Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 920

Chapter 920

Remember [New] for a second,! The imprint left by Akira is to help Link sense the specific location.

It's just that Link didn't expect this thing to be so sensitive. As soon as he entered Omega ru99, the mark on his forehead gave him a reminder.

A scene similar to a hallucination suddenly appeared in front of him.

The perspective spread rapidly from where Link was now, and soon came to a planet with a pale and desolate appearance. The planet is full of ice, and the whole planet is dead and cold.

The hallucinatory picture in front of Link continued.

The scene quickly entered the pale frozen planet, came to an iceberg covered with dozens of meters of ice, and plunged into it!

The dim scene in front of him changed several times. After passing through the thick layer of ice, Link saw the mountain gate of the iceberg. On the door was the pattern of the triple electron orbit on his forehead, lit up with a pale yellow glow, as if welcoming the master. return.

Link came back to his senses and gasped for breath. His mind drifted hundreds of millions of miles away with the mark just now, as if it were an extremely fast journey.

"President, are you all right?" Helen stepped forward quickly, holding Link's arm, her face full of anxiety.

Link waved his hand: "It's okay, let's go to Wasteland Star first."

Helen quickly found the option of the wasteland star in Omega ru99, and the mechanical fortress gradually changed the navigation direction and drove towards this desolate planet.

Link's physical fitness is still good, and he is so mentally drawn by the imprint that if his attributes are a little lower, he will probably faint directly.

Link rested for a while before he felt fully recovered. At this moment, he was already looking forward to the compensation left by Akira's guilt.

As the "representative" of the Zerg in the current universe, Link is fully qualified for this.

After absorbing the Zerg worm nest left in the prince's treasure trove before, Link's progress bar reached 25%, which has occupied a quarter of all the worm nests in the universe, and has mastered the extraordinary Zerg ability.

From the Transition Gate to the Wasteland Star, using the slingshot effect of massive stars in the galaxy, it can be reached in just one day.

Once the target environment is determined, Link can prepare in advance.

The first is an ice layer that is tens of meters thick. The temperature of Wasteland Star is very low, which is minus 140 degrees Celsius all year round.

In this context, the solid ice is comparable to steel, and it is not easy to open the ice layer tens of meters thick.

The second is the internal situation of the mountain gate, which Link does not know, so he still has to prepare a little.

The power of the psionic cannon was too strong, so Link did not plan to send the Nine-Striped Dragon on the field. As soon as a psionic cannon goes down, it is a trivial matter to cut through the ice layer, and Link is afraid that it will not be worth the loss if the cannon smashes the mountain gate.

In the end, Link decided on Helen and said to Helen, "Helen, go and prepare. There will be dozens of meters of ice that need to be excavated later, so you can prepare."

When Helen heard that she could show off her skills, she smiled and ran excitedly to prepare.

Blowing away the ice of a dead planet is an experience that has never been experienced before. It happened that Helen had nothing to do after completing the research and development of the miniature fixed-point portal. After researching advanced knowledge a few days ago, she turned her interest in mechanical development, and improved a lot of weapon equipment and machinery. Just this time, it can come in handy for a military parade experiment.

Troy communicated to the wasteland star inside the mechanical fortress.

Although the entire Omega ru99 galaxy is dead silent, there are still some evidence of the existence of previous civilizations in the galaxy.

Through these relics, we can still vaguely see the glory of the past civilization.

The super-large buildings in the orbit of the planetary belt, after experiencing the double squeeze of adventurers and scavengers, have removed all the useful things. But there are some huge frameworks left now, which can still allow everyone to witness the prosperity of civilization at that time.

"This is the galaxy and civilization that gave birth to class..."

Almost all of them came with the feeling of admiring the pilgrimage. Players don't know how strong the level is. However, there have only been two levels in the entire Morvol galaxy cluster from ancient times to the present, one is the guardian Archila, and the other is the master of the star port, Emeriss. A Grade A can guard a galaxy cluster, so that outsiders dare not easily offend, this description is enough to make people emotional.

NPC players with B-level strength have seen a lot of them.

Graves and Link have each shown their terrifying combat power, which has shocked the players.

B-level has such terrifying strength, so the horror of level can no longer be imagined.

Players can only feel the horror of Grade A from the few words given by the official website.

The official website describes the combat power of level as follows: It can cause permanent large-scale damage to the surface of the planet. In cosmic interstellar combat, the strength is comparable to a cruiser.

It's a pity that time flies, even if it is as strong as level, it also dissipates in the long river of time with the decline of the galaxy, and no one cares.

The mechanical fortress quickly approached the wasteland star, and Link simulated the landing plan.

After the ice layer was blasted by Helen, he used the teleportation circle of the mage tower to teleport directly to the mountain gate crack, avoiding unnecessary trouble.

Considering the remains of the Zerg Overseer in the treasure, Link planned to bring only Ah Fu, and the others would stay in the Mechanical Fortress.

Except for Alfred, Link can't guarantee that others will not think much after seeing the remains of the Zerg Overseer.

After a day's flight, the mechanical fortress successfully arrived over the wasteland star.

Because the desert star is covered with ice, the moisture content in the air is thin, and there is basically no atmosphere. Even the Sky Eye satellite does not need to be dispatched, and only the reconnaissance equipment on the mechanical fortress can scan and explore the surface.

During the exploration, Link quickly found the place where the forehead mark had led him to before.

After sending the location to Helen, Helen replied, "Lord President, watch me perform next."

Helen completely regarded this mission as a progress show during this period of time. Let's see how powerful and effective the things that have been created and invented in the recent period of time?

Link looked sideways. His expectations for Helen have always been high. As a famous mechanical goddess in his previous life, under his influence and intervention, he has not embarked on a path of cold-blooded revenge in this life, and he is still cheerful and bright. However, his mechanical knowledge and vision have not been affected, and he has gained a broader vision and knowledge than in his previous life. Link is very much looking forward to what the effect will be.

As the armory on the side of the mechanical fortress was unfolded, artillery that had been transformed by Helen's team appeared.

Although the appearance of the artillery can not be seen in the camera, the camera is aimed at the mountains rising on the surface of the wasteland star.

When Helen pressed the start button, a burst of electromagnetic beams surged around the artillery, followed by a blue trail of artillery shells flying out at an extremely fast speed, rushing to the ground.

Just looking at the speed of the artillery, Link took a deep breath.

The power of this kind of acceleration artillery is definitely not low.

He hadn't learned about Helen's research direction and gadgets for too long, but he didn't expect her to bring him such a big surprise.

The electromagnetically accelerated artillery not only increases the speed, but also directly increases the damage capability of the artillery.

Needless to say, this must have been created by Helen and Max.

Several rounds of electromagnetic artillery landed on the ground, and a puff of white smoke suddenly stirred up. Under the thick white smoke, the spreading electric current was clearly visible, leaping and rolling in it like a green snake.

When the smoke and powder gradually dissipated, it could be clearly seen that the solid ice on the ground was blasted into a huge crater.

According to the rough calculation of the reconnaissance equipment, this huge pit is at least ten meters deep.

A few rounds of electromagnetic artillery smashed through half of the ice, and the power was beyond Link's expectations.

Helen in the hologram also showed her teeth and grinned. She was very satisfied with the effect of the artillery, and said, "For this experiment, I specially adjusted the tip of the artillery to the armor-piercing mode, and it seems that the effect is not weak. President, please see it next. Check out my new second weapon!"

As soon as the voice fell, three things that looked like reconnaissance planes suddenly flew out from the bottom deck of the mechanical fortress and went straight to the ground of the planet.

Soon, the three aircraft entered the thin atmosphere of Wasteland Star, and a few pale white trails were drawn from the tail.

Link carefully looked at the holographic interface and saw the exact shape of the body.

The outer body is streamlined and smaller than the Martyr-class unmanned raider in size. The blue and white tail flames behind it indicate that it uses a mixed energy source of tokamak and gravity stone, which can explode more powerful power.

Just as it was about to descend to the ground, the streamlined outer body changed, twisting its body quickly in the air and changing its shape.

"Lying... trough!"

Although Link's face was expressionless, he had already shouted the most classic words to express his feelings in his heart, and was completely shocked.

The deformed body is a mechanical body three or four meters high, and its appearance looks like... Gundam!

Helen actually made a mobile suit!

"Helen, you mobile suit, is there an operator in there?" Link couldn't help but asked.

Helen grinned and replied, "How can there be an operator. If an operator is connected, it needs to do neural synchronization, mental remote sensing, and mental signal analysis. I don't have the time to learn so much knowledge and do these extensions."

Helen's goal was clear from the very beginning, that is, to do something similar to the president's style and win by quantity.

Helen has also seen Link control thousands of pets, crushing them to an advantage.

The number route is the most suitable for creatures and insects, and the next thing that fits is machinery.

The machinery is highly replaceable, and various modules can be replaced at will. As long as there is an assembly line, it can be done 24 hours a day without stopping.

And only integration, intelligence, and high coordination are the essence of machinery.

Stuffing people into the mecha is a really inferior move.

The three mechas landed calmly and remained flexible in extremely cold temperatures.

The holographic screen in front of Link also switched to the mecha perspective.

One of the mecha arms switched to artillery mode and started to shoot frantically at the center of the pit.

The strong and destructive bullets poured wildly at one point, and after colliding with the solid ice, countless ice chips were stirred up and flew everywhere.

The other two mechas were not idle. The other arm changed, and a two-meter-long scarlet sword was thrown out. With a quick swing, the fiery sword energy fell on the solid ice, roaring, and a sword that penetrated into the ice appeared. gas.

Helen happily introduced: "President, this scarlet sword blade and what is swung out seem to be fiery sword energy, but in fact this is the air wave generated by high-frequency energy vibration, which can be compared to sword energy, and this is my new Research results. This is a super-large model, which I installed on the mecha. The other small models are no different from ordinary weapons, and can help the mechanical-type aliens to exert the power of the martial arts-type aliens. What do you think of this creation?"

Link said solemnly: "Helen, I have never doubted your mechanical creativity. It is beyond my expectation that you can study these things yourself."

Link's evaluation is very high.

It's just that he didn't pay attention to Helen for half a year, but this guy actually fiddled with the drone armor, and it was quite successful, and it could adapt to various harsh conditions of battle.

If this stance continues, as long as the assembly line runs at full speed, such mechas can be mass-produced and won by scale.

In a trance, Link seemed to see the mechanical goddess coming.

Just as the two were talking, the third mecha also started to work.

The robotic arm quickly transformed into a drill and began to dig deep.

Link smiled after reading it: "With such efficiency, I don't know when to dig?"

Helen was extra confident, patted her chest and assured: "President, just watch, I won't make you wait for a long time."

The drill mech didn't drill for a long time, and stopped working after drilling a deep pit.

After that, Link saw the mecha stick out a long strip of blue solution reagent from its shoulders, with signal lights flashing at the upper and lower ends.

Link had a bad premonition in his heart, but seeing the mecha throw the blue solution reagent into the drilled hole, the three mechas quickly switched to flying form and drove towards the mechanical fortress without looking back.

A few seconds later, the ice cap suddenly erupted with a violent tremor.

A huge blue mushroom cloud erupted from the deep hole that had been excavated just now.

The electric current in the mushroom cloud is turbulent and destructive.

What surprised Link even more was that when the smoke dissipated, the deep pit on the ground became larger, and even part of the mountain was directly This blue solution reagent, its explosive equivalent and effect even exceeded The power of several artillery fire!

Link looked at Helen in the hologram and couldn't help asking, "Helen, what are you?"

Helen replied with a smile: "This is a special mixture of ingredients extracted, I named it - blue lightning!"

"This explosive has strong penetrability, and can conduct current synchronously after diffusion. To a certain extent, it can even simulate lightning when it is dropped at high altitude. This time it is the effect of direct delivery, if it is embedded in the mecha body , but also to unleash additional effects."

Link got up, walked towards the Mage Tower, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect you to have grown to such a level..."

After being praised by Link, Helen was very useful and said excitedly: "Actually, I still have a lot of research results here. I will show it slowly when the president comes back."

Link and Afu came to the Mage Tower. Gamesh and the other magicians had already prepared the teleportation circle and locked the teleportation target.

Needless to say, a burst of light rose, and the next second two people wearing protective clothing came to the ground, at the gate of the mountain...