Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 914

Chapter 914

The forces that cooperated with the Umbrella Foundation quickly packaged and sent the mission documents.

After receiving the task documents, Poney and Ren Yi sorted them out, and then Troy used super computing power to give a rough rating of the task, and batch modified and polished the task requirements and copy.

Simultaneously, Poney advertised the inhumans of Mechanical Fortress widely, and only the top 100 people with the highest contribution were given the right to prioritize tasks. Others choose another day.

In just a few words, the players in the Mechanical Fortress boiled.

They have been holding back for a long time.

After arriving at Qunxing Port, he was not allowed to go out. He could only look at the port through the porthole, like an animal trapped in a zoo and eager to go out.

Now that I heard that you can choose a mission to go out, the players are overjoyed. Especially the players with the top 100 contribution points suddenly feel different from holding their heads high.

Going out before other players means getting the opportunity to develop first.

If you can become the top 100 contributors, if it is not the liver emperor, it must be a player who has accumulated advantages in the previous version.

Ensuring the experience of these "core players" is one of the means to attract high-end players.

Only by making them feel that their contribution is different from the top 100 can they stimulate their sense of superiority and the competitiveness of subsequent players.

Once the news came out, it quickly detonated the entire player forum.

These 100 players will be the first among all players to come into contact with Qunxinggang.

In the previous description, the size of Qunxinggang is unparalleled, and it is the largest artificial expansion star the player has ever seen. According to the introduction of intelligent voice, the population of Qunxinggang exceeds 10 billion, and the forces are even more numerous. And these forces are all within the Morvol galaxy cluster. If you get through a little bit, you can eat it in the entire galaxy cluster! Needless to say about the tasks and opportunities in this one?

Most players are still in the Vatican Galaxy to exterminate alien remnants, or follow the Vatican Galaxy Development Alliance to run trade lines with the surrounding Tusi Galaxy, but the top players have all started the adventure tour of Qunxinggang. This gap is too great. big!

The efficiency of the Umbrella Foundation is also very fast.

After half a day of preparations, all the tasks are online.

The first 100 players also came to the Alien Committee and began to choose their own tasks.

Troy thoughtfully added a description mark to each task, which helps players have a clearer grasp of the difficulty and time of the task.

The players with the top 100 contribution points are all veteran players, and they are the best in every novice planet.

Previously, the Alien Demon Clan dungeons consumed a lot of players' contribution points, but it also obviously expanded the distinction between the 20,000 elite players.

The powerful top players mastered the skills after defeating the boss, which greatly slowed down the consumption of contribution points. And every time the dungeon is finished, there is still a harvest, and these materials can be exchanged for the different committees in exchange for contribution points. After deducting the contribution points for redeeming the equipment and materials you need, there is still a surplus every time.

Players with a little more average strength, although they can occasionally beat bosses by luck, have not yet reached the farm stage. It is common for them to die a dozen times in a dungeon. In this case, the contribution points can only be difficult to maintain a balance, and it is difficult to go further.

And those players who are still struggling in the dungeon are doing useless work and negative investment every day. All rely on doing tasks in the mechanical fortress to subsidize the family, and wandering wildly on the edge of the contribution line that was kicked out of the mechanical fortress.

A dungeon group has created the status quo that the strong are always strong, effectively distinguishing the 20,000 players.

The release of these 100 players is also a good start for the Umbrella Foundation, showing their powerful strength.

There are as many as tens of thousands of tasks on the task list of the holographic screen of the different committee. And the tasks range from the F-level errands to the D-level intelligence collection or lesson tasks, which makes people dazzling.

Soon one hundred players selected their favorite missions. As the strongest 100 players in the mechanical fortress, they choose tasks with strong self-confidence. Basically, no one chooses errands, and most of them are D-level tasks.

After I got the mission, I read the mission introduction.

Before leaving, Penny gave each of them an arm-portable device that could display the player's real-time location and navigate the target location.

This is after entering Qunxing Port, the Qunxing Port supervisor system, that is, Fitz Intelligent AI issued the layout map of Qunxing Port to each ship.

Troy added instructions for processing the map, and Helen packaged the program software and concentrated it in this arm portable device, which can be viewed and guided by players at any time.

I have also lived in Mechanical Fortress for nearly a year. The top 100 players have cooperated in the first kill of the previous dungeon, so they are very familiar with each other.

After getting the task again, the players with good relationships formed a group in twos and threes and exchanged their tasks with each other to see if they could find someone who would go along the way, increasing the probability of completing the task. Or find tasks that are related and get together to complete them.

Just because of this communication effort, they really made several couples.

But it doesn't matter if you don't communicate, a pair of conflicting tasks were discovered during the exchange.

The task chosen by Chasing Feng was to protect an important partner, A, at the request of a faction. As a result, Long Resentment received the task of assisting another force in requesting to assassinate A.

The two of them looked at the diametrically opposite mission requirements and couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

But immediately, the two started to run wildly, and ran out of the mechanical fortress with lightning speed.

Chasing the wind and Long Resentment were originally a pair of old enemies, and Long Xingtian's guild, Long Xingtian, regarded the Miracle Guild as the primary enemy. Unexpectedly, the two received such a pair of CP tasks again, and the effect of the show was full.

Both of them wanted to find A as soon as possible, one wanted to rush ahead of each other to assassinate him, and the other wanted to protect him.

You must know that one mission is to protect, and the other is to assist in assassination, so there must be others besides Long Resentment.

The first group of players left the Mechanical Fortress to do the quest, and this group of people also attracted the attention of some Qunxinggang forces.

Of course, the one who paid the most attention to this was naturally Chris.

The other forces just think that the Umbrella Foundation has a group of elite soldiers, but Chris learned the truth about this group of players from Link's mouth. Under the seemingly funny appearance and actions, this group of people has terrible potential. Fear of life and death, there is no definition of death in mind, and the strength can grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the future, it will definitely be a frightening group.

Chris was sitting in the surveillance room, with a hundred separate video windows in front of him, each of which was facing a player.

Through this most intuitive method, Chris can understand the strength of these aliens and give the most accurate evaluation.

Gu These 100 players deserve to be the top players, and the mission is not in the slightest. With a portable device, there is also a basic grasp of the location and environment of Qunxinggang. If you really don't know, just follow the navigation, there is no difficulty at all.

The process of completing the mission is simpler, because with the name of the Umbrella Foundation, players can easily gain the trust of NPCs.

As far as the player's strength is concerned, these D-level tasks are not very difficult, not even the most basic obstacles.

These 100 players have the lowest strength of C-, and the top strengths of Chasing Wind and Leng Feng, etc., all have C-level strength.

All the hundred C-level players were released, and immediately caused a big earthquake in Qunxing Harbor.

In Qunxinggang, those with B-level strength can serve as cadres and elders of major forces, and C-levels can be competent for the duties of team leader or team leader.

C- and D-levels are the most common combat powers, that is, minions.

The release of one hundred C-level players at one time is enough to show the profound heritage of the Umbrella Foundation. Even comparable to some medium-sized forces.

Soon some players returned from completing the mission, and they were overjoyed after receiving the mission reward. Because this quest reward actually contains Cosmic Coins, the quest also gives additional contribution points! And after completing the task, the Umbrella Foundation did not restrict their freedom of movement, and informed them that they could move freely in Star Harbor.

It's just that when players go out to perform missions, they find that if they don't use the name of the Umbrella Foundation, they basically won't receive any missions after they go out. Almost no one bird them.

In the Umbrella Foundation, there are a large number of tasks to choose from within the alien committee.

In this way, comparing them over and over again, players mostly choose the mode of taking missions in a different committee, and then going to Qunxinggang to do missions.

These 100 players were like a wild dog that was about to faint from starvation after being locked up for more than ten days.

Suddenly it was released one day, and there was still a large piece of meat in front of him, and he ate it all in an instant.

These hundred players directly completed five or six hundred tasks in one day. The efficiency is astounding.

These people are like mission machines that do not need to rest, quickly going back and forth between Qunxinggang and Mechanical Fortress, and each return means the successful completion of the mission.

Chasing the wind and Long Resentment also completed the task logically. Both of them were able to complete the task, which was really unexpected.

Chasing the wind's mission is to protect A, while Long Resentment's mission is to assassinate A.

Because of the advance information from Chasing the Wind, the target's **** work has improved a lot and successfully resisted two waves of assassinations.

Although Long Resentful Tian did not succeed in assassinating the target, he made friends with several other members of the forces who performed the mission, and when reporting the mission, the target said that although the two assassinations were unsuccessful, it greatly deterred the other party. Actions have slowed down. In a sense, it was a successful assassination. Not only did Long Resentment get the full reward, but he even made new friends and forces in Qunxinggang, so this task can't be said to be a winner.

The other players in Mechanic Fortress watched the 100 players frantically do their quests, and almost all of them were eager to see them, so they almost knelt down and begged them.

Originally, among the Qunxinggang missions released by the Disciplinary Committee, there were very few missions with higher difficulty. Now a lot of them have been wiped out by the top 100 players, and the visible reduction of advanced tasks means that the rewards of later player tasks have shrunk.

But soon, the second batch of 500 players also joined the ranks of lifting the ban.

Although the strength of this group of players is not as strong as that of the top 100 players, their strength distribution is basically between D+ and C-.

There is such a group of people who are like hard-working worker ants every day. They go back and forth between the mechanical fortress and Qunxinggang, taking it as their mission to complete the task, and the speed is fast and good.

After the player returns to hand in the quest, the proof of quest completion will all be handed over to the different committee for processing. Finally, it will be handed over to Poney to connect with the Qunxinggang forces in exchange for rewards.

Just after doing this once, Mechanical Fortress gained a profit margin of more than 20,000 Cosmos coins.

This is only the result of two days of tasks for 600 players. If there are more players in the future, the profit gap will only increase, and it will even be enough to protect the Umbrella Foundation to make money.

And in this process, the one who was most shocked was Chris.

Because he found that Link was not lying at all! These aliens have the ability to resurrect after death, and the interval is about ten minutes. And just from his observations in the past two days, the strength of some of them is a visible improvement every day. And there are 20,000 such alien mechanical fortresses, and the entire Vatican galaxy has millions!

Thinking of this, Chris couldn't help taking a deep breath.

With such a gang of undead aliens, they still need level dry balls! Pulling the aliens out directly, with the immortality feature, can make other galaxies barren!

But Chris also discovered a special habit of Inhumans, which is a madness that is almost paranoid about tasks.

You can go without food or water for a day, but you can't go without tasks for a day. Perhaps in the eyes of these aliens, the task of creating value is far higher than the ranking of consuming value.

Considering that Link previously said that Inhumans are very likely to be projections of high-dimensional creatures, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Chris can only comfort himself: Maybe this is the distinctive value of higher civilization.

Link also told Chris about the chaotic attributes of Inhumans before.

Without the constraints and guidance of the mission, the chaotic attributes of this group of aliens will be revealed. From a swarm of hard-working little bees to a villain who breaks the rules in an instant.

So for the crazy thoughts in his mind, Chris can only think about it.

Whoever can provide high value, other people will mix with others, and only focus on interests and not loyalty. This is obviously extremely dangerous.

Link and Inhumans have been together for several years and seem to have mastered the essence of "domesticating" Inhumans.

Link has not been idle these few days. While unblocking players batch by batch, he has begun to study the advanced knowledge on the black tablet with the officials of the Umbrella Foundation.

Among them, Macaw and Silver Hand are particularly active.

After the first to learn the required advanced knowledge, these two guys left the sentence "retreat and absorb" and disappeared.

But the others didn't care either, these two guys were often elusive. And after absorbing the advanced knowledge, the advanced shackles are loosened, and there will be a period of rapid strength improvement.

At this time, choosing to retreat in one fell swoop is indeed a wise move.


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