Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 971

Chapter 971

Therefore, when facing an opponent whose strength is far from his own, there will be no level who will think about using conspiracy to win, and there will be no verbal deception.

Because in the level view, solving the opponent is just as simple as crushing an ant.

Let me ask, who would lie and deceive in the face of ants?

So Link and Emeriss didn't need to be cautious or even a temptation in speaking when talking to Emeriss. If there was anything you wanted to ask, just ask.

Emeriss's consciousness quickly swept the entire Blade's Edge, but she did not perceive or see the existence of Eros.

"I'm here this time to bring you a third solution."

Emerys then continued: "The one who took the macaw and the silver hand out was Eros, and he directed the whole thing, and the silver hand and the macaw were just deceived. As long as Eros bowed his head, The lost skeleton of the evil **** will return to the forbidden land of the evil god, so I don't think the Supreme Mage Council will bother with you about other details.

Link raised his eyebrows slightly, and understood what Emeriss meant.

That is to leave all the crimes to Eros alone, and then cleanse himself. Then Emorys came forward to save the macaw and the silver hand.

It can be said that this plan is beneficial to Link without any harm, and his subordinates and pets are preserved. In the future, you can continue to act as the Umbrella Foundation and the future star of the Morvol galaxy cluster without any loss.

It can also be seen that Qunxinggang and Emeriss really support Link.

In this case, he did not choose to turn against each other, and he was even thinking of various ways to excuse Link.

"Okay, I think I understand the position of the Star Harbor and the Autonomous Council. But I have a piece of news that may change your position and attitude..."

Link paused for a moment and said very seriously: "Eros has left, and he left as a way to help me attract firepower."

Link stated the facts without adding any venom, but the remarks also made his position clear.

Emorys fell into silence, before saying after a long time, "Is this your choice?"

Emeriss' plan was to put all the blame on Eros.

What Klink meant by what he said now made it clear that he regarded Eros as his comrade-in-arms.

Emeriss still knew what Link was like.

He is not a person who will take action against his teammates, which means that Emeriss' method was overruled by Link.

"According to my method, at least you can survive. But if you choose, Eros will still be wanted by the Star Alliance. I don't think he can survive with this level of wanted."

Emorys is still making the final fight.

"Although I don't like this stinky person, the two of us basically fight each other when we meet. But you asked me to backstab at this time to betray my teammates. Have you ever thought that I might betray the entire Qunxinggang in the same way in the future? Autonomous Council?"

Emeriss's expression didn't change: "That's something in the future. And if you really betrayed, it's our own fault for being unkind. It doesn't hinder our decision to save you today. In the future, no one can say for sure. Qing, I only follow my current thoughts and choices.

"Then what would you choose if I said I disagreed with your plan?"

Emerith's eyes were full of arcane energy.

"Then I will teach you another lesson. The Morvol galaxy cluster did not live to this day because of 'reason', and Qunxinggang was not established because of 'reason', and it is sought after by others. The nature of civilization and rules in this universe, Not 'reason', but power!"

Emeriss's tone contained sullen anger, the strong arcane aura was fully displayed, and the dense clouds over the Blade's Edge star were directly torn apart and torn apart by this overwhelming force, disappearing into nothingness.

Emeriss wants to tell Link with her actions that this cosmic force is supreme.

She wants to fight Link, and then teach him a good lesson, then go after Eros, put everything on Eros, and let the whole thing settle.

Link was not afraid, and even a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Fighting level head-on is what he expected!

Link's blood boiled, and the next second he appeared at the top of the highest point of the Blade's Edge Star Dragon's Back Mountains, with a spike more than 10,000 meters high, looking at the mage tower in the sky.

"I wanted to play with the Archmage for a long time."

Link didn't dare to be too big, and almost showed his full strength.

Nine-patterned dragon and King Kong appeared beside Link as the two guardians, and there was also a crystal tiger under King Kong's seat.

As for the other members of the CIS who wanted to participate in the war, they were all persuaded to leave by Link.

This is a battle between Link and Emeriss. Since neither side can convince the other, then use the easiest way to 'convince' the other side.

The air not far from Link suddenly began to twist, and with a burst of dense arcane energy, a figure appeared in front of him.

As soon as Emorys entered Blade's Edge, she sensed the repulsion and suppression of magic power by the energy field here.

However, this level of repression was only a drop in the bucket in Emorys' view, and could not make up for the gap between Link and her.

Emeriss's lowered hand slowly lifted. During the process of lifting, three miniature magic circles appeared on her arm. Link suddenly felt that the overwhelming energy in front of him had gathered together, and an extremely dangerous aura was coming.

Suddenly, Link used Dodge in place to dodge.

The two great protectors around him, the King Kong and the Nine-Striped Dragon, also avoided it.

When the three miniature law formations were combined, a destructive wind force shot out from Emeriss' hands.

The power of the wind blade shattered and uttered a piercing shriek.

The spikes on the top of the Dragon's Back Mountains that Link stood on just now were cut and crushed like paper in an instant.

The pinnacle was cut into several sections by the wind blade, and the surrounding spikes were also smashed, and they were cut off in turn, humming, and then fell down the Dragon's Back Mountain Range, making a thunderous explosion.

As soon as the level archmage lifted it, the highest peak of the Blade's Edge star disappeared.

This is also the reason why level is called "natural disaster level", because every shot can be like the natural disaster of the planet, causing the planet to undergo permanent drastic changes.

Although Link had seen many level shots in his previous life, they were all from the sidelines or from the videos recorded by players.

This "first-perspective" experience is the first of its kind.

With just one blow, Link realized the power of Class.

Although Emeriss is the lowest grade in the A rank, the is not to be underestimated.

The high quality of its magical energy has exceeded Link's imagination.

I was used to seeing Gamesh's level on weekdays, but when I suddenly looked at Emeriss again, I realized that the gap between them was like a moat.

"Using the Blink technique in front of me would be a bit of an axe."

Emorys flashed faster, and appeared not far behind Link in the next second.

It was obvious that Bilink flashed afterward, but unexpectedly appeared in the same place at the same time, which seemed to give people a sense of synchronization.

Blink, it is difficult to predict the location of Blink in the eyes of ordinary people.

But for the level archmages, no matter how fancy the flash is, it's just a point-to-point teleportation method.

As long as you understand the principles of spells, you can sense the flashing magic tracks and fluctuations, and you can naturally predict the destination.

For a Grade A Archmage, the movement effect of Blink is significantly greater than the tactical effect.

Emeriss's hand condensed the ring again, this time generating a strong suction, like a pair of invisible hands that suddenly pushed Link towards each other.

"Perhaps, you forgot that I have a complete mage tower?"

As soon as Link's voice fell, the Mage Tower suddenly appeared behind Link.

A powerful arcane energy spread rapidly with Link as the center.

The exclusive skill of the Master of the Mage Tower - Arcane Torrent!

Although the magic iron ore of Blade's Edge has the effect of suppressing magic, the skill of Arcane Torrent, because the Mage Tower is a complete body, is still effective after it is used.

On the other hand, Emeriss, although she is a Grade A Archmage and has a Mage Tower, is not in a complete state and cannot use this move.

Under the influence of the magic iron radiation of Blade's Edge, the effect of arcane torrent has also weakened a lot, but it can be said that the effect is outstanding against Emeriss, who is known for her magic.

Emorys' spellcasting, magic power, and spell effects have all been weakened to varying degrees.

"If that's what you think, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed." A torrent formed behind Emeriss. Although the effect was reduced under the influence of the arcane torrent, that powerful force was still pushing Link closer. other side.

At this moment, the previously scattered King Kong and Nine-Striped Dragon attacked again.

Before starting just now, Link had let the Nine-Striped Dragon use the skill "Double Dragon Fate", and randomly obtained the Nine-Striped Dragon's skill "Dragon Thorn lv10".

In the face of this level powerhouse, King Kong and Jiuwenlong did not dare to relax, and they came up with the most violent attack.

The nine-patterned dragon held a long spear with psychic energy condensed from the keel, and a dragon thorn shot towards Emeriss.

The other King Kong, the Buddha country in one palm blesses itself, the other hand condenses into a palm, surrounded by Sanskrit sounds, the pure energy echoes the appearance of a golden light illusory Buddha, and the Tathagata palm is buckled towards Emeriss.

A sharp blade appeared in Link's hand.

Frostmourne suddenly appeared, and the "Breath of Frost" aura effect immediately affected Emeriss, reducing her attack speed and movement speed by as much as 30%!

Link threw Frostmourne backhand, and the original three-strike attack immediately turned into four.

Even Emeriss had to sigh at Link's fighting talent.

It was obviously a disadvantage for him, but he was able to reverse the trend in an instant, turning passive into active.

Against any B+ level enemy, this attack can completely seal the opponent, and even force the enemy out of the bottom of the box.

But now Link is facing Emorys, the patron saint of the Morvol galaxy cluster, the strongest!

Such an attack, in Emerith's view, is only at the level of "a little idea".


If it is an ordinary mage, the magical effect of arcane torrent can almost make a mage become a big head or a squib, but for level archmage, who are already used to the instant casting of spells, they will not be affected by any casting delay.

The strong suction suddenly changed and turned into a strong repulsion.

Link is the closest to Emeriss, so the repulsion force his body bears is the greatest.

Link's facial skin and muscles even shifted, showing the terrifying power of this force.

But Link still chose to bear this power, and omega rays suddenly burst out in his eyes, tearing and repulsive force going straight towards Emeriss.

Link and Emeriss are only two meters away from you. This fiery heat radiation line has no bells and whistles and goes straight to each other.

Emeriss never thought that Link actually had such a hand. This powerful ray energy reminded her of the first level powerhouse of the Morvol galaxy cluster, the master of Omega civilization - Archila !

The repulsive force around Emeriss swelled, forming an airburst visible to the naked eye centered on herself.

The explosion was so shocking that the space visible to the naked eye was partially twisted and oscillated, and layers of ripples appeared as the explosion shook.

At the same time, Emorys flickered and appeared hundreds of meters away, escaping the attack by all means.

Although it didn't really hurt Emeriss, but being able to force a Grade A into such embarrassment, Emeriss couldn't hold on to her face.

At this moment, the players in Blade's Edge, the leaders and members of the Independent Ministry, and even the two aborigines of Blade's Edge, all looked up at this great battle.

Link used b+ strength to challenge the rank powerhouse Emeriss, and even had the upper hand in the first confrontation, which surprised everyone!

In their eyes, level is the sky, an unparalleled existence.

Cut down mountains and reclaim seas at every turn, like a god.

However, after fighting against Link just now, the gods in their minds failed to break the siege of Link and the pets, but instead dodged away.

For a time, the image of the invincible level powerhouse in everyone's mind suddenly collapsed and shattered.

Link's mouth also had a smile, and the huge impact just now still caused him a lot of damage.

However, in the face of level, it is impossible not to be injured. He must bear some injuries and cannot escape!

Suffering a wave of damage, but being able to play the first-mover advantage in the fight, to dispel the oppressive aura of Emeriss in one fell swoop, is a great achievement!

Frostmourne shook back to Link's hands again, relying on the boots with flight function under his feet, Link hovered in place.

King Kong and Nine-Striped Dragon were also blown away, but the two used their means to stabilize their pace.

"The Archmage doesn't have to be so surprised, UU reading has just begun!"

Link attacked Emeriss as quickly as a cannonball, and at the same time, the omega rays in his eyes shot out again.

The other two also came up at the same time, preparing to besiege Emeriss.

"Although I admit that the attack just now made me a little embarrassed, it is not enough to defeat me. Use whatever means you can. It is impossible to defeat me."

Emeriss's tone was calm, and she had calmly accepted the disadvantage of underestimating the enemy just now.

"Of course it's more than that, there are still things that will surprise you~"

"Good things, naturally you have to take them out little by little..."