After walking for good amount of time, Neo and Alice, have finally managed to find Jessica. She was currently about to leave the room where an is sleeping old woman. when she saw Alice and Neo near the door.
"Sister Jessica!" Alice run towards Jessica happily.
"Alice! yo-you survive!" Jessica bend her knees and open her arms wide to catch Alice.
The two girls started to hug each other.
"I thought, your are forever gone! thank goodness your alive!" Jessica could not hold her tears, she started crying on the spot, while gripping Alice even tighter.
Like Neo and Alice, Jessica also lost her parent's because of the apocalypse. because of fate she manage to meet Alice and Neo while the similarity of situation, became the bridge for them to become friend.
There are plenty of times that Neo would occasionally share some of their food to her. and in exchange she will also share some of her food to Neo and Alice if they have nothing to eat.
Because of that, she considered the Jones siblings as her second family. Especially Alice, she always follows her while she was working.
And often times, Alice will help her in taking care of some patients. that caused Jessica became fond of her.
When the calamity strikes them, she learned the Alice and Neo did not manage to ride one of the escape trucks. because of that shocking revelation, it caused her to be depressed for days and occasionally found herself crying in the night, every time she remember Alice and Neo.
But now that Alice was right in front of her safe and sound. she could only cry in joy. Jessica could not even explain how happy she is rigth now.
"Sister Jessica...if... sniff... cry.... sniff... like, that... I, don't...sniff... think I can control my tears" Alice tears also falls to the ground. as the sound of girls weeping, envelopes the whole room.
After a few minutes had pa.s.sed, the two girl has finally able to calm down and let go of each other.
Jessica turned her teary eyes towards Neo before slowly walking towards him. reaching Neo she open her arm to give him a hug.
"You don't need to..." Neo gestured her to stop, but Jessica didn't listen. Instead she wrapped her hand in Neo to pull him in her embrace.
"...fine." Neo stopped resisting, and let Jessica hug him.
"You don't know how happy I, am after seeing you both alive!" Jessica said.
"We're also happy to see you," Neo said, while patting Jessica in her back to console her.
"Ahem... I'm I, interruption something?" A fruity voice of man rings out, making jessica let go of Neo in panic, while a hint of redness envelopes her cheeks.
seeing this, the man's eyes turned cold for a short while.
Neo turned to the direction of the sound and saw a young man with short black hair, blemish free, rectangular face and a thin body build. the man was wearing a white uniform for doctors.
"The patient in room 33, need some change in wound dressing" he commanded.
"roger.."Jessica turned to Neo and Alice with apologetic look.
"Go on, we just came to visit you " Neo said.
Jessica wiped her tear and nodded.
"Sister Jessica , can I come?" Alice asked.
"No!, this is a hospital not a play ground, go outside, if you want to play." the man said coldly cutting Jessica that was about to agree.
"The rules here are not the same, sorry about that Alice...Neo i must go. let hang out some times" after saying that, Jessica walk out of the room with fast steps.
"What, a rude guy." Neo thought.
"If the two of you have nothing important to do here, I suggest you leave" the man said emotionlessly. Before turning around to leave the room. and before he did, he gave Neo a cold stare.
"what's his problem?"Alex thought.
"What are we going to do now? Sister Jessica is busy" Alice turned toward his brother and asked.
"Just stay at home for now, I will find a good time, for us to visit" Neo said.
Neo and Alice leave the hospital to return i there home. after reaching the house Neo open the door and walked inside with her sister that is currently in the bad mood.
*ding*"Neo the dungeon just materialized."
Neo saw the notification in the corner of his eyes.
"Alright...where?" Neo asked, Freya in his mind.
*ding* "south from here."
"Alice, your brother need do something important, please stay here, if your hungry, you can heat some of the ready to eat food in the fridge." Neo said. before walking inside the room to put on his SRCU.
"Ok." Alice answered, weakly. She must be still upset about the there spoiled reunion.
"Cheer up, Alice there's still more time for you and Jessica to play" Neo said while suiting up.
"Well I, must go, take care" Neo said after he put on all of his equipment.
he decided to leave the spear because ,he knew that he must use the strongest weapon on his a.r.s.enal to fight a battle with unknown enemies and that is the twin shadow blade.
sure its painful, but it doesn't amount to the beating he suffered from training his body in Midgard.
Neo walked to the south, following Freya's direction. after a few minutes of walking, he finally reach LHF-N1 airport the place where Freya is guiding him,
On the open field, he saw a huge circular rift on the ground that was 10 feet in diameter.
there are a few Pilot, Guardians and Scout Rangers were already in the place. Inspecting the strange rift laying horizontally on the ground.
Neo walk near them and tried to hear there conversations.
"What is that thing?"inspector man 1 asked.
"it looks like a portal of some kind."inspector man 2 answer
"Ha, peasants don't you know its called a dungeon, like those in the RPG's, there are monsters inside that drop Crystal like substance when killed, plus theres a treasure in the inner most part of it. " Ecopedia man said hauntingly.
"How did you even know that !"inspector man 2 asked.
"In the Ecopedia! the source is from a Diamond Rank SR, with the code name of Thunder Lord, according to him once you jump down in that portal there's no way back. but to take the artifact that are being guarded by the monsters inside." Ecopedia man answered.
"If it's that dangerous, then why not just barricade this place, so there will be no mad lads, will be able to jump inside, and die a miserable death." inspector man 1 suggested.
"It's not that simple, you see, even if we like it or not, the monsters inside that dungen will come out in due time, so its better to go inside and take the artifact inside that place. than to fight the monsters when they came out. not only we will endanger some of the ordinary people living here , our building might also get damaged if not destroyed ." Ecopedia man answered.
"i see, so what are we waiting for, lets contact the headquarters immediately, tell them there's a dungeon here!" inspector man 2 said.
"Heh, I already did, and here, they are now" Ecopedia man answered smugly. while point towards the people in distant, that are walking towards the dungeon .
its a group of 11 Scout Rangers and 15 Guardians. and according to their badge, they are mostly made up of silver and gold rank revolutionaries.