Monster Integration - Chapter 4012 Critter

Chapter 4012 Critter

4012 Critter

"I give up!"

The woman shouted, and she disappeared. Her critter of enemies divided and came toward us.

This is a fourth challenge and like the third. It was also about survival, but here, the challenge wasn't about surviving against the golem, but cute little people.

There were six at first. The biggest one half of the size of me while the smallest one, come to the knee.

Each one has a different weapon and fights different. Including an archer that could kill if hit on a fatal spot.

It had already killed one person and injured several that they had chosen to give up.

There were six at first, but now, I am fighting against ten of them, with two archers, and I wanted to destroy these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.

Clang Ting Clang!

My saber swatted the arrows away, white defending against the attack of others with my s.h.i.+eld at the same time dodging several attacks.

The worst thing about these critter b.a.s.t.a.r.ds is that they are targeting the people with higher scores.

Mine is the second highest and I am dealing with the same numbers as Hayat.

I looked at the time over their heads, and there were still over twenty minutes, I will have to bear them before the hour ends and I get rid of them.

I liked the last challenge.

The Golem was stronger than these critters, but it was frustrating, and there was no choice but to bear it.

Thankfully, I could.

My suite is designed as such that, I could bear these attacks. Even now, I am improving the suit.

I hate to admit it, but because of these frustrating critters. I had found a lot of flaws in my suit and was fixing them while surviving their attack.

At this hour, I had made the greatest improvement in the suite and still making it.

I hope I will be able to improve it enough, that I will be able to survive what is coming for me.

So, I fought them to find flaws and fixed the suit.

I focused on that instead of the frustration I was feeling. This mindset had made things better, and I began to deal with them better.

While I fought them, another person had chosen to give up the battle.

It's difficult, but I didn't think even for a moment to give up.


I hit the critter hard with my shoes. If anyone is bad as those archer b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, then it would be the biter.

It leaps and opens its mouth unnaturally wide. Enough, it could bite the head off. I had seen it happen, and it's a good thing he gave in time.

If not, he would have found those sharp teeth in his brains and him dead.

I pushed the thought and dodged the attack and slammed my s.h.i.+eld on the one holding a gigantic sword. Its side might be half of mine, but the sword it is holding is as big as me.

It's also dangerous; that swing had enough power, that it could cut one into two.

Minutes pa.s.sed, and soon there were only ten minutes remaining. Ten minutes more and four hours would end, then it would be only two hours.

I need to survive those. Unlike others, as long as I remained at the top of them, I would still be the highest scorer.

That wouldn't be a problem. I don't think there would be over ten people who would remain by the time this challenge is.

So, I need to survive. It won't matter, even if I had got the lowest score.

If I truly knew what the prizes would be. I would have gone slow. I don't need to come first to get what I want.

As long as my score remained in the top four. I will get what Prime Volsnorth wants.

The top prizes never change. They had not pa.s.sed a millennial challenge and I don't think, they would change in this challenge either.

Unfortunately, I couldn't do anything about my score. Considering this is the last challenge.

Another minute pa.s.sed, and critters continued with the attack. There is no change in them, unlike us people who are getting tired.

I am getting tired of sweat piling up on my brow and my back being drenched.

The worst thing is, after this hour. I will have only a minute of break before another enemy comes and that enemy might be more dangerous than these critters.

It would be bad to fight such an enemy tiredly, but there is no choice. If I gave up; I would give up on the score of this challenge as well.

That would stop me from getting the reward I want. So, I have to survive and fight against the next challenge and challenge after that, no matter how tired I am.

Soon only five minutes have remained.

It seemed to bring new life into the people as they started to fight more vibrantly while the critters remained the same.

They still attacked as a group with strategy, while we would break their formations while defending against their attacks.

Breaking the strategies is the easiest task for us. Here, everyone is experienced enough to understand them at first glance and break them.

However, that doesn't make it easy to deal with these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. Without it, we wouldn't have lasted even ten minutes against them.

These challenges are testing every ability of ours. Its comprehensive.

If I truly reach the level, I want. I will also create something like this. I have got enough of these things that I need to do something in return.

I did in my world before leaving. I had left behind hundreds of vestiges, filled with all kinds of resources.

They are for the lowest to highest level.

Sometimes I wonder how many of the people have entered inside them. I had left quite a lot of resources; some had their own gardens, that they could produce the things automatically.

It was a really relaxing time, that I wished. I would have stayed in my world, watched our children and grow old with each other.

Alas, that wasn't possible.

I sighed internally and pushed those thoughts away. I focused on critters, one of which had come quite close to hitting me.

Finally, the hour pa.s.sed and like the golem from before, critters stopped as the clock turned zero.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!
