Mr. Nian, Your Wife Refuses To Be The Substitute - Chapter 544

Chapter 544

544 If it's not fun, why did you come out?(1:

Aunt Lin was reluctant, but since she had spoken, she took out a 100 yuan note from her bag and gave it to the girl.

The girl raised her eyebrows and didn't ask for much. sure.

He turned around and left.

As soon as she went out, she received a call. She answered it without even looking at it. The other side asked her, where is the person who used your phone just now?

In the toilet.

Could you please pass the phone to her?

The girl snorted. please be clear that this is my phone. I can give it to whoever I want.

Then, she hung up the phone, not caring how anxious the other party was.

When she turned sideways, a man passed by her.

She accidentally glanced at it and was shocked.

F * ck!

So handsome!

Nian lie's eyes met hers for a moment before he walked past her indifferently.

The girl was overjoyed. She stood there and looked at his back as he walked away. Then, she made a phone call.

Sister, I'm dead! I just met a handsome guy, f * ck! He's really handsome!

Nian lie could faintly hear the girl's excited voice, but he ignored her.

Outside the toilet, ning Qing lowered her head and washed her hands as aunt Lin muttered,this girl is really unreasonable. She's even blackmailing me! If I didn't come in time, you wouldn't even be able to leave today.

Ning Qing made up a random excuse. I'm sorry. I accidentally bumped into her. I didn't expect this to happen.

Aunt Lin didn't dare to reprimand him.

It's fine. Be careful next time. Don't bother with this kind of person.


Ning Qing wiped her hands clean with a tissue and looked up to see a man in a black coat striding over with his long legs.

Aunt Lin was even more surprised than her. Sir, why are you here?

Nian lie had a coat on his arm. He went to ning Qing, picked up the coat, spread his arms, and draped it over her shoulders.

He didn't reply to aunt Lin and just stared at the woman in front of him as if she was the only one in the world.

It's too cold, I'm here to pick you up.

Ning Qing was speechless.

Aunt Lin only felt that she was too redundant. She trembled and said something, then retreated far away.

Nian lie wrapped his arm around ning Qing's waist. His tone was so gentle that it made one forget about his madness from the past few days.

Is it fun?

What's so fun about a place like this? ning Qing said.

Nian Yun's eyes flickered, as if he had asked this question unintentionally.

If it's not fun, then why did you come out?

Ning Qing's heart clenched, and she could not help but straighten her back.

Nian lie didn't seem to notice her nervousness. He said gently, if it's too boring at home, you can tell me. When the weather is better, I'll go with you wherever you want to go.

Ning Qing was not used to his sweet talk. How could he be willing to give her freedom?

She thought that he was just lying to her, and there was not much expression on her face.

No, I'm afraid of the cold and don't have anywhere I want to go.

Nian lie tightened his grip on her, his dark eyes darkening. really?


The ice on his face melted, and a touching smile appeared at the corner of his eyes.

You've become more obedient. I'm very surprised.

Ning Qing's hands in her pockets were sweating from the heat, and her eyes were indifferent.

Just as he was about to speak, he was suddenly interrupted by a sound in the alley.

What was that sound? she asked.

As she spoke, she was about to turn her head to take a look. Nian Yu turned his body slightly. Ning Qing frowned, but his smile remained unchanged.

You still can't change your habit of watching the fun.

Ning Qing was stunned.

Nian lie lifted her hair naturally and caressed the top of her head affectionately. there are many fights in this small place. If you encounter such things in the future, don't interfere, especially when I'm not around. Understand?