Mr. Nian, Your Wife Refuses To Be The Substitute - Chapter 575

Chapter 575

575 You guys just want me to leave him, it's not impossible

He was the one being used here. It seemed that Nian lie had restricted the two of them too much, and their anger had not subsided yet.

Ning Qing nodded. yes.

Song Wan took a deep breath and repeated what she had said three years ago.

You two can't be together.

Ning Qing was very curious as to why they were so against her.

Why? because I'm a member of the ning family? she asked uninterestedly.

Song Wan's face was tense. you can say that, ran ran.

After all, they had to find a suitable reason.

If that was what ning Qing was thinking, she didn't mind going along with her words.

Ning Qing observed her every move. Oh? I can take it that you're afraid that my sister's vengeful spirit won't leave, so you don't want me to be by Nian lie's side?

Song Wan couldn't bear to hear her mocking tone. you know why she died.

Yes, he died on the way to find Nian lie.

Ning Qing's face turned cold, no longer gentle.

I was wrong. If I didn't drag her to look for Nian lie, she wouldn't have died. But if Nian lie didn't exist, I wouldn't have brought her to him at all!

In that case, ning su wouldn't have lost two lives!

In the end, it was all because of that damn love!

It was all because of Nian lie!

Ning Qing's eyes turned red, but Song Wan found her to be an eyesore.

Her emotions also fluctuated, and she clenched the silk handkerchief in her hand. you're talking nonsense! From the beginning to the end, Chen er didn't ask you to look for him, but you insisted on bringing your sister here. In the end, Chen Chen got into a car accident on the road because of you, it was you who didn't let him off!

Ning Qing slapped the wooden armrest, her eyes filled with anger and hatred.

Mrs. Nian, you're really good at evading!

you keep saying that we brought this upon ourselves, but don't you know the dirty things your son has done?!

he forced my sister and got her pregnant. Then, he abandoned her and her son. My sister was such a gentle and kind person, but she died in a car accident!

Ning Qing cried as she spoke. The pain was carved into her bones, and it was so painful that it was overwhelming.

What did she do wrong? What did I do wrong?

Her only mistake was that she shouldn't have brought ning su to him!

However, the pain and despair she had experienced over the past few years was not enough!

Why were they so self-righteous as to push the blame onto others?

Ning Qing's emotions were very unstable, so she missed Song Wan's strange expression after being stunned.

She turned her face away, and her tone was so cold that it was inhumane.

her life and death have nothing to do with me. I only care about my son.

Ning Qing lifted the corners of her lips and smiled again.

What's the use of you caring about your son? he locked you up here for me.

Nian Junting stood up agitatedly. say that again!

Ning Qing's smile was like a poppy, beautiful but full of malice.

the two of you have done your best to think about the future of the Nian family. It's a pity that the son you raised single-handedly bit you back. Do you feel sad?

Ning Qing, shut up! Nian Junting shouted angrily.

Ning Qing raised her chin and wiped her tears, looking like a winner.

Didn't you all want me to leave him?

It's not impossible,

The Nian family's parents had thought that there was no hope, but ning Qing's sudden words had changed their minds.

Song Wan looked at her cautiously. Yueyue, are you really willing to do it?

Ning Qing blinked and replied, of course.

Nian Junting snorted coldly. this woman is too scheming. Don't be fooled by her.

Ning Qing was honest. I don't have to lie to you. If you have spies, you should know how I got to him.