Mr. Nian, Your Wife Refuses To Be The Substitute - Chapter 666

Chapter 666

666 Life _1

Ning Qing's writing hand stopped.

They asked if the questions were too difficult for you to solve.

The woman's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her heart was touched.

Gu nanzhi pondered over her expression and lowered her head to test her. Ning, tell me, is it really difficult?

It's not difficult, ning Qing said faintly after a long time.

What's that?

Yingluo is strange.

Gu nanzhi was surprised by her choice of words.

Ning Qing had worked in HE for three years, starting from the most basic handyman. She had gone through many trials and tribulations before she finally became a top designer. She had won awards of various sizes that could not be counted on one hand.

Her professionalism was unquestionable.

But she actually said that the questions were strange?

Gu nanzhi was extremely curious. what question made you feel strange? Can I see?

This is a leak, ning Qing thought for a moment and said with a frown.

Gu nanzhi straightened her body and made a vow with her hands. I swear on my character that after I see the question, I will not say anything. I will also not provide you with any information or inspiration that I know, and I will not disturb your drawing.

Ning Qing hesitated for about a minute. forget it. You can take a look.

She turned the notebook a few pages, and the light pink paper was folded into a small square.

She picked it up and handed it to Gu nanzhi.

The man was sure that she was going to give it to him and reached out to take it.

His long and slender fingers opened the paper, and the words on it came into view-life.

His thick brows furrowed, and his eyelids flickered, meeting ning Qing's eyes.

The woman could see the complexity and confusion in his eyes, exactly the same as when she received the question.

She couldn't help but smile bitterly. the scope of this word is too broad.

And it was very abstract.

Life could be all living people, animals, and plants.

It could also be that an inanimate object was given some meaning, and from there, it became alive in people's eyes.

It could also refer to a person's entire life.

It was because it had such a broad meaning that she did not know where to start.

Gu nanzhi also felt that it was difficult. If it was directed at something, the direction of the design could still be clear. But such an abstract question, even he felt that it was a bit too big.

Ning Qing pressed her temple with one hand, feeling a slight headache. Tiny, this is not the only problem that's troubling me. There's another problem that we've all overlooked.

Gu nanzhi's eyes froze.

They looked at each other and said in unison,time.

Ning Qing opened her red lips. that's right. The contestants got the questions today and the time has started. In the next six days, not only do I have to draw the design drafts, but I also have to choose the materials, Polish the real ones, and finally hand over the completed work to ran ran.

the process of making the product depends on the difficulty of the design. The time is within two to three days.

That's right.

Ning Qing's thin brows were tightly furrowed, and her bare face was filled with distress and worry.

this means that Yingluo Gu nanzhi's hands couldn't help but tighten, her eyes heavy. Yingluo, you have to finish the design in the remaining three days.

Ning Qing closed her eyes and silently agreed with what he said.

what's wrong? he pinched the paper, and the edges were wrinkled. After a few struggles, he asked, Ning, you and Ruan Yi are in the same situation, right?

Ning Qing thought of the two people in the building's lobby and then thought of Ruan Yi's identity. yeah.

Do you want to ask her about her condition? Gu nanzhi asked.