Monster Integration - Chapter 3991: Sea of Soul

Chapter 3991: Sea of Soul

Chapter 3991: Sea of Soul

The name of the challenge is a sea of soul.

I have done these sorts of things before, but I heard, it is quite comprehensive.

Seeing this challenge that came every three thousand years it will be even more difficult.

That didn't scare me. Instead, it made me excited.

I am not the only one; there are quite many people who are excited about it. If there wasn't a restriction; they would jump inside it.

I looked at the people and recorded their faces.

The power is restricted, but I am maintaining my connection with my core. This means I could record everyone's face.

My memory is excellent, but nothing beats recording.

Finally, only ten seconds had remained, and everyone appeared by the railing. The place is vast enough that over four thousand people stay by the railing comfortably.


The voice said as the countdown hit zero. The railing, too, had disappeared. Making everyone jump into the sea.

Only a few people walked inside; I am one of those.

This place is like a marathon; it is long. Starting fast doesn't help much.

I felt the power of the soul sea enveloping me as I entered inside. It is gentle and soft; it also felt comfortable, that I closed my eyes for a few seconds.

I controlled my emotions and started walking while circulating the soul method.

It is beneficial, and everyone is doing it. It is not possible to win without it.

The soul sea is made of the energy that is beneficial to the soul. Many people had come for it, rather than the reward as it is the reward itself.

It could not only increase the power of the soul but also bring out the impurities and heal the injuries.

Though, if one is not careful. It is capable of bringing great injuries, people have died here. I took the normal steps, my speed is quite slow compared to others, but I don't mind. Especially when I see, that with the step I take, the energy becomes more powerful.

The change is hard to see, but I am used to it and more had even been able to calculate how much the power increases every meter.

So, when I crossed it with the distance, that is mentioned in the information; I saw the numbers, that made my eyes turn somber.

It is similar to the testimonies, and I hope it is only this and no changes will be there due to it being a millennium challenge.

Half an hour pa.s.sed, and I crossed a good distance.

The energy was more comfortable for me, and I wished I could sleep. However, it couldn't be said about the many others who had started to feel the pressure.

I could see many people in front of me had started to feel the pressure.

They have started to slow down. Seeing that, a smile couldn't help but appear on my face.

It is a long race. Going faster wouldn't help. It is why, most of those whom I had considered threats are moving slow as me.

There is not a hint of strain on their face.

Soon, an hour pa.s.sed, and I had reached the highest level of comfort. If the energy keeps increasing, then soon, this comfort will start to transform into discomfort.

It happened ten minutes later.

It is only a slight, like a pillow over the head, but the more I cross. The number of pillows is going to increase and so is their weight.

I increased the pace of circulation with the discomfort.

Like the discomfort, I have been slowly increasing my pace of circulation with every step. Which is helping me deal with it better.

I could have circulated faster from the beginning to get more benefits, but there is no need for


The further I go, the faster I will need to circulate to deal with the power of the energy. So, I will get the benefits; I will need to have the will to circulate it when the energy becomes really powerful.

Another hour pa.s.sed, and I began to feel the light strain. The beads of sweat are proof of that.

I had crossed half of the distance in the past two hours. It is half according to a three- hundred-year challenge, but if the distance had increased, then it might be less.

The chances of that seemed more and more, seeing how the people of golden primes were walking at an unchanged pace.

Other people aren't that lucky.

Hundreds of them who had taken a run at the beginning were following behind.

Soon, three hours pa.s.sed, and I saw people collapsing on the ground. The energy is powerful and denser, and I am too under the pressure.

My soul method is circulating faster than before while I move at an unchanged pace.

It is the same with the others.

The fourth hour had pa.s.sed, and I had reached the boundary where the end was supposed to be, but there was no end in front of me, just a soul-seek with even denser energy.

It is so dense, that I couldn't see the person a few hundred meters away from me.

Even those I could see; they are silhouettes.

It is clear, that the challenge is bigger than three years old. It made me quite serious.

I am under quite a pressure, and I don't know, how far I need to go. The only thing, I know is that I have twelve hours; it is a similar time to a three-century challenge.

The unknown didn't stop me, and I continued at an unchanged pace.

'The energy started to affect the changes,' said my soul, twenty minutes later. It shocked me so much, that I nearly stopped.

I didn't have to ask which changes it was talking about. It is the mist changes.

'Show me,' I said, and I saw the changes.

They are small but visible. The energy affecting them is somehow dissolving them.

It is only affecting the smallest ones, but it is still big news for me. Since I had come back from Avros; I had been, I had tried a hundred different ways to deal with those changes.

Nothing worked till now.

This energy is helping me. Seeing that, I wanted to circulate the method even faster, but I stopped myself from doing that.

I have not reached the end.

I will continue moving till, I reach near the end, where I will stop and take the energy. That will be the place of the densest energy.

If I do it now, it will not only tire me out sooner but will also provide me with fewer benefits.

With that in mind, I continued with my predicated circulation speed, while observing the energy dealing with the change.

As I had said, it is dissolving them and doing that without taking their benefits. It could be said, it is helping me reinforce their benefits further while wiping away the mark.

Soon, five hours have pa.s.sed, and I am tired with my whole body blanched in sweat.

I do not see the end of it. The only thing, I am seeing is the endless sea.

It is making me happy, but also feel dread.

Happy because, there is powerful energy to ease my greatest worry, dread because of the same reason as it will be extremely difficult for me to walk through it.