"is she mute or something?....why aren't she saying anything" Neo thougth.
Neo could only scratch his head and follow. his mentor inside the building.
the place huge building, is full of Scout Rangers, picking there supplies ,that are being stored inside the building. like dry rations, anti vemon pills, medical kits, and other some strange devices.
Neo was amused after seeing new things, in the building.
but then in the middle of there strolling. a man wearing a S,R,C,Uniform, suddenly moved towards Liana. blocking her path.
"good morning Liana, so..... did you already considered joining my squads?" the man asked while smiling gently.
the man that was talking to Liana, has a red hair, a handsome and kind looking face, that will give people the impression that he was a polite and kind guy,
he also have a great body build.with well defined body muscles, if Neo will describe him in words, he will likely say that he was an Alpha male. they are the kind of guys Neo hate the most.
then Liana raised her head to stare at the young man for only split second, before lowering her gaze once again , before trying to walk pa.s.s the guy. but the man didn't let her. he moved his body to block the Liana's way once again.
"hahaha, don't be that cold, Liana, im just worried about you, its dangerous to be alone in the wild!, so join my squad , we will be glad to have an excellent elementalist like you." the man said smiling.
the young man accidentally caught Neo standing from Liana's back , from the corner of his eyes.
he then turned his attention to Neo "hmmm?.....i never seen you before, are you, by any chance Liana's Apprentice?" the man suddenly asked looking towards Neo's copper badge, that symbolizes, that he was currently a trainee.
Neo, who is mindlessly looking around the building that time suddenly heared the man's question that is directed to him,
turning his head towards the man Neo answered " yes ". in an emotionless manner.
"handsome face, athletic build, face full of smile, friendly att.i.tude..... i better ignore him now before, i got tangled in some sort of drama." Neo thougth.
on the other hand Liana once again tried to walk pa.s.s the guy , and for the second time, the man managed to block her.
"hey...whats the hurry? can we-" but before the man can finish what he was saying, Liana suddenly raised her hand and summoned a sharp, cone shaped, ice shard. pointing towards the man's head.
seeing this man smile frozed, he suddenly move out of the way, before playfully raising his hands up in the air.
"erm..hey, hey....calm down im not the enemy here!" he said after regaining his smile.
Liana calmly dispersed her ice shard, before proceeding to walk to her destination. pa.s.sing the man in the process.
the man then turned towards Neo." what your name fellow Ranger?" he asked with his signature smile.
"Neo Jones" Neo answered.
"i'm Jamie Smith, silver cla.s.s SR, and the leader of Black eagle squad, i heared you survived in the wild for 11 days, with your sister. thats a great feat not gonna lie, your a cool dude, so lets friends from now on Neo jones" Jonas displayed a bright smile towards him. and stretched his arm for a hand shake.
"i barely even know him!, does he really think that, i will go along with his game, and play pretend like some nice guy?, i don't have the time for that sh*t" Neo thought.
Neo stared at him directly into the eyes before saying "i, decline" , with that Neo walk pa.s.s through Jamie. without a change in his expression in anyway.
Jamie only stared dumbfounded in the fleeing silhouette of Neo. as a girl in the crowd walked towards Jamie.
the girl has a slender body, moderate bust size, beautiful fine features, and long, drill like blond hair.
she was currently staring at neo with disgusted expression. "how unsightly, a copper rank evolved human like him, rejected your kindness, does he really think that being a scout ranger, he finally do what ever he likes?....plus his not even that handsome!"
"pipe it down ,Hanna, maybe Neo was just a little shy" Jamie said to towards Hanna.
"as expected of you, Jamie, your still trying to defend him?, i suggest, that you should just, ignore him from now on, people like him arent even comparable to you" Hanna said seriously.
"hahaha, really.... i never knew, you think of me that way, Hanna, im truly flattered !" Jamie said, smiling towards the hanna.
Hanna face suddenly redden's like an apple "wha... thats not it! .....ahhhhhh! .....i hate you!" she said angrily, before stomping away from him.
"ha ha ha," Jamie laughs heartly.
"squad leader, our supplies are already loaded in the jeep, lets go!" a pet.i.te young woman, with cute face, yelled towards Jamie.
"alright Felie, lets go!" Jamie answered
Neo following Liana to the second floor.
as soon as Liana step on the floor of the second floor, she was spotted by a mature, curvy, woman, with a gentle face.
"Lia~na~chan!" the curvy woman, with long black hair, rushed towards her, Liana could not react in time,
she was caught and was pulled towards the curvy woman's embrace, she was pressing Liana in her towering mountain peaks.
Liana struggles silently, as she tried to push the woman away, but because she specialized in elementals, her strength was useless against the curvy woman.
Neo, on the other hand only watch, as Liana resigned to her fate, "should i help her?.i guess there no need ...but d*mn they're huge.....ahem " he thought.
"ara, ara, you finally decided, to give me a visit, so what can i do for you today, Lianchan?" Liana who already stopped struggling, moved his hands and pointed towards Neo.
"hmmm....a new recruit?," the woman asked, looking toward Neo. she was staring at the copper badge in Neo's chest.
"Yes" Neo answered.
"ara, ara, if im not mistaken you must Neo Jones, i heared you'll be Liana's apprentice is that true?" the woman said gently
"Yes" Neo clarified.
"isn't that great Leanchan, you can finally have someone to watch your back" The woman said gently towards Liana who was still in her embrace.
turning his head towards neo, she said "I'm Victoria Brown, Deployment supply distributor "After that Victoria, finally let go of Liana.
"follow me, Neo-Kun" Victoria said. as she walked to a shelve and pulled a black bag. and handing it to neo.
"Neo-Kun this is our standard load out, you'll have a military knife, fire starter, body bag, flashligth, grappling hook, flairgun, 2 day worth of dry ration, and water bottle.... anything you wanted to add?"
"this good enougth, thank you.." Neo answered, as he took the bag and strapped it on his back.
"how about you Liana~chan?"
Liana shook her head. she bowed towards Victoria and signal Neo to move out.
but before Neo could move, Victoria suddenly bellowed "Neo-kun, i will leave Liana in your care" she said with a bow.
"Liana has an higher rank than me ,so.... she's the one that should take care of me instead?...ohh well i migth as well say yes" neo thought.
"got it" that is the words that left Neo' mouth.