did not wish to be involved in speculations on postmortem existence, and turned his attention to the other customers.
Before going away Sriram said, 'I can buy that picture off you whenever you can sell it, remember.'
'Surely, surely. When I wind up this shop, I will remember to give it to you, not till then: it's a talisman for me.'
'If the lady's husband turns up and demands the picture, what will you do?' Sriram asked, which made Kanni pause and reflect for a moment what his line of action should be.
Sriram walked down the street, not having any definite aim. He felt like a man with a high-powered talisman in his pocket, something that would enable him to fly or go anywhere he pleased. He thrust his fingers into his jiba pocket and went on twirling the notes. He wished he had asked the manager to give him new ones: he had given him what appeared to be secondhand notes: probably the Fund-Office Manager reserved the good notes for big men. Who was a big man anyway? Anyone was a big man. Himself not excluded. He had money, but people still seemed to think he was a little boy tied to the apron strings of his grandmother. His grandmother was very good no doubt, but she ought to leave him alone. She did not treat him as a grownup person. It was exasperating to be treated like a kid all the time. Why wouldn't she let him draw two hundred and fifty instead of fifty, if he wanted it? It would be his business in future, and she ought to allow him to do what he pleased. Anyway it was a good thing he had only fifty to display before Kanni. If he had shown two hundred he might have claimed half of it as his grandfather's debt. Sriram was for a moment seized with the problem of life on earth: was one born and tended and brought up to the twentieth year just in order to pay off a cheroot bill? This philosophical trend he immediately checked with the thought: 'I shall probably know all this philosophy when I grow a little older, not now ...' He dismissed his thought with: 'I am an adult with my own money, going home just when I please. Granny can't ask me what I have been doing ...'
He walked round and round the Market Road, gazing in shops, and wondering if there was anything he could buy. The money in his pocket clamoured to be spent. But yet there seemed to be nothing worth buying in the shops. He halted for a moment, reflecting how hard it was to relieve oneself of one's cash. A man who wore a cotton vest and a tucked-in dhoti held up to him a canvas folding chair, 'Going cheap, do you want it?'
Sriram examined it. This seemed to be something worth having in one's house. It had a red striped canvas seat and could be folded up. There was not a single piece of furniture at home.
'Ten rupees sir, best teakwood.'
Sriram examined it keenly, although he could not see the difference between rosewood and teak or any other wood.
'Is this real teak?' he asked.
'Guaranteed Mempi Hill teak, sir, that is why it costs ten rupees: if it were ordinary jungle wood, you could have got it for four.'
'I will give seven rupees,' said Sriram with an air of finality, looking away. He pretended to have no further interest in the transaction. The man came down to eight rupees. Sriram offered him an extra half rupee if he would carry it to his door.