Mr. Nian, Your Wife Refuses To Be The Substitute - Chapter 433

Chapter 433

433 You can't hold an umbrella for two people at the same time (1:

She's not my follower, ning Qing said.

Nian lie didn't want to argue with her over this issue. After all, his heart ached for her when he saw her drenched in the rain.

He pursed his lips and said in a gentler tone, the rain is getting heavy. You'll get sick if you get wet later. Don't be stubborn with me. Get in the car first, okay?

Ning Qing could tell that he was showing weakness, but she remained unmoved.

Nian lie's expression darkened.

I don't want to do anything that will make you unhappy, so ning Qing, be obedient.

A hint of mockery flashed across ning Qing's face. alright.

Lu Zhui quickly got out of the car and opened the back door for her.

Ning Qing lowered her head and sat down.

The car window closed and the car moved forward steadily.

Nian lie handed her his suit jacket. put it on.

Lu Zhui understood and raised the temperature of the air conditioner. The entire car became warm, and it was as if it was a different world from the dark outside.

However, ning Qing looked at the suit in her hand and didn't move.

What's the matter? Nian lie asked.

Ning Qing opened her eyes and saw the worry in his voice. She couldn't help but smile sarcastically. you just sent LAN Mei er away, and now you're back to pick me up. You're so good at timing. You're Mr. Nian, indeed.

Qingqing, Nian Jin explained, I'm only sending her there for work!

After all, the contract had already been signed. LAN Mei er had some connections in the entertainment industry. He was afraid that if she offended her, something unexpected might happen. Besides, he could not let the project that she had been concerned about for so long go wrong!

Ning Qing picked up her suit and flipped out her collar.

There were no other marks on the dark fabric, but upon closer inspection, one could see a touch of faint red on the collar.

Nian lie's face paled.

For the sake of work, you let her kiss you here?

Nian lie was rendered speechless by her question.

Just now, LAN Mei er did try to get close to him, but he did not expect things to turn out this way.

He reached out to hold ning Qing's hand. don't misunderstand. There's really nothing going on between us!

While he was panicking, a light flashed through his mind.

Ning Qing dodged in advance. Her eyes were neither cold nor indifferent, but they contained a chilling light.

The corners of his lips were slightly curved, without the slightest hint of a real smile.

I'm listening, you explain.

Are you jealous? he asked carefully.

When he asked this, his heart suddenly trembled.

The smile on ning Qing's lips fell, and her expression gradually turned cold.

Nian lie was certain that she was jealous. He pulled her into his arms and was ecstatic. I knew it! I knew you still have me in your heart!

The strong smell of perfume made ning Qing resist.

She knew that it was left behind by LAN Mei er.

She held back her disgust and felt the man's excitement. Her gaze fell on the window behind him.

It reflected the bone-chilling hatred in her eyes, as well as the earth-shattering ridicule.

Nian lie had no idea. He was as excited and flustered as a child.

It's my fault. I used her to anger you on purpose. I'm sorry.

Qingqing, the shoot has already ended. It's too late to change the actress. I don't want her to bully you when I'm not around. That's why I'm sending her back in exchange for her not to cause trouble in the future.

you know, I'm more worried about your safety than anyone else. I won't allow anyone to touch you!

Ning Qing's heart was unmoved.

She opened her red lips and slowly interrupted him,

Nian lie, have you ever heard of this saying?

The man's body froze, and he slowly let go of her.

Ning Qing looked straight at the other party, her eyes calm.

But it made people feel that she was very far away.

She said,a person can't hold an umbrella for two people at the same time. In other words, you can't stand up for two women.

If you choose to indulge her willfulness, then don't bother about what I think. You can't have both sides, do you understand?