Mr. Nian, Your Wife Refuses To Be The Substitute - Chapter 966

Chapter 966

966 She doesn't seem to like me being with you (1:

As ning Qing wanted to spend time with her parents, Nian lie stayed with her at the ning residence for a night.

When she returned to Qing Yuan the next day, ning Qing was in a hurry to find ning su.

She gave Gu nanzhi a call.

You really don't know where my sister is?

my young miss, she disappeared after you two quarreled that day. I'm really not lying to you!

The man was helpless.

Ning Qing did not give up. she came to find you when the Lou family was in trouble. It means that she trusts you.

Gu nanzhi felt so wronged.

She didn't trust me. She was certain that I wouldn't betray her.

Ning, don't tell me you really think we're friends? How do you want me to put it? Yingluo and I only knew each other because of the Gu family and you.

Ning Qing pursed her lips. Gu nanzhi, you'd better not lie to me.

Do I still dare to lie to you now?

After that, ning Qing hung up the phone. She had not heard any news about ning su, which made her feel very upset.

Just then, Nian lie walked toward her.

what's wrong? he asked in a low voice when he saw how frustrated she was. no news?

Ning Qing scratched her head. yeah.

She didn't know where ning su would hide.

She ignored her messages and phone calls. It was obvious that she didn't want to be found by her.

Nian lie wrapped his arms around her from behind. the world is so big, he said gently. it's not easy to find a person.

Ning Qing was already unhappy. it's normal that I can't find her, but aren't you here?

The sudden change in direction made Nian lie's mind pause.

the Nian family's businesses are spread all over the country and overseas. Help me find her. I'm sure we'll get some news soon.

Ning Qing was too impatient, and Nian lie could not refuse.

I naturally sent people to look for him, but it wasn't that fast.

Nian Xi kissed the side of her face. don't be too anxious. I'll let you know when I get some news, okay?

Ning Qing was still in a dilemma, but seeing how concerned Nian lie was, she didn't want to put pressure on him. okay.

Don't be too stressed. Nian lie's heart ached.

Ning Qing leaned on his chest and lowered her voice. I just want to find her and ask her to come back to meet our parents.

Nian lie's dark eyes were deep. Aren't you the one who wants to see him?

Ning Qing pursed her lips and frowned. we parted on bad terms last time. I always felt that she had a bad opinion of you and me.

Nian lie's breath turned cold. He was afraid of scaring ning Qing, so he deliberately restrained himself. what do you mean?

Ning Qing thought about the past. she doesn't seem to like me being with you. In the past, every time she contacted me, it was to pay attention to our progress. She also told me that she was the one who kidnapped me three years ago!

Nian lie's eyes were deep, and it was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry. what time three years ago?

Ning Qing propped herself up. it was the day you announced our divorce and you came to save me after that.

Nian lie's expression was solemn. Of course he remembered. How could he not remember?

The woman wearing a mask had not hurt ning Qing at all, but she had stabbed him!

At that time, he had already noticed it.

However, he never thought that it would be ning su, who had come back to life.

Hey, what are you thinking about?

Her slender hand waved in front of her eyes. Nian Yu was dazed. She caught it and smiled. nothing. I was just a little surprised.

I'm surprised too, ning Qing said. she kept asking me to go with her. She doesn't care about my parents or what I think. She's just stubborn.

In other words, he didn't want her to be with Nian lie anymore.

But why?

Nian lie had previously explained that there was nothing going on between him and ning su. So why was her sister so against him?