_Boy_ (_who has been scaring rooks_). "'Cos I'm paid for it!"]
[Ill.u.s.tration: EASIER SAID THAN DONE
_Sixteen-stone Sportsman (who has been nearly put down from a "rotten"
landing, to little Bricks, 9st. 2lb.)_: "Do you mind putting me back in the saddle, sir?"]
[Ill.u.s.tration: THE TROUBLES OF AN M.F.H.
_M.F.H._ (_to stranger, who is violently gesticulating to hounds_). "When you have done _feeding your chickens_, sir, perhaps you will allow me to hunt my hounds!"]
[Ill.u.s.tration: n.o.body was near hounds in the big wood when they pulled down the cub except Mr. Tinkler and his inamorata. He rashly volunteers to secure the brush for her!]
[Ill.u.s.tration: "Morning, Tom. What a beastly day!"
"It ain't a day, sir. I call it an interval between two bloomin'
[Ill.u.s.tration: A BAD LOOK-OUT
_Sportsman_ (_to Friend whom he has mounted_). "For goodness' sake, old chap, don't let her put you down! She's certain to savage you!"]
[Ill.u.s.tration: ECHOES OF THE CHASE
_Huntsman_ (_who has been having a very bad ride_). "Either master wants some new 'orses or a new 'untsman!"]
[Ill.u.s.tration: HINTS ON HUNTING
Always see that your bridle reins are sound. There are times when they have a considerable strain on 'em!]
[Ill.u.s.tration: SO FAR, NO FARTHER
Extraordinary position a.s.sumed by Mr. Snoodle on the sudden and unexpected refusal of his horse.]
[Ill.u.s.tration: HARD LUCK
_Small Child_ (_to Mr. Sparkin, who had come out at an unusually early hour in order to meet his inamorata at the guide-post, and pilot her out cub-hunting_). "I was to tell you she has such a bad cold she couldn't come. But I'm going with you instead, if you promise to take care of me.
I'm her cousin, you know!"]
[Ill.u.s.tration: A PSEUDO-THRUSTER
_Farmer_ (_to Sportsman, returning from the chase_). "Beg pardon, sir, but ain't you the gent that broke down that there gate of mine this morning?"
_Mr. Noodel_ (_who never by any chance jumps anything--frightfully pleased_). "Er--did I? Well, how much is the damage?"]
[Ill.u.s.tration: THE WATER TEST
_Whip_ (_bringing on tail hounds, in the rear of the field_). "Hulloah!
Who've you got there?"
_Runner_ (_who has just a.s.sisted sportsman out of a muddy ditch_). "Dunno.
Can't tell till we've washed 'im down a bit!"]
[Ill.u.s.tration: MOST UNFORTUNATE
Horrible catastrophe which happened to Captain Fussey (our ladies' man) on his arrival at the opening meet. New coat, new boots, new horse, new everything! Hard luck!]
[Ill.u.s.tration: A SEVERE TEST
_Miss Sally_ (_who has just taken off her mackintosh--to ardent admirer_).
"Look! they're away! Do just stuff this thing into your pocket. I'm sure I shan't want it again!"]
[Ill.u.s.tration: A STUDY IN EXPRESSION
_Irate M.F.H._ (_who has had half an hour in the big gorse trying to get a faint-hearted fox away, galloping to "holloa" on the far side of covert_). _"Confound you and your pony, sir! Get out of my way!"_
[_Binks, who has been trying to keep out of people's way all day, thinks he can quite understand the feelings of the hunted fox._