Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 969

Chapter 969

Eros eventually left.

When he left, Eros only brought some smaller rock giants and dozens of loyal and reliable barbarian warriors.

Eros did not draw a big cake with the people of Blade's Edge, and said that there would be an enemy to hunt him down soon. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, he would leave Blade's Edge.

At the same time, before leaving, Eros also comforted everyone. Find a suitable shelter for them, and repeatedly told them not to participate in the next war.

Although Eros usually hangs around, he is still responsible in handling and settling the two races.

Of course, in Link's evaluation, if Eros can die in battle, he will surely enjoy the supreme glory of Blade's Edge.

When Eros controlled the Arsonist of the Heart to leave Blade's Edge, the Mechanical Fortress did not stop it.

Eros opened the public channel and sent Link a final message.

[Although I don't know what courage you have to stay here, I don't want people who are only slightly inferior to me to disappear in this war. Otherwise, it would be a shame to be as famous as someone like you.

After Eros finished speaking, he commanded the Arsonist to leave the planet and officially embarked on the road of escape.

The corners of Link's mouth twitched slightly as he looked at the arsonist number that was drifting away.

Helen on the side asked inexplicably: "President, if you open your mouth, Eros will definitely stay and fight with you. At this time, it is good to have more combat power. Why did you let him leave?"

Link said meaningfully: "Eros is as slippery as a loach, and what he is good at is chasing and anti-tracking. If he is allowed to stay in Blade's Edge, the effect may not be as high as that of Silver Hand. But letting him leave will not only play a role His real strength can also reduce a lot of pressure on us. Sometimes, staying is not support, but leaving is."

At the same moment, Eros looked at the mechanical fortress that was about to disappear in front of him, raised the corner of his mouth, and muttered by himself:

"Link, I can only help you here. It's up to you whether it's fortune-telling or the first seven seats. It depends on your own destiny."

The two powerhouses usually talk back to each other, but at this moment they both have extremely high tactical literacy and awareness.

The skeleton of the evil **** was stolen by the macaw and the silver hand, but the man was picked up by Eros. So no matter what, Link and Eros could not escape the trial of the Alliance of Stars.

Now that Link decided to face the Alliance of Stars on Blade's Edge alone, what Eros can do is to leave the Blade's Edge, attract and contain as many enemies as possible, and share Link's pressure.

Although neither of them said it explicitly, they both realized it at the same time.

This may be the tacit understanding of the two of them as the same kind of people!

When the Arsonist of the Heart completely left the galaxy where Blade's Edge was located, Link ordered Helen: "Helen, I need you to send me a message next. Use all the communication equipment of the mechanical fortress to send out a public signal. The content is just Say - Link and the culprit are in Blade's Edge, and for the next three months, we will not make any transfers, waiting for the Alliance of Stars and all enemies in Blade's Edge!"

When the news was finished, Helen was shocked and didn't understand why the president did this.

Compared with other people, Helen obviously knows more.

Especially the news that the macaw and the silver hand stole the bones of the evil **** and were hunted down by the Supreme Mage Council.

Now send such a message to the universe, isn't this leading all the enemies to the Blade's Edge Mountains to find him?

Link rubbed Helen's little head and said, "Just go and send the message. It's inconvenient to explain the reason, and you will understand it in the future."

Although Helen didn't understand, it didn't prevent her from carrying out the president's order.

Soon, Helen sent this message inside the mechanical fortress.

The signal spreads all over the place in the form of regional broadcasts and radios and encrypted files, like the radiation from the explosion of the Blade's Edge, spreading throughout the universe.

At the same time, this news also appeared in the Mechanic Bastion in the form of a broadcast announcement.

When everyone heard that Link took the initiative to reveal his position and chose to stay for another three months, they all showed disbelief.

The high-level officials of the Independent Ministry know far more than the foreigners. Most of them have participated in the signal suppression of the evil god's bones, and they have also heard Link talk about the Supreme Mage Council.

Now the coordinates of the store where they are located are publicly sent out, and they will stay there for three months. The news is like thunder on the ground, and they cannot understand this "suicide" behavior.

The first time they heard the news, Gamesh, Graves and others found Link and persuaded Link not to act impatiently.

However, Link only reassured a few words, the tension and worry on the faces of several people disappeared, and they left the lounge with satisfaction.

However, to ask what Link said, several people showed a secret expression, expressing their unwillingness to disclose it.

On the player's side, Link's actions also sparked heated discussions.

The players thought that Link's move was to deal with the God of Plague and his followers, but the players in Qunxinggang in the forum brought a big surprise!

Both Eros and Link are wanted by the Alliance of Stars!

This newly emerged Star Harbor Alliance includes the Supreme Mage Council, the Lord of the Zodiac, the Adventurer's Association, and various high-level forces.

The reason is that Link and Eros teamed up to steal the skeleton of the evil **** guarded by the Supreme Mage Council, posing a serious threat to the security of the universe.

Players have not yet been exposed to these high-level forces, but through information investigation and other NPCs, we learned that the Supreme Mage Council is an organization with dozens of level archmage powerhouses, which can almost be said to be the strongest in the universe. Great Mage forces and institutions.

Such a powerful organization wants to want Link to be wanted, and even to fight, the outcome can be imagined.

After learning the ins and outs of the matter, the players of Mechanical Fortress found that Link had voluntarily announced the location coordinates!

In their eyes, this is a death sentence!

The discussion of the matter among players in the forum was also divided, with two different opinions.

One is that he should seize the opportunity and participate in the crusade against Link by the forces of the universe. In this way, it is possible to open and update a larger map logically, so as to achieve a corner overtaking. Generally, players who have this kind of thinking are the players of the post-Link era. They have never fought with Link. As soon as they enter the game, they enjoy the peace and tranquility brought by the wasteland, but at the same time, they also lose the strength to compete with the players of the first group. and opportunity.

So these players will take any opportunity to overtake a corner. Right now, fighting against Link is a good choice. It's just that these are their wishful thinking. With the strength and level of these players, they can't get into the eyes of those cosmic forces at all.

The other is those who think Link should be supported.

You must know that Link is the symbol of the Vatican galaxy, and the pioneer who led them to expand their horizons along the way. Now that Link is facing difficulties, they must go all out to support it. Otherwise, once Link falls, they will not be able to enjoy the current treatment. The cooperation between the big and small forces in Qunxinggang will be cancelled, and even the trade between the surrounding galaxies and the Vatican galaxies will be completely cancelled.

They are one with Link, one is prosperous and one is lost.

Those who have this kind of thinking are old players. They know that Inhumans can achieve what they are now, and it is all because of Link's development and reputation in the front.

To some extent, they were all overshadowed by Link's influence.

Now I have to deal with the NPCs who have been with me for so long. According to their words, even if it is an NPC, it is time to cultivate feelings!

And if he helped Link win a big victory this time, his position in the universe would be incomparable.

There was no arrow back when the bow was opened. The signal emitted by the mechanical fortress was like a stone sinking into the middle of the lake, and ripples swayed, constantly spreading from the mechanical fortress to the surrounding and spreading to distant galaxies.

Such an indiscriminate signal is equivalent to announcing one's position to the entire universe.

According to the speed at which the signal spreads, a civilization will receive the message in about half a month. Communication between civilizations and communication will greatly increase the speed of information dissemination.

According to Link's estimation, in about a month and a half, the Supreme Mage Council and the Alliance of Stars will get the news and begin to gather towards the Blade's Edge.

"Zifeng, you go and inform Yu Yanzhi Lang, let him contact Ning Chengxi, and say that it is time for the Archmage to go out."

A series of orders were issued from Link's lounge. No one would have imagined that the fate of the entire universe would converge on such an inconspicuous planet as Blade's Edge, resulting in changes that could affect the future situation.

Originally, Ning Chengxi was still worried about whether Emeriss was really helping Link, but considering that this was a request from Link himself, and with the ability of the chairman, it would not have been unexpected, so Ning Chengxi chose to do it.

Although he didn't understand the meaning of Link's exposure, Ning Chengxi was sure that Link definitely had his own ideas.

When Emeriss heard Link's operation, she couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Link suddenly stood on the stage of the entire universe and became the focus of the entire universe.

She has been paying close attention to the Stellaris Alliance recently, and found that many well-known factions have joined the Stellaris Alliance.

Each of these forces is comparable to the Supreme Council of Mages. Together they are definitely a force to be reckoned with. Almost assembled the powerful forces in the entire sector.

Now that Link speaks, she must arrive at Blade's Edge before the Council of the High Mage and the Alliance of Stars.

As long as Eros can be concluded in advance and all charges are placed on his head, there is still room for the whole thing to be turned around.

Emeriss immediately embarked on the journey, striving to arrive at Blade's Edge as soon as possible, and discussed countermeasures with Link.

At this time, the players could not sit still.

They had just arrived at Qunxinggang, and they were told that their leader, Link, was wanted? It has become a destabilizing factor in the entire sector and must be eliminated!

This time the player quits.

Link is their leader, and he often yells at Link to kill them. Do you take them seriously?

As a member of the Vatican Galaxy, in this case, you must help the field!

The players did not have the aircraft to support long-distance navigation, so some rich and powerful guilds or consortiums began to work together, took out the Cosmic Coins that had been saved for a long time, and purchased small aircraft. There are also some players who really can't get the aircraft. They simply look for missions close to the Blade's Edge Star, and prepare to find a way to get over it.

In short, after learning that Link was targeted, these players couldn't sit still.

They have used various methods to find a way to rush to Blade's Edge.

Where there are players, the news always spreads the fastest. Soon after the players in the Fanti Galaxy and Tusi Galaxy learned the news, they used their current status and influence to find ways to lease and mortgage ships from the official. The purpose is to seize all the time to get the aircraft and rush to Blade's Edge.

After the First Order learned of this, Turing the wise sighed: "Although my program told me that helping Link was a very risky move, he did something for the Vatican Galaxy and the First Order. His contribution made it impossible for me to backstab him. Maybe this time, we will all pay the price for our willfulness

Under Turing's strong intervention, the First Order sent all ships to Blade's Edge, except for two ships that were used to defend the galaxy and be responsible for the security of trade routes. At the same time, except for a small number of the First Order Corps, each ship was filled with Inhumans.

In the Turing galaxy, after Sarah learned that Link was being hostile, she defied all opinions, and even took out all the savings of the Runicus people during this period of time, purchased a battleship, and took her tribe and foreigners to go to Blade's Edge Rescue. They saved not only Graves, but also the promise of the alliance agreement that Rune and Link had signed.

All at once the whole universe was in action.

Players began to gather towards Blade's Edge Star.

This time it has nothing to do with tasks or benefits, it is purely for the sake of breathing.

Link, as an NPC who has accompanied the players for more than two years, is the one who watched the rise of a small gang from the slums of the wasteland Sandu. The policies brought after that brought benefits to countless local citizens and players. In the memory of the player, it will always be the guiding light in the forefront.

The words "fight side by side" can perfectly sum up their relationship with Link.

Now that Link is enemies of the world, they can't stand on the sidelines, watching Link face the forces of the entire universe alone in a distant and unknown galaxy.

Although the player's strength is weak, when this force is assembled, it can also erupt with terrifying power.

At this moment, UU reading players no longer distinguish that you are from the wasteland, I am from Victoria, and he is from Pandora.

All take action.

Antonidas, John, Ivan, Arthur, and the spider demon queen Xiaconia, all dispatched, took their subordinates and foreigners together, took the aircraft, rushed to Blade's Edge, and joined Link.

Link saw the news through the forum. Although his face was calm, his slightly trembling hands betrayed his true thoughts.

He also never thought that in the past two years, he has paved the way so much, and has such a large number of followers and allies behind him.

"In that case, let everyone see the true strength of our Umbrella Foundation!"