Monster Integration - Chapter 4024: Purple II

Chapter 4024: Purple II

Chapter 4024: Purple II

It's one powerful attack, and it begins to make my heartbeat go wild as I swing my ax toward it in response.


Our weapons clashed, creating a deafening sound and powerful shockwave that would push even the average peak Sky Sovereign back.

Sup Sup Sup!

Though it's not a major attack. The major attack is the ribbons coming toward me.

They are really dangerous, far more powerful than her sword attack, but like the last time, I didn't stop them. I didn't even move my ax to defend against them.

The only thing I did was to keep looking into the eyes of the person in front of me.

Bam Bam Bam!

The ribbons crashed into my armor, and they did it with such a force that it would have shredded an average peak Sky Sovereign, but they too were stopped by armor.

Her expression didn't change, but it was clear by her eyes that she was not pleased by her outcome.

"They need to be more powerful to breach my armor," I said. She didn't reply to that and swung her sword toward me with a purple energy covering.

Fire blazed across the blade of my ax and swung it toward the woman.


They clashed hard, creating powerful shockwaves, that brough out some who were hiding.

She isn't the only person here; there are two more. They are weaker than her, but more than willing to fish in the troubled water. If the opportunity arises.

Though, even at our weakness, we will be able to handle those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.

It is why there is no worry on our faces, despite sensing them.


Our weapons clashed fast and hard. Not stopping even for a second.

Her attacks are getting stronger with every swing, and she is learning as I had fought. Targeting my weaknesses as she found them.

Despite that, her sword wasn't able to pa.s.s my ax.

I am not using more power than her. It is even slightly less than her and there is no help from the clones, either.

It's not easy, every second. I am studying her moves, watching her sword and defending. It's my combat style and experience that is letting me do what I am doing.

A minute pa.s.sed, and she appeared behind me and attacked fast.


I turned and defended. She disappeared immediately and appeared to my left and attacked me again.

She begins to flash around me like before, but unlike before, she is much faster and uses more power. If I made a single mistake, her sword would enter my immediate range.

That wouldn't be good.

She is still hiding her strength; she might use her full power. That is dangerous to me. Hun!

She appeared above me, and my expression changed.

A powerful aura had blasted out of the body. She had released her full power and brought down her sword at me, which was naked, and benefits from any fire or energy.

It was all above her sword.

There is a ma.s.sive sword, a big Grimm, and it is coming down on me.

Burst 75%.

I didn't hesitate and harnessed more power from the burst and moved my ax up to defend. CLANNNG!

I defended against her sword, which had invisible flames covering it, while the ma.s.sive purple fire sword above was still coming at me with our weapons locked.

I didn't move, nor did I remove my sword. I let the ma.s.sive sword come toward me.

Its momentum is dangerous, but as long as it is energy. I didn't have to feel worried about it, but still, I remained cautious.


The ma.s.sive sword struck against me hard. Sending me back a step while covering me with a purple fire that had transformed into a million tiny little ant sizes swords.

They are trying to burn me and at the same time, trying to cut me.

It's really an amazing attack. She must have needed a large amount of time and effort to create a move like this.

It is likely an old move that has been refined with each upgrade. A new move couldn't work as sophisticated as it is working right now.

I am thoroughly impressed, and I am going to try to copy it in my spare time.

While millions of tiny little purple swords trying to cut through my armor, she attacked against me.

Her attack came from the front, and I moved the ax forward to defend against it.


I defended, but she wasn't the one to be stopped by a single attack and attacked me again and again, while her sword continued with their cutting job.

Seconds pa.s.sed, and I continued to fight against her attack. Responding to each and every attack, not letting it get too close to me.


Twenty-seven seconds pa.s.sed, and she attacked me with the ma.s.sive sword again. Doubling

the fire covering me, before attacking me with the other attacks.

The challenge in castles would have been more amazing. If she had been there.

With her power, she would have been in the top five.

It may not look like it, but I am using all my strength to fight against her. I could harness more power, but where is the fun in that?

It also helps to motivate the opponent.

She could clearly sense I was using less power than her, but despite that, I am countering her attacks, without much shake.

It's a fun battle, and I am enjoying myself.

I didn't get to fight with such strength in the castle and those four days. Many times, I had thought about revealing myself and letting all of them chase me.

I pushed those thoughts whenever they came to my mind. I might take a risk, but I am not


That would have been a suicide. Given the sheer number of Sky Sovereigns in there. There ought to be someone stronger than me.

Even if a couple nearly as strong as me would have been able to hold me till I became tired

enough, before killing me.


Suddenly, she stopped, and I looked at her in question.

"It was a good battle," she said, smiling.