Mr. Nian, Your Wife Refuses To Be The Substitute - Chapter 558

Chapter 558

558 Are you really going to leave him?

Lu Zhui was so scared that he shivered. However, he still braced himself and said, it's not a matter of the penalty for breaching the contract. It's just that the laws in America are different from ours. If you breach the contract, it's not enough to just pay the penalty. Young Madam still needs to clear the contract.

What else do you want?

she still needs to undergo labor reform and ideological reform. To put it simply, Zhenzhen is going to send the young Madam to prison for a few months.

The temperature around Nian lie's body plummeted.

jail? he repeated, grinding his teeth. jail?!

Lu Zhui felt it. He said awkwardly, young master, this is indeed a little difficult to handle. The law can't pass it. Also, the higher-ups in HE are reluctant to give up on young Madam.

Lu Zhui was being very tactful.

In fact, Gu nanzhi's original words were,even if you pay twenty times the penalty, you won't be able to terminate the contract.

But he didn't dare to say it.

He was afraid that young master would strangle him to death.

Nian lie's jaw was clenched tightly, and his eyes were even colder than the ones outside the window.

Lu Zhui didn't dare to breathe loudly as he racked his brains to think of a solution.

young master, it's not impossible to let young Madam use HE's name. She's by your side now and can accompany you for the next six years. She only needs to return to America before the contract expires and confirm if she doesn't want to renew it.

No way! Nian Xi objected angrily.

How could he tolerate her being a member of another family for the next six years?

Moreover, HE was from the Gu family.

Only then did he know that the boy from the Gu family was trying to break off the engagement with the Li family. He had to think that he was doing it for ning Qing.

He didn't want to give any hope to the man who was after ning Qing!

A strong possessiveness invaded his mind, surpassing everything in front of him.

Nian lie's Black eyes were cold and penetrating.

think of everything you can. No matter what price you have to pay, she must terminate her contract with HE!

Lu Zhui felt as if there was a huge rock on his head, making it hard for him to breathe.

He knew it would be difficult, but he couldn't disobey Nian lie's determination.


Nian lie wasn't in the mood to listen to the rest of the story. After chasing Lu Zhui away, he stood in front of the window for a long time.

The scenery outside was drowned in the darkness. Nothing could be seen except for the surroundings of the street lamps.

He looked at the dark sky and pushed the window open.

The cold wind seeped into his bones and instantly froze his fingers.

Winter had really come.

But he was not afraid.

It was because he had to protect the people he loved.

For the next week, Nian lie was so busy that he left early and returned late.

Ning Qing didn't know what he was busy with. She only knew that, as she had expected, he had asked Lu Zhui to terminate her contract.

She could also tell from Lu Zhui's expression every time he came out of the study room that the termination of the contract wasn't going smoothly.

She heaved a sigh of relief.

The conversation he had with Tina that day rang in his ears.


You should know that I was caught by him and didn't attend brother Sichen's wedding. My freedom has been restricted by him until now.

I think, with his possessiveness, he probably doesn't want me to have anything to do with Nanyan, so I think his next move will be to have me terminate my contract with him.

I would like you to tell the higher-ups in the company that I don't want to terminate my contract. I also want them to refuse to terminate my contract. After that, I'll find a way to leave Nian lie and return to HE.

Are you really going to leave him? Tina asked.

There was no doubt.

Yes! Ning Qing was extremely determined.

What can we do?

I will find a way to gain his full trust, and then find a chance to leave, never to appear in front of him again.

do you really think that you can escape his surveillance with your parents help?

Ning Qing was stunned.

Tina seemed to have realized that her words had woken her up. After a long silence, she said, I understand.

Her words had been light, but they had pierced into ning Qing's heart like a thorn.

So what if she had prepared a backup plan? she had nowhere to run.

Perhaps, she should change her way of doing things.

She wanted him to completely give up on her.