Mr. Nian, Your Wife Refuses To Be The Substitute - Chapter 542

Chapter 542

542 Call for help (1:

Ning Qing looked at the uneven trees on both sides and the large field behind her, and she was not so guarded.

I've been locked up for too long, I've almost forgotten what it's like outside.

Aunt Lin looked at her carefully. What a pity to see such a well-behaved face.

She thought that she was Nian Xi's mistress, so she was probably brought to this place because she had a wife at home.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt sorry for ning Qing.

sigh, it's not easy to understand a man's heart. He might like you a second ago, but he might change his mind the next second.

Sir is good to you, but you're still young. You have many choices in the future. Don't ruin yourself for a temporary love.

Ning Qing was confused for half a second before she suddenly understood what she meant.

Aunt Lin was still nagging, don't be with Sir just because you love him or not. After all, he has a family. You should get out of this as soon as possible and find a serious person to be with in the future.

Aunt Lin, you've misunderstood, ning Qing said in a muffled voice, rubbing the edge of her scarf.

I didn't follow him of my own will.

Then you don't love Sir? aunt Lin blurted out in surprise.

The cold wind was blowing, and it was bone-chilling.

Following the wind were ning Qing's emotionless words,

I would be crazy to love him again.

The long-winded woman shut up.

The rest of the time passed in dead silence.

Ning Qing was panting slightly. Because she had not exercised for a long time, her back was sweating after walking for a while.

She took off her scarf and put it on her arm.

After walking for a short while, rows of low houses came into view.

Aunt Lin took ning Qing's hand, saying that she was afraid that she would get lost.

Ning Qing didn't refute her and followed her step by step. Seeing her pick out all kinds of fresh vegetables, she had the illusion that she had followed her mother out on the streets a few days ago.

In front of the fruit stall, aunt Lin was picking large fruits.

Ning Qing was more concerned about her surroundings. It looked like a village, and everyone's expression was languid, unlike the fast-paced life in the big city, where they were so busy that they could not stop.

Oh, aunt Lin, where did this relative come from? he's so pretty! The lady boss who bought the fruits was familiar with aunt Lin. She looked at ning Qing and felt that she was unfamiliar, so she asked.

Aunt Lin glanced at ning Qing and chuckled. don't talk nonsense. This belongs to my boss.

Aiyo, what a rich family!

Ning Qing ignored her teasing and only nodded in response.

Aunt Lin picked another bunch of grapes and insisted on ning Qing trying them.

She took one and stuffed it into her mouth. It was sweet and sour.

She nodded, and aunt Lin had it wrapped up.

After following the woman for a while, ning Qing saw a small supermarket.

She looked around and then said to aunt Lin,I want to go to the toilet. &Nbsp;

Aunt Lin thought for a moment. there's no toilet nearby. If you can't bear it, we'll talk about it when we get back.

Ning Qing shook her head. my stomach hurts.

Aunt Lin looked at her pale face. Someone bumped into her. She said, there should be a toilet behind the supermarket. I'll take you to the toilet.

No need, Ning Qing rejected him quickly. I'll go by myself. You do what you need to do. I'll be back soon.

Aunt Lin recalled Nian lie's words and felt a little scared. it's okay. I'll Take You There.

Ning Qing's plan failed.

She led her to the supermarket and found the toilet at the back.

Looking at the dirty public toilet, ning Qing didn't say anything. She took the tissue from aunt Lin and turned to go in.

The woman was waiting outside. The toilet smelled really bad.

Ning Qing endured it, and a little girl of about 17 or 18 years old came out of a simple cubicle next door. She lowered her head and fiddled with her phone.

An idea flashed through her mind, and she stepped forward to block her way.