Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 932

Chapter 932

When Link watched King Kong, he was also amazed at Aquila's Moving Castle.

The Moving Castle is like an exquisite mechanical pocket watch. The precision gears inside are overlapped and stacked together to form a complete and orderly artwork.

Aquila is proficient in mechanics and mystery. The mechanical system is the mechanical structure of the castle and the terrifying space folding ability.

Completely fold a Whistling Castle into a slap-sized Rubik's Cube to build a stable and balanced pocket space, the strength is evident.

At the same time, the time-recovery magic circle and restoration technique in the moving castle are even more amazing.

Not to mention the lethality of the player, just simply say "Xunzong" Surter, King Kong and Nine-Striped Dragon.

The strength of these three people is extremely strong. The nine-patterned dragon and King Kong are both at the orange legend level.

But even under their strong attack, the Moving Castle can withstand this scale of energy, which shows how high Achilla's upper limit of building the Moving Castle is!

King Kong works around the clock in the Moving Castle, and after his eyes are strengthened, he can not only directly see the astronomical observation room, but also immediately see the location of the zombies that are chasing.

Although he is alone, his efficiency is stronger than when everyone was there before.

King Kong repeated back and forth over and over again, and there was no irritability or turbulence in his eyes. The predicament in front of him could no longer make him stir up half a minute. The only doubt is that this kind of repetition will be staged millions of times. Can the Dao Heart of King Kong be able to withstand it?

With the passage of time, Jinghu's mentality has also undergone great changes.

From the beginning of being lazy and uncooperative, it seems that he has accepted his fate, and even actively began to cooperate with King Kong.

Although Jinghu has a temper, he is not stupid. Now only it and King Kong are left. With King Kong's character, he will definitely pierce the crystal wall and go out after completing the task. If it drags its feet, it will only affect the time for the two to go out. Only with full cooperation will there be a chance to leave early.

Although he persuaded himself like this, under the double torture of time and inner anxiety, Jinghu was still on the verge of collapse a year later.

"According to the current method, the ghost knows when the crystal wall can be completely dug up! Now I can only vaguely see the light on the other side of the crystal wall, but there is absolutely no clue as to how many meters deep, so I can only guess from thin air. If it takes millions of years , wouldn't that be alive and dead here? I don't want to play anymore, I want to dig it for you!"

Jinghu lay down completely and rolled over in protest at the starting point.

King Kong's attitude was normal, he didn't get angry because of Jinghu's words, he still kept calm and sober.

"Okay, then you can rest for a while, I'll do it myself!" King Kong did not force Jinghu.

If I had done it before, I would have greeted the tiger with an iron fist long ago, but this time there was no punishment. This surprised Jinghu, who was ready to be beaten, and was even a little overwhelmed.

Then King Kong started the ascetic excavation.

Another half year passed.

Jinghu has already wandered around the Moving Castle. Including the lakes, lawns, and woods outside, the entire moving castle has no secrets to it, and is now in a state of boredom again.

Looking at King Kong again, he was still digging in an orderly manner, without any incompetence and rage, and he did not use it again.

Jinghu had some taste, and felt embarrassed.

After looking back again, Jinghu couldn't hold back any longer, and asked, "King Kong, how on earth did you manage to keep your heart as calm as water? You've been repeating the machine for two years without complaining at all?"

King Kong smiled and replied, "Then let me ask you why you feel tired of repetition, or even angry?"

Jinghu's tone was taken for granted: "I said it before, there is no end to this task, who knows how long it will take. As long as every time I see a depression the size of my fist, and now I see the entire crystal wall, my heart is full of fears. There will be despair, and there will be no strength to continue."

King Kong nodded: "I understand your feelings, but in fact, as long as you change the angle, there may be a different answer."

"If you widen your eyes and see the whole crystal wall and the small inconspicuous gap, then there will definitely be a feeling of powerlessness because of the contrast. But if you only focus on the gap, every time you look back, you will feel powerless. It can cause new damage to the gap and gradually expand its area and depth... If this is all in your eyes, you can watch the universe you shape expand a little bit with your own eyes, and only joy and hope will arise in your heart, No more despair. If you don't believe me, you can try it with me."

Jinghu has been bored for a whole year. Now that he heard King Kong's remarks, he couldn't help but be curious. He simply followed the method that King Kong said to observe the crystal wall.

This time, Jinghu's eyes didn't swept across the heavy crystal wall, and his eyes were all focused on the gap. Sure enough, he had a brand new experience!

When watching the new damage caused by himself and King Kong together, the depth of the gap has increased, the joy that is like opening up the world floods into my heart, and there is no more complaints and negative emotions.

King Kong said in a deep voice: "The zombies are still one floor away from us, take advantage of this time!"

The two continued to seize the progress again and again, and finally attacked several times before the zombies touched them.

After they were reborn again, Jinghu's eyes were delighted, and he said excitedly: "This method really worked! This time, facing Jingbi, I don't have that deep feeling of powerlessness. Instead, I have a firm goal."

King Kong couldn't help nodding his head. Although Jinghu usually plays off a little bit, this guy still has wisdom.

King Kong then on-demand broadcast: "On this basis, you can take a little longer-term vision. When you attack this time, you can think about which part to hit next time and what effect it will cause. As long as you have persistent small goals, after all One day, you'll accomplish the whole big goal."

King Kong's words are simple and easy, even a child of a few years old can fully understand it, and Jinghu is no exception.

With King Kong's methodology, the two of them worked hard again, and it was another year before they knew it.

The depth and width of the deep hole in the wall have made great progress, and Jinghu can already stick his head in.

Link's mind was always with King Kong and Jinghu, and he never left. Although they have been in the Moving Castle for three full years. But as far as the outside world is concerned, it only took three seconds, which is the peculiarity of the Moving Castle.

Being bounded and set up by Archila's top-notch time enchantment, this test has enough time to carry out, but it does not hurt them themselves.

Time not only protects the Moving Castle, but also the people involved.

Link couldn't help but sigh, if only he could control the flow of time in the Moving Castle at will.

Of course, in terms of Link's current strength, this can only be thought about. Even if they reach the level, the strong people have their own strengths, which does not mean that they will master this skill.

The time flow in the moving castle is the same as the outside world, but after the task is triggered, they are protected by the blessing of time, so it seems that time passes very slowly. Three seconds in the outside world took three full years in the entire pocket world. Jinghu and King Kong cooperated more and more tacitly. After that, they didn't even need to speak.

With another retrospective, the time in the Moving Castle is ten years later...

"By the way, we have been here for so long, don't the president and others have any doubts?" Jinghu asked inexplicably.

King Kong smiled lightly and said, "Jinghu, haven't you discovered it yet?"

Jinghu scratched his head, "What did you find?"

"We've been here for ten years, but don't you think that we haven't changed anything in these ten years? Whether it's the body or the cells, it seems to be frozen at the moment of entry, and with the time rewind, it can recover When we came out. In short, in the world of the moving castle, there is a time spell effect. Here, our state will not change, which means that our time perception in the castle and The real flow rate outside is not consistent. We have experienced ten years, maybe only a short time outside.

Jinghu suddenly realized that it is no wonder that King Kong has a calm face. Even after ten years, he is not in a hurry at all. It turns out that he has already seen through the mystery of the Moving Castle.

"Then, have you seen the content of this test by Achilla? We have been doing the same thing for ten years, and the test is not over yet?"

"The boss said that Akira is one of the five sages who once sealed the God of Plague. We came to the Omega Galaxy this time to find the artifact that the sages sealed the God of Plague. Since it is a test of the level powerhouse , it will definitely not be so easy to complete. I think this task should be a test of patience and perseverance!"

King Kong's eyes were extremely firm, and then the two launched a new round of shocks.

Link has been paying attention, the cooperation between the two is getting more and more subtle, and hardly any time is wasted in between.

The tacit understanding between King Kong and Jinghu is getting stronger and stronger, almost to the point of integration.

Just under this constant polishing and catalysis, the two suddenly gained a kind of traction and fetters, and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

Without Link for synthesis, a [bond] was formed between King Kong and Jinghu.

[Fuhu Arhat] (Purple): King Kong and Jinghu have formed a tacit understanding in the long-term cooperation. When the two sides act together, the fetters of Fuhu Arhat are activated, and all attributes are increased by 10%. damage increased by 50%.

During the long run-in period, the two sides formed a tacit understanding and formed an unprecedented bond.

This bond not only increases all attributes, but also directly increases the damage of King Kong's main output method, Tathagata Palm, which is a 50% increase!

Link was stunned when he saw it. If he wanted to synthesize this bond, he would need at least two epic-level materials to achieve this level. Now that he has made these two by himself, it really took him by surprise.

As the crystal wall got bigger and bigger, the two of them were also full of hope, and the cheerful aura on their bodies even seemed to welcome a major ceremony.

Twenty years, thirty years, fifty years, and even the first hundred years!

The crack in the crystal wall is getting bigger and bigger, even enough to allow King Kong and Jinghu to fully penetrate into it, and the light at the other end is getting clearer and clearer, which is the light representing victory.

In the 170th year, King Kong and Jinghu teamed up to deliver the final blow, completely shattering the crystal wall.

The light at the other end of the crystal wall instantly swallowed the two of them, bringing them into a fantastical realm purely composed of light.

Here, Akira's remaining mission will appears.

"Congratulations on completing the test, time has proved your perseverance and responsibility. In order to commend you for completing the test, you can make a request to help you within my ability. For example, I see that your energy has reached a critical point. , do you need me to give you a little advice to let you cross the shackles and reach a new realm?"

King Kong said calmly: "I am under the order of Link, the president of the Umbrella Foundation, to look for the clues you left. You should tell us the clues of the sealed artifact first."

King Kong respected Akira's tone.

The one in front of him is, after all, the first rank powerhouse in the Morvol galaxy cluster, and at the same time sealed the **** of plague and sacrificed his life with a noble character. For a Buddhist, this person transcends his own life and death and sacrifices himself to help others is a perfect person.

"I will pass the clues you want to you directly." Akira slowly raised her hand to point between King Kong's eyebrows, and all the information about the Sealed Artifact was imprinted in her mind.

"Well. Besides, what other rewards do you want? I can see that what you cultivate is pure energy, and it is kind energy. Your future is limitless."

However, King Kong chose to reject such a once-in-lifetime opportunity.

"Sorry, I don't need any guidance. My Dao is the way of self-perception, and I don't need any outside help. I already know the news about the Sealed Artifact, so we should leave here. Oh, one last word. , your test is very interesting, I like it very much."

In the days when I was with Link, big things happened all the time. King Kong rarely has the opportunity to focus on something calmly. For his Zen, concentration and penance are just very useful things. Only when you do one thing repeatedly will you face yourself.

In the past 170 years, under the baptism of these times, King Kong re-examined himself and made a summary of his previous experience.

From the perspective of a bystander, he re-looks at everything in the past, which has made his Buddhism more diligent and improved. More importantly, the previous progress was too fast. Whether it was by chance or epiphany, although these improvements were fast, they were like buildings that were pulled up overnight, and their foundations were bound to be unstable!

And through the 170 years of precipitation and experience, King Kong has absorbed all of these well, and laid a solid foundation that was not stable before. And it is really rare to have such a precious experience in a lifetime.

You must know that in reality, King Kong didn't have a hundred and seventy years to consolidate his That's why he praised Akira's mobile fortress level design. At the last moment, after completely smashing the crystal wall, King Kong also realized that the crystal wall is the mechanism for moving this level in the castle. With the complete break of the crystal wall, the time-recovery magic and repair magic in the castle also disappeared. , will never have such an opportunity again.

With the cooperation of him and Jinghu. Aquila's ultimate test is a dead end.

And just as King Kong's voice fell, the energy in his body suddenly surged!

At this moment, King Kong had an epiphany again, and the energy in his body flushed, leading him into a new realm.

At the same time, while Link was wandering and observing, a message suddenly appeared in the mental network, causing Link to be distracted to check.

within the spiritual network.

The "long-lost" macaw sent a message.

Group owner Lao Jin: @Administrator Link, Haha Link, you can never imagine what a wonderful adventure we and Eros have experienced! But of course, although we are so exciting outside, my old Jin is familiar with "Emotional Intelligence", and I still have this insight. I took an adventure outside, and after arguing with Weixia Guozi, I decided to bring you some gifts, which will also give you a sense of participation! As for what it is, I will sell it first, and I will tell you when I come back.

As a member of the King Kong family, mature pets will evolve and improve on their own, while immature pets have to worry about him. This gap...
