Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 895

Chapter 895

After a while of discussion, the second-step plan for Tiris was determined.

Instead of taking the mass line, take the elite line instead.

Throwing resources into individual elites, secretly assisting them, allowing them to grow at a super speed, and grow into the best among the Blessed Ones in a very short period of time. As the strength increases, it will definitely come into contact with the stronger and higher-level existences, and the secret will not be a secret at that time.

The 100 players put in this time are all strong players.

But these people have one characteristic of professional perfection.

The main occupation and sub occupation have been selected and matched.

It is rare for players like soda pork **** to be selected by luck and have a blank sub-professional.

Activate the sub-professional Plague Warlock during the mission, and obtain the most accurate Plague Warlock ability system, which is accurate information that no one else can provide.

Now among the hundred people, except for the Wind Chasing Squad who have established a firm foothold with the status of the soda pork balls, the others are basically in a guerrilla state, and they are even besieged and driven away as pagans.

Now that the preliminary information has been collected, these people can come back after their tasks are completed.

Next, Link will recruit players who have not selected a sub-professional among the players in Mechanical Fortress, and ask their attitude. If you want to go down to participate in the quest, the sub-professional must be selected as a plague warlock and break into the enemy's interior.

In the future, Mechanical Fortress will be responsible for the upgrade and growth resources of these players. And the only thing they have to do is to break into the enemy's interior, get a higher position and status, and get closer to the truth.

Soon, Penny issued a second mission to Tiris' players.

Except for the Wind Chasing Squad, all the other players looted "Catalyst" and tobacco leaves as much as possible, and then returned.

When Tiris' players received this quest, they were all stunned.

They think they have done a good job, and they have provided a lot of intelligence resources. Why is the Mechanical Fortress recalling them now?


Chasing again!

Why is it always this guy!

The last time on the Slavin star, this guy came out on top and became the GM mentor and spiritual leader of the Slavin star. Now in the mechanical fortress, they have to treat the people who see Slavin star with respect, so as not to have a bad attitude and reduce their friendliness. And as soon as the wind came, all the people of the Slavin star bowed their heads and whispered "leader".

Even because of the identity of the leader of the Slavin star, he settled in the CIS Department of the Umbrella Foundation and became the leader of the forces.

This is unique among players.

Now taking the lead in Tiris again, it feels really uncomfortable.

Could it be that in the new version, will they continue to be shrouded in the brilliance of chasing the wind?

But this time, everyone misunderstood.

The real protagonist is the soda pork balls. Chasing the wind can stay this time, it is really just a pendant. After all, the five of them have already established a firm foothold in the village. Relying on the status of the soda pork **** and another villager's favor, this small village that was down and down and oppressed has already started the road of counterattack. It has annexed three surrounding villages and is ready to concentrate resources to attack the county.

With the efforts of Chasing the Wind, Tianxin Zero, Lost Mo Wen, and Chasing and Killing the True Prophet, several people successfully helped the soda pork **** to empty the village heads of several villages, and even a few favored ones from other villages, in front of their strength Bow down to the soda pork balls.

Now the alliance formed by the three villages is known as "Orthodox Snake God", and the slogan is also very strong, "Rebuild the glory of the Snake God and defeat all aliens".

The soda pork **** only need to improve their own strength, and ideological education work does not need to follow the wind at all. A few people only need to do the logistics work and plan the resources of their sites, so it is very easy to do.

The difference between players and NPCs is that upgrades are basically priced clearly, and there is no so-called realm shackles.

As long as the soda pork **** have enough health and energy, they can keep sacrificing and improving.

Players now have a lot of ways to restore their health and energy. Coupled with the logistical work of Chasing Wind, they have also found some recovery methods and small coups. In just a few days, the plague warlock of soda pork **** It has improved a lot. He also learned skills such as poisonous sores, flesh corruption, and contagion, and became the strongest plague warlock in the surrounding area.

The plague warlock of soda pork **** has now initially possessed the ability to spread the plague.

It is precisely because of this that the wind chasers have the courage to dare to attack the county.

With the initial spread, it has the ability to fight against the family members of the county.

This time is the happiest time soda pork **** have been in the game.

You don't need to worry about anything every day, open your mouth with food, stretch your hands with clothes, practice when you wake up, and improve when you practice. Everyone else has already chosen a sub-vocation, only his sub-occupation is blank. It also made him proud of his intelligence for the first time. If I had chosen a sub-professional in advance, I'm afraid there would be no such treatment at all this time.

He also watched the new round of tasks released by the Foreign Affairs Committee, and everyone except his team had to evacuate.

Soda Pork Balls also got a separate task, asking him to improve his strength as soon as possible, annex the surrounding villages and county towns, and quickly become the overlord of the dominant side. And there is only one requirement to do so, the higher the status, the more access to the deep secrets of Tiris. To this end, Link will send some players without secondary occupations to come to assist. Follow the old road of soda pork **** again and support multiple forces.

Although the president's intention is not to put eggs in a cage, he uses a saturated method to probe Tiris.

But he was the first to implement this plan, and he was higher than others in terms of strength and prestige. Therefore, the possibility of obtaining the final secret is also greater than others.

Figured this out, the soda pork **** are full of energy.

As soon as I went online and opened my eyes, I leaned on the futon to light up the smoke, and inhaled happily.

Sacrifice, offer the **** and be done!

If you can't sacrifice to death, then sacrifice to death!

It's the same sentence: don't be cowardly, just do it!

Full Stud! Stud! Stud!

Anyway, I exchanged a lot of moon well water and fragrant pig ham with contribution points before, just stuffed it in the space storage~

A mouthful of ham, a mouthful of cigarettes, and a mouthful of moon well water after choking, living like a perpetual motion machine.

The other four also know the importance of the soda pork **** now. If the soda pork **** can detect the final information, then the four of them will also receive a lot of rewards.

So the four simply gave their moon well water and fragrant pig ham to the soda pork balls, and let him do everything to improve his strength and strive to win the next county battle.

Under the influence of the snake-body god, Tiris has also changed her connection values.

Only the strength and weakness of the Blessed One can establish strength and truth. Apart from this method, no other form of occupation will be recognized.

This is also the reason why the village has been bullied before.

Because they have no followers, even if they are ruled and exploited, they don't think they belong to the powerful nearby villages.

The soda pork **** and another favored person were born, and they destroyed the nearby village. After defeating the favored person, they easily obtained the right to rule and made the other side submit.

There are even some villages that have put forward the challenge of the favored person, that is, two favored persons are singled out, and the winner can rule the camp where the loser is located.

In the deformed fanatical worship of the snake-body god, all tactics and strategies are useless, the only useful thing is the extreme worship of the favored ones.

Tiris' first three favored ones have turned into a handful of loess in the long years.

After the death of the three, the disciples and believers of the three began to spread their own ideas, just to compete for a strong and a weak, who is the orthodox **** of the snake body.

For this deformed social system, Link and Grace even wanted to roll up their sleeves and go down in person.

With the strength and talent of these two people, I believe that it will not be long before they can completely master the profession of Plague Warlock.

But reason told Link that the **** of plague was behind this incident. If they make sacrifices rashly, they are very likely to put themselves in.

And players don't have to think about this issue at all, because even if they are controlled by the plague god, they can choose to go offline.

Soon, in the first mission, in addition to all the players in the Wind Chasing Team evacuated from Tiris, they were replaced by a few players who did not have a sub-professional. People are like soda pork balls.

Although there are 20,000 players in Mechanical Fortress, there are not many players without sub-professionals.

Those who can excel on their respective planets and complete the portal mission are all outstanding. If it is not matched with a sub-professional, the fighting method is single, and the ability will have obvious shortcomings. If you want to stand out, you have to pay several times the effort.

These players all have the element of hard work, but by retrieving their information, it can be seen that in the stage of the novice planet, they all had adventures to varying degrees, which supported them to reach the present in the single career mode.

Put these players into Tiris, and customize the planned equipment for them according to the previous experience of soda pork balls.

Because of the fanatical worship of the snake-body deity, the people of Tiris lost their most basic judgments, and some excuses that could not even stand up to scrutiny could even be fooled. They have lost the most basic logical judgment, and only the snake-body deity is left in their minds, hoping to be favored and follow the favored ones.

Including the soda pork balls, Link put a total of five "core" players on Tiris. Because of the energy in the player's body, after easily offering sacrifices, he became a plague warlock.

The five people were cast to different places, but they all had one thing in common, that is, they started from the village and gradually annexed the surrounding villages and towns. It is the road that the countryside surrounds the town.

The comet-like rise of these five people quickly swept Tiris' villages and towns, bringing new changes to Tiris who was originally a pool of stagnant water.

The strength of the five players is getting stronger and stronger, and there are more and more people under their command.

It happened that five people were in the White Snake, Xi Snake and Night Snake camps, and they gradually annexed and expanded their forces.

Because of the belief in snake gods for years, Tiris' population has been decreasing through continuous sacrifices. The population number is only one million, and it is already a dull planet.

And when the soda pork **** captured several cities, they completely occupied the important town in the north of Tilis, and all the important traffic was in their hands.

The others were not far behind, and successively captured their respective cities and expanded their forces.

Under Link's layout, these players and their supporting teammates actually occupied 60% of Tilis's territory.

On the mechanical fortress, almost all the leaders sighed that the president played really wonderfully.

Just releasing a few Inhumans can actually occupy a large tract of land and resources in Tiris.

Now, it is only necessary to unite a few alien forces to completely conquer the local forces and seize the resources of the planet.

It's unbelievable that a random plan can turn an entire planet upside down.

Of course, this inconceivable is also related to Tiris' background.

No way, this planet has been poisoned by the belief in snake gods, and there is no cure.

People who have lost their most basic judgment are like walking corpses, aimlessly looking for the so-called favor, just like a mantis parasitized by iron nematodes, manipulating their bodies to provide energy for the real black hands.

Just when these leaders were surprised that the people of Tiris had lost their free will, the newly added octopus Paul was even more surprised by the growth ability of Inhumans.

In just a few days, these aliens have grown from ignorant of plagues to terrifying plague warlocks.

According to Paul the Octopus' observation, the five Inhuman leaders of Tiris now surpass the Plague Warlock on the original destroyer in terms of strength.

And he also knew an extremely astonishing fact that these aliens are not the body, but appeared here through some kind of high-dimensional projection. Even death can be rebuilt and resurrected in a very short time without affecting its own strength.

In a way, this is a group of high-dimensional demons that keep order, with a real immortality.

After learning this, Octopus Paul was in a cold sweat.

It turns out that the most powerful weapon of the Umbrella Foundation is not the Black Throne, but these aliens who can grow infinitely and resurrect infinitely!

Under the leadership of the president, such a force can absolutely sweep the entire Morvol galaxy cluster.

Seven days have passed since the ten days set by Link, and the five aliens are now about to take the entire Tiris, but they still haven't found the existence of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Penny and the group of leaders only shook their heads when they saw Tiris' situation.

This is a planet that makes absolutely no sense to conquer, and there is absolutely no need to unlock wisdom.

Because this group of people is terminally ill and cannot be saved.

In seven days, it occupies 60-70% of the planet's territory and population, and all wars are resolved by one-on-one, even if it is a novel that dare not write it.

But the reality is often more absurd than imagined. Some mercenaries can subvert the regime of African countries on bicycles with more than 20 people. Today, Link can also put five players and control most of Tilis.

Just when the top leaders of the Umbrella Foundation thought that the planet might not have been behind the scenes, but it was based on an accidental evolution into its current form...

On a dark night, the Soda Pork Balls are practicing happily.

Suddenly, a voice emerged in the mind of the soda pork balls, and an inexplicable voice suddenly appeared and kept whispering.

"God's revelation, guidance, southwest, outskirts, alone, alone, opening, new way..."

The soda pork **** are keenly aware of this voice, and it is very likely that it is the mastermind behind the scenes!

After some psychological struggle and analysis, the soda pork **** decided to go offline and inform the other four!

Although he went alone, he can communicate offline!

Soon the soda pork **** pulled the four to a voice channel to inform them of the matter.

"Yes! The hard work pays off, it seems that the initiator behind Tiris finally can't bear it!"

"Old pig, this wave is not a loss, don't think about it so much, anyway, even if it is a trap, it can be resurrected after death, afraid of a ball!"

"That's right, hurry up and go online. If the black hand behind the scenes informs all five of you, you are too late to get information, and it will be miserable to be stolen by others."

After a few people together, they decided to let the soda pork **** go alone, with no intention of following.

Because this time, if they follow, it is very likely that they will be noticed by the other party, and they will startle the snake.

Moreover, players have a video recording function, and directly open the synchronous video recording, and no information can be lost.

In order to ensure that things went smoothly, the soda pork **** went to the designated place alone.

When they arrived at the designated location, the soda pork **** found a strange sound wave in the woods outside the tree.

When he got a closer look, a saucer-shaped altar was suspended in a heap of rotting leaves.

The decaying smell of deposited leaves converges on the altar, creating a scene that resembles a holographic simulation.

In the scene are three hooded men with inconspicuous faces. The outlines of their figures can be seen wearing wide robes, standing neatly, holding a staff, and the air of plague permeates their bodies, exuding a solemn solemnity.

"The inspired ones, accept the guidance to come here..."

"I am waiting for the instructions of the gods to give you the next step..."

The soda pork **** turned on the screen recording function early. At this time, when they saw the three of them, they couldn't help being "surprised". With a soft plop on their legs, they knelt down on the ground.

Before the three of them could speak, the soda pork ball continued: "Dear gods, may I ask what divine decree issued by Lord Snake God? Your lord, even if your liver and brain are on the ground, you are still doing it..."

The quick answer of the soda pork **** directly confused the three of them.

This has said all the lines they have to say, so what do they say?

The scene suddenly fell into a moment of embarrassment.

The three divine envoys forcibly jumped over and said, "Sir God is very satisfied with your ability, but Tilis is now in chaos, which seriously affects the normal sacrificial activities. Your lord hopes that you can calm Tiris' chaos as soon as possible. , to restore the worship of the gods by the whole people. Only when everyone in Tiris expresses the most loyal belief in the snake god, the snake **** will bring blessings and bring you a better future. "

Soda Pork Balls quietly recorded everything, but the information is not enough right now, he needs more information, whether it is the so-called snake **** or the three gods in front of him.

The soda pork **** opened their eyes wide, revealing innocent but curious eyes: "Excuse me, the three gods, what should I do to become the same gods as you, I also want to serve the gods, and stay with the gods for a long time. By your side, listen to the teachings."

This question did not stumped the three of them, and they answered quite skillfully: "God will not treat any loyal believer badly. As long as you do the tasks that God has arranged for you, you will naturally have the opportunity to become God's servant."

"Also, there is one more question!" The soda pork **** are like elementary school students with a thirst for knowledge, not letting go of any opportunity.

"Three adults, we Tiris don't know much about God. We only know that we can gain strength by worshiping Lord Zombie. Now I have gained strength, but my heart and spirit are getting more and more empty. It just so happened that you all appeared at this time. I want to know more about God, spread God's will to everyone in Tiris, and summarize a complete policy and system, so that everyone can be more determined to believe in God and better. instead of delaying the service because of the differences between White Snake, Xi Snake and Night Snake!"

This time the three angels were completely blinded.

Why would someone think so deeply while gaining power?

But these thoughts are all trying to consolidate and deepen the status of God?

Although the face under the cloak could not be seen in the holographic screen composed of the plague breath, the movements of the three people looking at each other were enough to remind people of their surprised expressions.

Is it possible to absorb such a person who has the ability to think, has independent opinions, and is willing to go further for their great cause?

Considering that Tiris is an old region where the gods draw their power, the people on the planet are extremely loyal to the gods.

But it was because when they handed down favors and gave strength, the three first favored ones had ambiguity, which led to the continuous struggle of the three factions, and they fell into serious internal friction.

Now the person who is most likely to solve the mess actually has the consciousness of independent thinking, and wants to better publicize the greatness of God.

In a way, the person in front of you is a kind of person and they are walking the same road.


You can let him know more, and when the strength is stronger, then absorb him...

The three of them considered for a moment. For such a loyal and thoughtful person, it is possible to make an exception.

"We are servants of God, and there are many forms of God, your snake gods and other forms. God is everywhere, as long as you communicate with your heart and sacrifice sincerely, He can feel our existence and give us strength. We are an organization that serves God, claiming to be a curse sect, dedicated to spreading God's will and thoughts to every corner of the universe. We are human beings, but we are suffering in the world, and human beings are the curse of flesh and blood. Only by believing in God , he can lead us to fight the curse of flesh and blood and enter the realm of transcendence..."

"Today we have talked too much. Remember that as long as you do what God has arranged for you, God will definitely not treat you badly."

Seeing the holographic image of the gas of plague gradually dimmed, the soda pork ball quickly asked, "Three angels, how can I find you next time?"

"Next time you want to contact, use this magic weapon to inject your plague breath and consciousness into it, and we can communicate..."

The air of plague completely dissipated, and a skeleton head fell from the air, with a dark green plague aura in his eyes.

If you saw the skeleton in Grace's hand, you would be shocked, because the two items are exactly the same!

The soda pork **** were excited, and returned to the residence as soon as possible with the skeleton magic weapon, summoned four people to come and tell the story.

Several people did not dare to be sloppy, and immediately informed the mechanical fortress of the information. Try to make big news.

Link also convened everyone at the first time, and told the leaders of the information reported by the soda pork balls.

Now all the truth is revealed, it turns out that this skeleton can not only improve the ability of the plague, but also a magic weapon to communicate with the curse sect.

The other four Inhuman players did not get the call of the so-called cursed gods. So now the situation is clear, only the soda pork **** have been certified, and they have used their eloquence to get more information.

P.S: The big chapter, let everyone watch it at once, recommend tickets, come!