*locations: ruins of Iloilo city*
*month: unknown*
*day: unknown*
*Time: dawn*
The sun was being devoured by the horizon ahead, while darkness slowly covering the old and moldy structure's that the past human civilization have build.
Building covered by vegetation. Trees can seen in every direction, while deafening sound of silence covers the whole uneven and barely visible cement road, where two shadow can be seen, as they slowly make there way to an abandoned building, that was almost crumbled and destroyed by the pa.s.sing of time.
A 18 years old teen has, his leg shaking from unexplained hunger. Breathing heavily, he felt that his foot is being constricted by chains that were attached to a heavy metal ball.
The teen is named Neo Jones, a boy that is neither too handsome nor too ugly, he had a jet black hair, white colored T-s.h.i.+rt and jeans stained by dirt and dust, to cover his skinny body. As he strolled the road with his badly battered black shoes and big travel bag.
There are times that he wished that all the pain and suffering, he was feeling right now would just go away, but he knew too well that the only way that could do that. Is just by ending his own life.
"Big bro...are you alright?" amidst of he's deep thoughts, a sweet cheerfully voice of his six years old sister, suddenly echoed to his ear, revitalizing his soul that almost lost its will to fight.
The little girl had a long black hair covered by dirt and dust, her body was as slim as a stick, while trace of malnutrition is visible in her small childish face. She's wearing an oversized fur coat ,and a pair of little blue boots.
The young man had manage to squeeze a little smile in his haggard looking face, as he pats, the long unkempt hair of his little sister, that is currently holding his left arm.
"Don't worry, Everything is...alright" it's an answer to not only comfort his little sister, but also to make himself believe, that there is still hope for the both of them.
"Are you hungry Alice?" Neo gently asked his sister, who is also visibly weaken by half day of walking, he opened his bag and pulled dry meat. And pushed it towards the young girl.
"Didn't we just ate ummm.... 4 ahh...m.5 hours ago?" the girl said, seemly surprise of her brother unusual behavior, they usually eat one meal per one day to conserve there food supply. So its highly unlikely for her brother to give her food right now.
"Really..it just been 5 hours?...my bad" wearing a weak smile, Neo kept the dry meat back to his bag.
"Hahaha, your being silly big brother"Alice laughs cheerfully, often times, Neo thought of how can his sister laughs in this such difficult times.
and even in matters, which isn't funny at all. 12 hours without eating is not a joking thing, but now, eating at least one times a day, is as normal as breathing for her.
3 day ago, Neo was suddenly awakened by an unusual kind of hunger, it was an unbearable. He felt that he could eat a whole roasted cow, if it was presented in front of him.
He tried eating a larger amount of rations, but his stomach feels like a bottomless pit, he wanted to eat more, but if he did so, his sister will probably starve to death, before the two of them reach their destination.
Because of this sudden strange *illness* that he unknowingly developed, he felt scared, but not because of dying, but for the future of his little sister will have after he died.
For three days he kept this fact for himself, so that his sister will not worry, strange unexplained things like this, has been happening around the world for more than 4 years now.
And the strangething which is happening to him right now might be one of it. He knew that if this strange condition is not *cured*. He will likely die, so before that happens, he just wanted to make his sister a little happier and taking her to the nearest human made fortress as soon as possible.
As the siblings continued moving forward, a snarl that sounds like the call of death itself, suddenly jolted Neo and Alice. Stopping both of there steps in place.
"Bro-brother....whwhat was th"Alice said in a terrified voice. While holding his brothers arms even tighter. while her was face slowly turning pale from fright.
"Shhhhhhh..." Neo muttered cutting her sister words, to make her quiet. Turning his head around slowly, towards the direction of the sound.
He saw a menacing beast staring at them from a distances, with its glowing red eyes, while looking at them, like a predator eyeing its prey, ready to attack at any given moment.
The 15 feet (4.57 m) tall monster is walking with its four limbs. and It was covered in black shade of fur.
It looks just like a Panther, but with a pair of razor sharp, crescent bone blade attached to both of its muscular front paws.
"sh*t, it saw us!" Neo muttered angrily, he slowly wrapped his hand around his sisters small body to hold her in a princess carry. Before summoning every last drop of strength, that was still left in his exhausted body, before suddenly burst out running towards the nearby ruins.
Seeing its dinner is trying to escape, the huge panther like beast gave loud roar, before hurriedly giving a chase to the two weak human, with its more superior speed.
4 year ago/ year 2016
Earth was populated by billion's of Humans, as modern machines made life easier and comfortable.
People only needed education to get a good job and live a good life, while some could even just sit on their chair all day, and earn a living.
But then, everything changed, strange phenomenon suddenly started happening, like an electrical storm, toxic rain, earth quake, subzero degree winter, etc.
With that alone, almost 65% of the 7.8 billion humans, had died from the harsh and unpredictable *weathers*. Forcing the surviving human to live in the nearby bunkers, which are was built by there government, to avoid being killed by strange natural elements.
After that, the life on earth wasn't like it used to be, every time there's are a weather disturbance, human that were working outside like farmers will hurriedly hide in these bunkers, to wait for these disasters to pa.s.s.
The buildings are being abandoned, while nature is slowly retaking its rightful place. Cities are slowly turning into jungle, while vegetation growing thicker and thicker as time goes by.
1 year later after that, human has slowly adjust on living in those harsh conditions. Human thought there will be nothing (worser) than they're currently situation. But they are terribly wrong.
Mystical creatures suddenly appeared, as well as colossal monsters, some of the people said they came from the deeps of underworld, while some said, they are here to cleanse the world from the poison known as humans.
these creatures vary in all shape and sizes, some beasts are harmless, but mostly are hostile.
And when those beasts found there way to a human compounds, bloodshed is inevitable.
Modern weapon like guns, rockets, missile could somehow destroy some weaker monsters. But when bigger and stronger one's came up, this weapons are like toys for them, leaving human no choice but to run as fast as you can to survive.
2 years later,
Only 0.001% of the total population in earth was left. Bunkers are being destroyed by this monsters one by one, while people living in those bunkers, turned into monsters snack.
While for other humans that manage to escape there fate. they could only hope to reach other bunkers before the monsters could.
These creatures or monsters had almost exterminated all the animals, that were living on earth, and replaced there place in the new ecosystem.
Because of that, the ecosystem has been changed to a more treacherous and unforgiving one.
Trees grew much larger, strange plants started appearing, new kinds of minerals started to take form, and the overall law of the world has changed.
But when humanity thought that all hope is gone. Few human started to evolved, materializing supernatural abilities, that no human are capable of before.
with there new-found strength humanity has finally found a way to fight, for there right to live in the new world.
1 year later, only 0.00002% or 150,000 plus humans, are what's left in the humanity population throughout the world.
The bunkers that survived until now, thanks to combine efforts of the evolved human and its inhabitants. where now called Last Hope Fortress or LHF.
While the evolved human that protects the fortresses are called evolutionary's