Mr. Nian, Your Wife Refuses To Be The Substitute - Chapter 773

Chapter 773

773 Are you willing to come to my side?

Ning Qing breathed rapidly, trying to stay awake. stop talking nonsense.

Lou qingyue looked down at him. okay, I didn't ask you to come over for anything else. I just wanted to ask if you would like to join my camp.

Ning Qing narrowed her eyes. what do you mean?

Lou qingyue put down her wine cup. I mean what I said.

The woman leaned over. Her clothes were exposed, but she didn't mind at all. She looked down at the other person in a high and mighty manner. ning Qing, you're a smart person. Your strength is part of the reason you've been able to get to where you are now in the competition. The other part is because of me.

Ning Qing's eyes didn't change much. Miss Lou, you mean that you're the one controlling the whole competition from behind the scenes.

Not all of them. Lou qingyue said bluntly, however, it's not difficult for me.

As long as she wanted to, there was no point in the competition.

She just wanted to use this opportunity to do something else.

Lou qingyue half-closed her eyes. The bright light shone on her face, giving her an indescribable beauty of self-confidence.

I know you want to win the championship. I've seen your design. If your opponent was someone else, you would have the capital to win the championship. Unfortunately, Yingluo, the person you're facing is me.

Ning Qing felt dizzy. She held her forehead with her hand to ease her discomfort.

It seems that Miss Lou is determined to win this competition.

Of course.

Ning Qing snorted coldly. in that case, the winner has already been decided. Why are you still looking for me?

Lou qingyue's eyes darted around. Floating lights were swimming in her eyes, and it was hard to see what she was thinking.

The winner and the loser are set, but I feel sorry for you.

Ning Qing frowned. why would you feel sorry for me?

You clearly have a broader future and career, but now it's going to be ruined because of this game. She paused and smiled. ning Qing, you should know what it means to be fired by HE.

Ning Qing pursed her lips and remained silent.

Lou qingyue's smile deepened as she announced the result,

if you can't win the championship, you will be blacklisted by the entire jewelry design industry. No matter how glorious you were in the past, you will only be buried in the soil.

Ning Qing didn't like this kind of psychological game. As the conversation progressed, she deeply understood Lou qingyue's means and schemes.

He would oppress her psychologically, intimidate her, and make her fear the results of the competition, and then make her feel despair.

She was very uncomfortable, and her stomach was churning, but she could only endure it and not show any signs of discomfort.

so? what do you have in mind? she asked ambiguously, not reacting to her words.

Lou qingyue had a good grasp of her psychological state and revealed an arrogant expression.

You and me.

What's the big deal with being the champion of a competition? With my status and power, I can give you the best resources in the design industry and push you to the top of the jewelry industry. I can make you the darling of the jewelry industry that no one can catch up with, so how can you talk about a mere HE?

She stared at ning Qing's unchanging expression and continued to throw out bait.

I know you like this industry and hope to get support. I can give you any resources you want as long as you Stand By Me.

No, ning Qing said.

The woman's expression changed, but then it eased again. do you think my conditions are not attractive enough?

Ning Qing smiled and looked at her.

the power of the Lou family is undeniable. However, Miss Lou, I'm very curious. I'm just a small designer. What does it take for you to express your goodwill like this?

Lou qingyue understood, but her smile remained unchanged. you think I'm not sincere enough.