Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 934

Chapter 934

Boundless star sea.

The mechanical fortress has shut down all electronic communications, and the internal information is transmitted entirely by Troy, the data consciousness fluid, to ensure that the radiation of electronic signals will not be transmitted outwards.

The entity of the mechanical fortress, under the blessing of the magic circle of the mage tower, entered the stealth mode of the hull, and several resonance magic circles located around the mechanical fortress took effect, connected with the arcane energy of the mage tower, forming a meticulous one, allowing the giant mechanical fortress completely hidden from the universe.

Like a ghost floating in the universe.

"The target appears, and no other sources are detected in the public channel."

Looking at the live information from Achiko in the dark, Helen faintly pinched a sweat.

A double-r-marked transport ship appeared on the holographic screen. After reaching the interstellar space outside the star port, it began to decelerate unreasonably and gradually moved closer to the edge of the galaxy.

Just as the transport ship was drifting, under the star ring of the planet's ring-shaped belt, a very fast battleship suddenly jumped out.

In Azhiko's silent tracking screen, a column of "Arsonist of the Heart" appeared impressively. The hull is slender, and there is a huge pink peach heart pattern on the side of the hull, just like the real "Arsonist of the Heart".

But as long as you look carefully, you can still tell the difference.

The Arsonist of the Heart of Eros has only one basic ship type, and there are many places for DIY modification.

But the fake ship in front of me just copied the shape. Although some places have been parodied and transformed, there is no such charm at all.

However, just based on the iconic pattern, it can really scare people at first glance.

"Move forward in silence and lean up."

After Helen's order, Max "Power Kid" immediately pushed the engine rod. The giant mechanical fortress in the universe, like a stealth hunter hunting prey, quietly sneaked close to the enemy.

As soon as the Arsonist of the Heart appeared, it attacked the transport ship.

The firepower poured out like a waterfall of fire, and at the same time shouted on the public channel: "We are the phantom thief army, I am the phantom thief Eros, we only rob the goods without hurting our lives! If we resist stubbornly, there will be an extra coffin in the universe, you guys. will sleep here forever."

Just as "Eros" was shouting, the Arsonist of the Heart galloped all the way, the thrusters at the rear were fully powered, and a stream of light blue high-energy particles was ejected.

The transport ship is like a rootless weed in the storm, at a loss in the sea of stars, waiting for the "trial" of the Arsonist.

Soon, the transport ship of the Roseville Foundation responded on the public channel.

"We are the transport ship of the Roseville Foundation. The goods can be given to you, but please ensure the safety of the crew! We can completely solve the problem through peaceful means..."

As soon as the voice fell, the transport ship took the initiative to close the defense shield, "to show sincerity".

After the Arsonist of the Heart approached, many landing ships jumped out from the ship, surrounded the transport ship in an instant, and threw ropes to firmly entangle the ship.

With the skilled placement of explosives, a hole was blasted at the weakest part of the transport ship's side, and the body debris, some production materials and items inside were sprayed out in an instant, sprinkled all over the space, and shone under the rays of the stars.

With the iconic red hair of "Eros", he pressed the embedded button on his neck, and his entire body was immediately covered by a fully enclosed combat uniform.

With the opening of the Arsonist Landing Pod, the Phantom Thieves swarmed into the transport ship from the blasted crack.

Eros landed on the transport ship, and soon the receiver on his arm received the message.

After a quick scan, a scornful smile appeared at the corner of Eros' mouth, and he brushed a handful of red hair with both hands. The confidence and narcissism in his eyes were reckless and undisguised.

The two guns quickly took out from under the windbreaker and held them in his hands: "Next, it's my stage."

A trembling voice came from the broadcast inside the transport ship: "You said, you don't kill people who surrender, you said you only need the goods..."

Eros looked at the CCTV and the radio speaker on the side, showing a weird and evil smile: "Sorry, I forgot to say a word just now, our phantom thief army has a rule, you must see blood when you land, otherwise it will be bad. I will ask for your cooperation. Let's see who's going to die?"


As soon as the voice fell, with the sound of two gunshots, the CCTV picture turned into snowflakes, and the radio speakers also made a noisy electric current.

"Defend quickly, this guy is about to come in!" The captain of the transport ship looked terrified and quickly ordered his subordinates to defend.

"You, you, you, and you, go to the second line of defense, and don't let the demon Eros enter the corridor!"

"You guys, guard the main control room with heavy weapons and guard the last line of defense!"

"The rest, they will definitely occupy the power room. We must guard the power room and break free from the restraints of the landing ship before we have a chance to escape."

A piece of clear news spread throughout the transport ship with the captain's command. The members of the transport ship did not want to sit still and took action one after another.

Eros was like a red smoke that shattered all the CCTVs in the fast interspersed, as if it was spreading wildly among the people of Qunxinggang, like an unstoppable ghost, breaking through the enemy's defense and firepower network all the way.

The two dual guns in his hands spurted flames, and each shot could accurately take away an enemy.

In Eros' view, all the resistance was like a piece of paper, and could be easily pierced with a finger.

After clearing the last batch of firepower and enemies in the corridor, Eros stared at the CCTV at the end and smiled: "Now, it seems that you have no way to escape?"

Eros stroked a handful of red hair with both hands, and then together with the red robe, it turned into smoke, and the CCTV turned into a snow-like gray-white spot.

The next moment, Eros appeared in the main control room, the gun spewed fire dragons, and several people fell to the ground in an instant.

Eros appeared on the console in the main control room, kicked the driver away with one foot, sat on it gracefully, and blew a puff of blue smoke from the muzzle.

"Okay, let's settle the battle."

As soon as Eros finished speaking, the closed-circuit monitoring and broadcasting in the main control room exploded.

The lights in the entire main control room flickered for a moment, and the main control room was silent.

There are only Eros who is understated, and the transport ship captain and his subordinates who face each other with guns.

The transport captain swallowed his saliva, sweat dripped from his forehead, and rolled from his forehead all the way down his cheeks to his chin. He felt great pressure.

Then, unable to withstand the pressure, he finally spoke.

"Everyone on the list has been resolved, right?"

"Eros" pulled a gun and put the two alchemy pistols in the holster. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but what he said seemed to make people fall into an ice cave: "Are you questioning me?"

The transport captain hurriedly shook his head and put on a respectful expression: "No no no, how dare I question you, sir, I'm just worried about exposure."

"Then do you want me to make another shot?" Eros said angrily.

How dare the transport captain, with a terrified face on his face, he didn't want to annoy his immediate superior.

Although they are all the backbone of the company, being sent to perform this task is about erasing from the world. And there is no way to directly contact the Foundation, and his life is in the hands of the immediate boss in front of him. If you really anger the other party, you can make a trumped-up charge, or arrange an accident, and you can make yourself die without a place to die.

"Did the Foundation bring anything this time?"

The transport captain hurriedly took out a letter from his arms, and then said to Eros: "Sir, this is the next step of the plan. The above means that we have to speed up the pace, and we must first create some major events to let There is some urgency in this dead, dead universe."

Eros glanced at the letter, took the plan in his heart, then put the letter away, raised his hand and said, "Okay, now quickly transport the goods to the ship."

Eros then saw the alarm that had been sounded on the main console, got up and said, "We still have 30 minutes to complete, hurry up."

Soon everyone started to move, and many of the members who had been killed by Eros all the way up, unexpectedly got up from the ground and came back to life!

These people looked at Eros with admiration, and admired the leader's exquisite marksmanship and the speed of switching bullets.

But there are still some people who still fell to the ground and were shot firmly and lost their life.

At this time, people were moving around, but no one paid attention to the corpse on the ground, or showed a trace of sympathy in their eyes. From their point of view, these marginalized people and trolls of the Foundation should be eliminated. It is their honor to make one last contribution to the secret transfer of the foundation's great cause before it is cleared.

All transportation and transfers have been rehearsed before coming. Soon the people on the Roseville Foundation transport ship transported the materials, which are important logistics and resources for their uprising.

When everything was over, the Arsonist of the Heart opened the gates and set sail, quickly disappearing into the depths of the universe.

The front feet of the two sides left, and the back feet of the mechanical fortress were released from stealth. The mechanical arm of the mechanical fortress moved the damaged transport ship to the temporary position of the berthing port. After the docking, personnel quickly boarded the ship and carried the bodies of the killed staff out. Joyce's Alchemy Lab.

After being injected with some kind of golden solution, the people who were fatally shot opened their eyes abruptly, their throats let out a gasp-like gasp, their pupils shrank suddenly, and they straightened their backs and came back to life.

"Congratulations, welcome to the new student." Joyce said with a smile on his face.

When the fringe employees of the Roseville Foundation realized that they had come back to life, the first thing they did was to reach out and touch their bodies, especially the fatal injuries they had been hit before.

I saw that the wound was bubbling with thick smoke, and the fatal wound actually recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was no trace of being hit.

"What's the matter... I remember that I had been hit by Eros' alchemy bullet, and then I lost consciousness and died. Where is this, is it the high-dimensional space where the soul resides?" The fringe employees woke up one by one. To my colleagues and a group of "mysterious people", their faces showed surprised expressions.

As the publicity department of the Umbrella Foundation, Anna and Nicole came to the scene, followed by a camera team to record the interviews and conversations in real time.

"Hello, we are the Umbrella Foundation, and we rescued you from the looted transport ship." Anna said as the official representative of the Umbrella Foundation.

Hearing the name of the Umbrella Foundation, the awakened employees' faces flushed with excitement.

This is the power of specially invited consultant Link, the dazzling rookie of Qunxinggang!

"Dear lady, the transport ship of our Roseville Foundation was looted by Eros and suffered heavy losses. I hope you will do justice for us and punish the evil thief Eros!"

It's just that when the fringe employee finished speaking with righteous indignation, all the people present couldn't hold back and laughed.

The fringe employees were ignorant and only felt a burst of humiliation.

Is it funny that many of their employees were killed by Eros?

These cold-blooded people shouldn't have hope for them!

"You've been sold and you're still helping them count the money~" The cool guy couldn't help but sigh, and then handed a stack of documents to the marginal employee, and stated the facts to the awakened employees when he checked the documents.

"You were all transferred from your original positions a few months ago and came to the transportation position for various reasons, right? And most of you are alone, without relatives, and in the affiliated companies of the Roseville Foundation, and you have no close friends. friends, right?"

The two questions from the thief made everyone present stunned.

Originally, they didn't think about it carefully, but now when they ask it, it seems to be the case!

Everyone exchanged glances, as if asking, "You too?"

Originally, the number of such people was rare. UU read and they were not very social, so naturally they didn't have any friends and would not talk about their family and personal situation. Moreover, there are hundreds or thousands of people on the transport ship, and this amount of people will not splash, and it will not attract reverie. But when they were singled out, they suddenly felt that something was wrong!

"In your work history, there have been more or less acts of contradicting your superiors and not cooperating with the leaders above. Before you know it, you have been marked as disobedient by the Rosewell Foundation, and then reduced to an acceptable status. You are a worthy abandoned child. And this abandoned child is for some evil plan of the Foundation, and you are the victims of this plan's cover. "

After saying that, the thief pointed to the previous documents: "You can see, transport ships have accidents every month, and a large number of people are missing. You can see if the information on the people killed is the same as yours."

When a group of people came together to read it, they all turned pale.

Although they don't know what the Roswell Foundation is doing, they understand that they are abandoned children, the "unstable factors" that were specially cleaned up, and the only victims of this catastrophe.

"But... we clearly encountered Eros, and we were indeed shot, but why didn't we die?"

At this time, Miranda couldn't help but interjected: "Of course it's because our president is showing mercy. If he hadn't expected the enemy to take the lead, you would have been beaten to death now!"

Now these marginal employees are even more shocked. The Eros who "killed" them turned out to be President Link!