Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 916

Chapter 916

There are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends.

Since the small forces knew they had done something wrong, Link was also willing to give them a chance to reform.

Link is someone who thinks about others.

Personal honor and disgrace are trivial things in front of him. As long as he can help others, he will silently endure this misunderstanding.

Judging from the current situation, only relying on the tasks of the big and medium forces simply cannot feed this group of hungry players.

Moreover, the entry threshold for the tasks of the large and medium forces is high, and the low-level tasks are much less. But small forces are like mushrooms after a spring rain, and they are everywhere in Qunxinggang, and the task difficulty is generally not high. The most important thing is that these small forces have many tasks, enough to give players Huo Huo.

Relying on tasks to pull all these small forces to their side is also conducive to radiating their own influence in the future.

Link soon arrived at the Gendarmerie Guard, and as soon as he entered the office building, a group of family owners and representatives of the small forces rushed up to surround Link.

"Consultant Lin, this time you have to help us decide!"

Link fixed his eyes and saw that the one holding him the most was the head of the Montenegro family and the boss of United Mining.

Link pretended not to know, with a puzzled look on his face: "I don't know what I can do for you. Let Chris, the captain of the gendarmerie guard, be looking for me as a special advisor?"

Naturally, these people did not dare to offend Chris, but they would definitely ask Link to come out.

The head of the Montenegro family said: "Captain Chris is busy with his official business, and has been worried about the security of Qunxinggang. As for the arrest of Eros, only Consultant Lin can capture it."

Link was unmoved, and even said: "I have given you advice before, but you think 10 million is too expensive? Now that people are lost, and they want to trouble me again, I think I have a lot of time. ?"

Link's words were merciless, and they shredded their stingy faces.

The head of the Heishan family and the boss of United Mining looked embarrassed, and now they are disgraced, and they have to start with the stingy 10 million.

"It's all because we have no eye for eyeballs. Please also ask Consultant Lin to have a lot. Help us this time! We are willing to pay double the price!"

Now this group of people is also going to the hospital.

The small forces were hit too hard this time, and if it goes on like this, they will be disgraced, and no one will cooperate with them in the future.

This time they must invite Link to come out and save face for them.

No matter how much you pay for it, you will not hesitate.

Link waved his hand, he still wanted to continue the relationship of Eros, there was no need to really kill Eros for 20 million.

However, small forces are also an important part of his plan, and there is no need to make them particularly rigid. Many policy arrangements will depend on them in the future.

Link sighed lightly and said loosely: "Forget it, Chris is really busy recently, and Jarvan is not here, you can't do anything but find me. Since I'm a special advisor of the Gendarmerie Guard, I can help you. , As for the money, forget it, just kidding. In the future, the tasks of your forces can be opened to the Umbrella Foundation to deepen cooperation."

Everyone nodded like chickens pecking rice, and came down one after another.

"Of course, I'm just helping you investigate. As for whether Eros can be caught in the end, I won't make a guarantee with you. Do your best and obey the destiny."

Link didn't dare to say it so deadly, after all, he didn't plan to really catch Eros, just pretended to send off the small forces.

Chris mobilizes Link's staff, and Link begins his own investigation.

Anyway, according to the meaning of the small forces, Eros has already recaptured the ship and ran away, and now the investigation can be regarded as a closure for them. As for the reputation and reputation lost by the Montenegro family and United Mining, Link said there was nothing he could do.

Link quickly brought people to the scene and surveyed the scene of the crime.

Although the scene was already empty, Link could still simulate the situation at that time from the traces of damage.

The battle marks and scattered bullet marks all indicate that a fierce battle took place on the scene.

"Who originally belonged to this place?"

The boss of United Mining said with trembling voice, "Consultant Lin, this is a station of our United Mining. We don't know why Eros is hiding here..."

If it wasn't for United Mining's heavy losses this time, everyone would probably think that United Mining colluded with Eros.

"You have surrounded and suppressed Eros so many times, but he has escaped. This guy's cards are deeper than you think."

Link picked up the wreckage of the makeshift hologram device that had been bandaged on the ground and couldn't help laughing.

With such a simple "semi-timing" holographic imaging device, you can play a game of tune-in, but it can only be said that the IQs of both parties are not at the same level. It is only natural for small forces to be played as monkeys.

But just as Link was investigating the scene, he suddenly found some unusual traces.

There are some effects that can only be caused by mind power, and there are also traces of sharp hooks piercing.

In addition to the alchemy bullets dedicated to Eros, some conventional armor-piercing bullets were also found at the scene.

Link reached out to touch these traces, frowning deeper and deeper.

He was not depressed because he couldn't restore the situation, but because he knew it too well!

These marks are caused by macaws and silver hands!

I searched and searched, but I didn't expect to find it on my head!

Link's mood was instantly emo.

Linked to the abnormal behavior of Macaw and Silver Hand these days, Link finally reacted. Dare these two guys are in such a hurry to learn advanced knowledge, just to run out to find Eros!

Afterwards, everyone came to the pier and asked several relevant personnel, and Link also figured out the context of the matter.

During the few days of escaping, Eros has been hiding under the noses of the small forces.

No matter how these people search, they don't think that the person they want to arrest is hiding in their own shop.

After getting in touch, I used some simple tricks and magic-modified simple devices, used the psychology that the members of the small forces wanted to arrest themselves, and easily created a situation of attacking the east and west, and then fooled the garrison members of the small forces at the dock, and successfully recaptured the ship. ferry.

This series of operations, as long as there is a clear head commander, it is impossible for Eros to achieve so easily.

"Now Eros doesn't know where he has gone, all I can do is to step up precautions. When he returns to Qunxinggang next time, you will notify me as soon as possible, and I will definitely give you an explanation."

With Link's words, the representatives of the small forces present all breathed a sigh of relief.

All they wanted was Link's attitude. As long as Link is willing to stand up for them, let the people in Qunxinggang know that Eros cannot act recklessly in Qunxinggang, and such an attitude is enough for them to restore the loss of fame!

Link's experience and record in catching Eros was the biggest endorsement of this sentence.

The large and medium forces and Link have maintained good cooperation, and the small forces are now finally bowing their heads to Link,

Gu"Thanks to Consultant Lin for helping us uphold justice. With your words, I must be afraid that Eros will not dare to come to Qunxinggang in the future. If he dares to come back, we will notify you as soon as possible! "

The head of the Montenegro family hesitated for a moment, and finally transferred 20 million universe coins to Link's account.

"Consultant Lin, although you were joking before, we are grateful that you took the time out of your busy schedule to help us uphold justice. This money is a little bit of our heart. You have been busy for so long. It is our condolences and rewards. Our relationship with the Gendarmerie Guards is like fish and water between the army and the people. This is our sincere heart, and please don't refuse.

The head of the Montenegro family said with sincerity, and the other representatives also had sincerity in their eyes.

Link sighed lightly: "Hey, okay, but this is not an example."

Seeing that Link received the money, all the representatives breathed a sigh of relief, and the dust settled.

Now that the joint with Link is re-opened, then the matter of fame and prestige will not have to be worried.

Although it cost 20 million, it is definitely a good deal to stop and restore the reputation of the power.

After the representatives of the small forces left, Link handily transferred 3 million to the members of the gendarmerie around him, and said, "Take this money and share it with the brothers. You have also been investigating for a long time, everyone has worked hard. ."

The soldiers of the Gendarmerie Guard have never seen such a bold officer, and they are all dumbfounded.

"It's not hard, it's not hard work, working with consultants, you can learn a lot of useful knowledge. The little ones are happy!"

It was only after a half-circle that he came out and got three million when he changed hands.

There were ten people who followed Link this time, and it was calculated that one person could get 300,000, which was definitely not a small number for them.

You must know that they are exhausted, and their monthly salary is only tens of thousands of universe coins. Link gave him 300,000 yuan in one hand, which was almost more than half a year's salary.

And this job is easy and simple, just investigate the scene, there is no arrest and there is no risk, it is no different from lying down and taking money for nothing.

"Sir, if you have anything in the future, just tell us."

Everyone else nodded, their eyes wishing to go through fire and water for Link.

It took 3 million to win over ten soldiers of the Gendarmerie Guards, and they made a steady profit without losing money. This is still a lot of money to buy horse bones, so that the soldiers of the Gendarmerie Guard know that there is meat to eat with Link. When Link really needs to use them in the future, when he thinks of what happened today, he will be eager to sign up.

Link closed the team and took the soldiers back to the gendarmerie. Just as he was about to leave and go back to the mechanical fortress, a soldier suddenly ran in in a hurry.

"It's a bad thing, consultant, we received a report from the Roseville Foundation, saying that they had a transport ship intercepted by Eros, all the cargo on the transport ship was looted, some members were killed, and others were taken away and disappeared. !"

It was Eros again, and it was the transport ship of the Roseville Foundation that was looted.

"This guy won't leave An Sheng, he will make trouble for me!"

Link complained in his heart, and then asked, "Where's the captain? Should this happen, shouldn't the captain come in person?"

The gendarmerie soldier was expressionless and continued: "Master Captain has other tasks. Before leaving, he has handed over the disposal of the gendarmerie to the advisor."

"Is the crash site far from here?"

"Not far, just outside the galaxy where Qunxinggang is located, about a few hours ago."

"Go, go to the scene to investigate first."

Link frowned slightly, wondering if this was Chris's means or the six councils.

It stands to reason that at the level of the six councils, if there is any test, just say it directly, and will not create such a problem for him. Just like the last time Emorys handed him the erudite occupation task, it was directly on the surface.

If it's Chris, that's a possibility.

He was not there at the critical moment, and now there is an emergency. Do you want to test Link's ability to adapt to changes?

Link did not hesitate, and immediately counted the staff and led people to the dock for investigation.

Eros' crime was minor. The key is that Macaw and Silver Hand also followed him this time. I don't know what kind of earthquake these three troublemakers will cause when they get together.

The Roseville Foundation has used the gondola to bring the transport ship back, and it is docked at the pier of the second mechanical star ring.

When Link arrived at the scene, he was greeted by Colby, Director of the External Coordination and Affairs Division of the Roseville Foundation.

This guy Link had seen before, at his inaugural dinner, with Batins.

"Consultant Lin, we meet again, I'm going to trouble you this time."

Link asked as he walked, "It's Eros who did it, have you got the evidence?"

Colby nodded again and again: "The closed-circuit system of the transport ship captured Eros, and this is not the first time this guy has robbed our caravan transport ship. This kind of vicious incident has happened many times. I just heard about Eros. The front foot just escaped from Qunxing Harbor, and now it has looted our transport ship, which is estimated to have added a lot of supplies."

Colby took Link to the inside of the transport ship, and there were obvious signs of battle.

Link checked the shot, and the bullet was indeed the alchemy ammunition that Eros often used.

Finally, there is a video captured by CCTV. In the picture, a red-haired man in a cloak looks like a ghost, but the CCTV turned into white snow in the blink of an eye. Although it is only a glimpse, I can't see the appearance, but from the dress to the figure, it does have the demeanor of Are these the only victims on the transport ship? Everyone else was captured by Eros? "

Link looked at the dozen or so morgue bags placed in front of him and made an estimate.

There are at least seventy or eighty hundred staff on a transport ship. Now only a dozen or so have been killed, and all the others have become prisoners.

"Well, they're all captured. It's no different from the previous few times, and it's almost forming a unified routine." Colby complained.

"Consultant Lin doesn't have to find it difficult to handle. Eros has been rampant for a long time. We have become accustomed to this kind of thing, and we just come here to report it on a routine basis. For this loss, it is still within the scope of the Rosewell Foundation."

After Colby left, Link immediately entered the [Spiritual Network] and launched a tidal wave of psychic attacks on the macaw.

Admin Link: @Group Owner Laojin@Group Owner Laojin@Group Owner Laojin@Group Owner Laojin, come out quickly! You and Silverhand are making a fool of yourself with Eros, now let me wipe your ass! Run and run, halfway to provoke the Roseville Foundation. You two tell the truth, did the attacking transport ship hurt people?

After a while, the macaw buzzed in his head and saw the message.

Group owner Lao Jin: ? ? ? What provokes the Roseville Foundation? After we grabbed the ship and escaped, we didn't meet Mao along the way. What transport ships were attacked, and such good things? I do not know how?

Admin Link: You mean, you left without encountering any ships along the way, did you just leave?

Group owner Lao Jin: I swear on the happiness of the lower body of the silver hand, everything I said is true!

Link looked at the constantly looping CCTV footage, and doubts arose in his heart.

Could it be that there are two Eros?


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