Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 897

Chapter 897

The Tilis matter was resolved, and everything was back on track again.

Anyway, it was okay to go around. After Link put the dungeon stone of [Tiris Plague] in the dungeon area, he became the first early adopter.

Link hasn't entered the dungeons for a long time. The main reason is that these dungeons are not too difficult for him. It's okay to try it out once or twice. Who can stand it if he fights every day. Coupled with the more than 200 million experience lying in the experience pool, there is no motivation to change anyone!

However, in his previous life, Link had never logged into Tiris, let alone a copy of Tiris.

Now that there is a chance, it's good to go in and take a look. In addition, this dungeon quest is related to the God of Plague and the plague, which aroused Link's curiosity.

With Link's current level and strength, the threat value of this copy to him is infinitely close to zero.

In Link's eyes, about a single-player survival dungeon is no different from a cup of latte in the morning.

Entering the copy, the picture in front of me suddenly changed.

In front of Link's eyes was a wealthy town. He was in a market place. There was an endless stream of merchants and people, blocking the entire market street.

At this time, people's attire and way of life were not the Tilis that Link had seen after being eroded by the plague, but had a flavor of its own, quite akin to that of the planned economy period of the 1950s and 1960s. The thing that touched Link most was that although the materials were poor, people's mental outlook was very good. Through their eyes and expressions, they could clearly feel that they were living people.

It gives people a feeling that although living conditions need to be improved, everyone is full of hope and vision for the future.

Just as Link was gradually immersed in the humanistic and natural scenery of Tiris, the sky suddenly seemed to be hit by something heavy, and the air shook through his heart.

Immediately, the clear sky turned dark green in an instant, and a huge spell appeared in the sky, like a giant net, expanding in all directions, covering the entire sky in a very fast time.

At the same time, mission instructions and tips appeared in front of Link.

[Mission description: The abnormal situation of Tiris appeared, and ordinary people were unarmed and did not know what happened. But you knew in advance that this was a plague. Please ensure your own safety in the chaos, and in the face of this sudden disaster, while ensuring your own safety, try to find a way to investigate the truth of the incident while fleeing]

[Mission objectives: 1. Survive the plague-covered Tiris; 2. Uncover the truth of the plague of Tiris. (Completion of both counts as successful mission)]

[Task reward: basic reward (150,000 experience, excellent material x1), advanced reward (150,000 experience, excellent material x1), advanced reward depends on the completion of the comprehensive score]

Link glanced at the reward, but it was normal. But after all, it is a copy of single-player survival, so it is reasonable to distribute this reward to a single player.

Surviving with Link's strength is not a problem at all, so the real task is only to find the truth.

The world has changed, and the people in Tilis's city are a little flustered, and they have no idea what happened.

But soon there was a riot in the crowd, and green chaotic skyfires pierced through the dark clouds, tore the air, and fell from the sky.

The sharp whistling sound scraped across the sky, constantly stimulating people's psychology and eardrums.

When the people saw such a situation, they avoided it one after another. The originally bustling streets suddenly became a mess, with shouts and pains in the ears, people scrambled to avoid, the fallen people were trampled and wailed bitterly, and after a while, there was no life, the whole picture was like **** on earth.

Without any clues at the moment, Link immediately left the street and came to the highest point of the town, the clock tower of the municipal building.

As the commanding height of the city center, it is also the tallest building in the town, where Link can have a panoramic view of the town.

The chaotic meteorite smashed, and in addition to the explosion, it also stirred up a terrible dark green gas.

The gas quickly filled the air, and soon formed a continuous fog, gradually advancing towards the center of the city.

After inhaling the poisonous mist, the fur of the wild dog quickly corroded, and the muscles also disintegrated under the corrosion of the plague, revealing the inner white ribs, and the internal fascia and organs also turned into a pool of corpse water, tickling across the bones. , the air was rotting and wailing.

After inhaling the plague, the man squeezed his neck tightly with both hands, his blue veins burst, and he fell to the ground and bowed and screamed.

A prompt appears on Link's system interface.

[You are in the environment of the plague poisonous fog, causing 30 points of damage to you per second (170 points of which are resisted)]s

Link frowned slightly when he saw the damage.

At his level, he can deal 30 points of damage per second. For ordinary people who have no resistance, 200 points of damage is almost certain to die.

Now that the town was completely submerged under the poisonous fog, Link noticed that the place where the skyfire fell and exploded was the only place that was not eroded by the poisonous fog.

Take a leap of faith from the top of the bell tower, then unfold the flight suit form of the multi-functional combat colony and glide towards the explosion site.

Link raised a defensive force field all over his body to isolate the poison gas.

In the strong poisonous gas, the town soon became silent.

It's a catastrophic annihilation.

And this kind of skyfire, almost all over the sky, was almost a devastating blow to Tiris.

After rushing into the sky fire, Link saw that in the impact crater on the ground was a cracked meteorite, and in the center was a drum-shaped object similar to a poison sac. The abdominal cavity expanded and contracted violently, and poisonous mist spewed from the tail.

Link took out the force field scepter, an invisible shock wave fell directly on the poison sac, the poison sac exploded with a slap, the juice and flesh splashed, and the poisonous mist stopped.

"It turns out that the poisonous fog is brought by this thing."

Link glanced at the system, and a line of small words appeared. The thing that was killed just now turned out to be something called "Poisonous Bogworm", a kind of creature.

Link's figure was dodging and moving around the town, quickly killing the poisonous bog. In a few minutes, the poisonous bogworms in the town have been killed, and the poisonous gas in the air has also diluted a little.

Link enters the Heaven's Air Force mode to control the airflow in the air.

After a while, the poisonous gas gradually subsided with the airflow, revealing the white bones on the ground.

The people in the town looked horrified when they died, almost all of them put their hands on their necks, their behavior was distorted, and they seemed to have suffered great pain.

Link is at a loss now, with no clues or evidence at all.

The situation in the city was like this, and Link decided to check it out at a higher place.

The town was built on the mountain, and Link went directly to the mountain outside the town and looked around.

The poisonous fog in the town has dissipated, but the poisonous fog in the wild still pervades. Especially some canyon villages, townships are almost submerged.

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for the person inside to survive.

This time, the poisonous gas plague attack almost came to destroy Tiris.

It was hard for Link to imagine how the remaining people of Tilis could survive and multiply under such a large-scale attack?

Just when Link lost his mind, a soft light suddenly appeared on the horizon in the distance, followed by a vacuum on the ground covered with poison gas.

Seeing this, Link's eyes suddenly lit up, and the place where the light radiated was about ten kilometers away from the town.

Other places have become poisonous seas, except for the farthest point as far as the eye can see, a "vacuum area" appears.

Not surprisingly, there should be the place where the mystery can be solved.

Moreover, it is more in line with the setting of a single-player survival dungeon to cross ten kilometers under the poisonous fog.

Humans were all turned into skeletons, and beasts mutated under the influence of the plague, turning into monsters similar to zombies, with increased damage.

The jet booster under Link's feet was activated, and the whole person flew directly into the sky.

Then use the flight suit and the flash dagger to start moving at high speed.

"When I go back this time, I must let Helen create a permanent aircraft." Link now recognizes the importance of flying, and when he returns, he will definitely let Helen add a flying effect to the multi-functional combat colony. When you arrive at Qunxinggang, you must learn a book on Psychic Flight.

Glide, Blink Dagger, Teleport.

After using the three skills in succession, Link finally reached the vacuum area ten kilometers away after a few minutes.

At this time, there is a very unusual atmosphere here, as if to shut everything out. Even Link's attempt to use the aura to invade ended in failure.

This surprised Link.

You must know that Link is now at level 80, and his energy level evaluation is B-level. Looking at the Morvol galaxy cluster, he can be regarded as a small powerhouse.

A level 65~75 dungeon actually had a barrier that he couldn't invade, which indeed surprised Link.

And here, Link also felt three "familiar" breaths.

Link concealed his figure, restrained all his breath, and silently approached the edge of the aura.

Through the aura, I saw the interior scene.

The three plague warlocks stood in front of a monument, as if they were facing a big enemy, and this breath came from the monument in front of them.

Link glanced at the information of the three plague warlocks. These three plague warlocks were all level 70 elites, and the three of them even had a strength-enhancing buff state together.

The stele in front of him exudes terrifying energy, like ripples, surging outward one after another.

The three plague warlocks joined forces to resist. The strength of the three can only resist this energy, but they cannot go further.

"Give up resistance, God's will will surely spill over Tiris, and the general trend will be unstoppable!"

"We want to create a world where there are only believers of God!"

"Give up resistance, we can give you a decent."

Although the two sides were deadlocked, the three plague warlocks showed no mercy.

Each of the three people has a skeleton magic weapon in their hands, and the quality and level are very high. At least it is much higher than the soda pork **** and the two in Grace's hands, and the majestic plague energy emanating from them should not be underestimated.

The stele in front of him was engraved in the form of runes, but the rune style was something Link had never seen before, and it did not belong to any of the types he was familiar with. And once the rune tombstone is reached, it can generate such terrifying energy that even his B-level ability cannot break the defense. According to Link's analysis, the aura emanating from this monument is at least Grade B or higher!

The reason for this judgment is that Link's Heaven's Son of Heaven's Qi Technique is a very powerful skill. Under the pressure of the breath, he couldn't shake it. Perhaps only the finger of death can knock out this energy field, but now it is more important to explore confidence and intelligence, rather than breaking the wall, so Link gave up this idea after some testing.

The monument hummed for a while, and it made a sound.

"I will guard the super galaxy cluster and seal the plague god, and I will not let you break through so easily."

The voice is old and simple, indescribably profound.

The three plague warlocks grinned, the corners of their mouths raised: "The times have changed, you have sealed him, but you can't seal people's hearts. The desire for power is the most basic desire of human beings. As long as there is desire, war and disease, He can always be affected by emotions. You can draw strength from it. Besides, you are still close to you, but it is just a daoist idea. It is tantamount to want to stop me from waiting."

The three Plague Warlocks raised their skulls in unison, and the eye sockets of the skulls were glowing with flirtatious green.

A blast of plague erupted from it.

This plague rushed directly to the monument, and turned into the appearance of the plague **** in the air!

The stele shone brightly, and at the same time a figure appeared from the stele.

This figure appeared suddenly, and the aura in the vacuum zone changed again.

The terrifying aura is like a bomb, repelling all the mixed auras outward.

The two terrifying auras suddenly collided together, forming a strong shock wave, which directly knocked the three plague warlocks into the air.

The nihilistic image of the **** of plague and the guardian of the monument are fighting together.

Although the God of Plague did not appear as the deity, the Cursed Sect used a secret technique to restore some of the God of Plague's abilities.

The strength of the two is comparable, and the entire vacuum space is agitated, and Link can feel the majestic power inside outside the area.

And the guardian who appeared from the monument in front of him was none other than Aqilla, one of the five sages!

Link never thought that the mediocre Tilis would actually be associated with Wuxian.

There was actually a war between levels in the last civilization!

Archila's stature is majestic, although it is a physical projection, her strength should not be underestimated.

Many tricks of the Plague God were suppressed.

The spellcasting of the three plague warlocks seemed to be incapable of succession.

Just when Akira thought that the Plague God would return without success this time, the three Plague Warlocks shouted loudly, and for a while, many Plague God fanatics appeared from outside the vacuum area, and rushed towards the vacuum area like crazy.

However, how could these ants easily break through Archila's force field, and the believers slammed into the edge of the stand and were torn to shreds by the wind blade-like force.

For a while, the flesh was blurred, and the bones were flying.

Yet this is exactly what the Plague God wanted to see.

All the power of flesh and blood entered the force field with a strange sacrificial effect and submerged into the body of the God of Plague.

Immediately, the projection of the God of Plague increased in power, and the aura of plague began to corrode the monument.

Cracks began to appear in the many runes of the monument, accompanied by the gradual weakening of Akira's energy.

Wave after wave of believers rushed forward desperately, and the sacrifices of flesh and blood from the outside world accumulated to an extremely terrifying level.

The power of fanatical and extreme belief entered the Plague God and became his energy and nourishment. The dark green plague gas gradually became stained with scarlet blood, making the center of the battlefield strange and terrifying.

"You can guard my flesh and blood, but you can't guard the greed of people's hearts. As long as the creature's fear of death is not eliminated, I will have the possibility of restoration at any time. Tiris will be my first awakening. Stand, then I will pull out the monuments of other planets, lift the seal, and let the supercluster feel fear again!"

Archila's expression did not change, and the strength of the whole body suddenly exploded, and the figure skyrocketed by hundreds of meters. Lifting his feet, he attacked the incarnation of the God of Plague.

The combat power between the levels is earth-shattering.

Before Archila stepped down, the entire space trembled. It seems that there is an indescribable force, and even people's minds are subdued under their feet, and there is no desire to escape.

This is just the power of projection.

If it is in itself, the strength will be even more terrifying.

Link had no doubt that this step would cause permanent damage to Tiris's surface.

At this critical moment, the three Plague Warlocks who had been flung away suddenly stood up, their eyes flashing with enthusiasm.

"For God's sake!"

He actually summoned the aura of plague to shroud him. In the next second, three clusters of blood mist erupted, mixed with the plague, and transformed into flesh and blood sacrifices, providing the Plague God with the strongest energy in Tiris.

The three first-timers sacrificed their lives without hesitation for the great cause of the **** of plague's recovery.

Victory or defeat was in the blink of an eye, and neither side dared to hold back.

After the God of Plague gained energy, his breath was equally prosperous.

The sky was cloudy and the plague was rampant. A few meters away, Akira's aura was equally powerful. There seemed to be an invisible wall between the two. The powerful impact generated out of thin air caused the sky to show a strange state of yin and yang.

A line apart.

On one side, the sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly;

The two sides charged a shocking blow, and Link couldn't help but retreat, turning on his force field and protection to resist this powerful impact.

At the moment when the energies converged, the aura of the God of Plague quickly weakened, and Akira's virtual image actually vomited blood, and the void projection quickly shrank.

At this moment, Link suddenly felt a feeling in his heart, giving birth to a feeling that was both cordial and threatening.

He subconsciously used reconnaissance on Archila, but the results he saw surprised him.

My brain was blank, and I didn't even have time to think about the outcome of the scene after the duel between the two!

Link actually found out that it has Zerg blood in Archila's data panel!

Link didn't have time to think about it, and immediately used his talent [Zerg Commander]. UU Reading

The psychic blood induction was activated, and there was a certain connection with Aqila, who was of Zerg blood, in an instant.

Now, Link has no interest in the task.

Anyway, it is a single copy, you can come back at any time!

But Aqila's Zerg bloodline was an accident within an accident.

Even in his previous life, although Link knew that Akira was one of the five sages, he didn't know that he actually had a Zerg bloodline!

The five ancient sages in the Karl supercluster of galaxies have consumed their lives in order to seal the plague god, and are highly respected.

Such a sage who is highly respected by the entire galaxy cluster, but a hidden member of the Zerg, is as shocking as the biggest decent in the world and the biggest villain in secret at the same time.

Now, Link must take action to solve this mystery that is bigger than the dungeon quest...

P.S: Please, recommend tickets!