Motors - Part 20

Part 20

=Centrifugal.= That which throws outwardly; the opposite of centripetal.

=Check valve.= A form of valve which will permit liquids to freely flow in one direction, but which will open automatically, so as to allow the liquid to flow in the opposite direction.

=Chemical.= Pertaining to the composition of matter; or relating to chemistry.

=Chambered.= Having compartments, or divided up into recesses.

=Circ.u.mference.= Around the outside.

=Circularly.= Around; about the circ.u.mference.

=Circulation.= The movement of water to and fro through conduits.

=Clearance.= The s.p.a.ce at the head of a cylinder within which the steam or gases are compressed by the piston.

=Cla.s.sification.= To put in order in a systematic way.

=Coincide.= To correspond with ident.i.ty of parts.

=Cohesion.= To stick together. The attraction of material substances of the same kind for each other.

=Cooperate.= To work together harmoniously.

=Compounding.= Composed of or produced by the union of two or more parts, or elements.

=Complicated.= Very much involved; not simple.

=Commutator.= The revolving part on the armature of a dynamo or motor, which is divided up into a multiplicity of insulated plates, which are connected with the coils of the wire around the armature.

=Combustion.= Burning; the action of the unity of oxygen with any substance, which causes it to be destroyed or changed.

=Commodity.= Any product, or kind of goods.

=Concaved.= Hollowed.

=Condensation.= The change from a gaseous to a liquid or solid state.

=Condenser.= An apparatus which converts a gas into a liquid.

=Concentric.= A line which at any point is at the same distance from a common center.

=Conductor.= A substance which will convey either heat or electricity from one end to the other.

=Conical.= In the form of a cone.

=Conically.= In the form of a cone.

=Conduit.= A trough, tube, or other contrivance, which will convey liquids or gases from place to place.

=Conduction.= The capacity to transmit from one point to another.

=Connecting Rod.= That part of mechanism which connects the piston rod with the crank.

=Conserve.= To take care of; to use judiciously.

=Constant.= Being the same thing at all times; not varying.

=Contrivance.= Any mechanism, or device which will serve a certain purpose.

=Contra- That which is opposite to, distinction.= comparatively; taken in conjunction with for the purpose of comparison.

=Cornish.= A form of boiler which has the fire tubes within the water s.p.a.ce.

=Contact Breaker.= A device which has the current normally in circuit, and is so arranged that the circuit is broken at certain intervals, and again immediately reestablished.

=Co-relate.= Belonging to; having reference to the same order.

=Conventional.= The regular manner or method.

=Contact Maker.= A device for making contacts in an electric circuit at regular intervals.

=Convolution.= The turns or twists taken. The changes or movement or the peculiar flow of a liquid.

=Control.= Handling with regularity; The act of guiding.

=Contracted.= Made smaller.

=Contingency.= An event; under certain conditions.

=Counteract.= To antagonize; to so act as to go against.

=Converting.= Changing; to put in an opposite condition.

=Cylindrical.= In the form of a cylinder; barrel-shaped.

=Cyclopedia.= A work which gives, in alphabetical order, the explanations of terms and subjects.

=Cycle.= A period extending over a certain time; a certain order of events.

=Dead Center.= That point in the turn of a crank where the piston has no effective pull in either direction.

=Deenergize.= To take power away from.

=Deflecting.= To glance off; to change the regular or orderly course.

=Demagnetized.= To take magnetism away from.

=Deterioration.= To take away from; to grow smaller; to lessen; to depreciate in quality.