Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 890

Chapter 890

"Ah? They were all abandoned by the Umbrella Foundation and ran away, but now they want to join in. Isn't this a sheep?" The clansmen around Sarah couldn't help but exclaimed, unable to understand the Octopus's thoughts.

It is rumored that the octopus is a rare intelligent race in the universe, and its multi-brain distribution structure ensures that its thinking and reaction are different from other races. In the Tus galaxy, octopuses also play important roles such as resourcefulness or aides in various forces.

But it is very strange that the octopus can make such abnormal actions right now.

Sarah smiled and said: "Instead, I think he might become a colleague with his uncle. The umbrella foundation is always acting in a wild way, and the antelope hangs its horns, and there are always unexpected actions. This octopus abandoned the ship and returned to The Ross consortium is already impossible. You won't be able to stay in Yuanda for a lifetime, and the only thing that can break the situation now is to join the Umbrella Foundation."

"If he succeeds, then it will be interesting. The forces and members in the Yuanda Air Station will definitely follow suit."

Sarah signed an alliance agreement with the Umbrella Foundation, which gave her the opportunity to work closely with Santa Sula and was treated as a guest of honor.

Who can refuse to join a higher civilization and miss the opportunity to turn into a dragon by leaping from the dragon gate?

The news of Octopus appearing alone at the connection gate of the port mechanical fortress spread like wildfire.

Although the Yuanda Shipping Dock has been temporarily controlled, and the port area is the top priority of the control, many merchants and passers-by hiding in the dark outside the port still saw this scene.

The news quickly spread throughout the Grand Air Terminal. Many people guessed the purpose of the octopus, and they are all concerned about whether this crazy idea can come true. If the Umbrella Foundation can even accept octopus, then they have to try it!

Not long after, the elderly butler Alfred walked out of the passage and led the Octopus into the Mechanical Fortress.

Octopus is restless.

He didn't know anything about the Umbrella Foundation. The only thing he knew was that the last time the Black Throne appeared, he killed the almost full fleet with a horizontal push, and his peerless posture and terrifying deterrent power were floating in the Tusi galaxy. Become a shadow shrouded in the hearts of all forces.

It's just that the old man like the housekeeper in front of him contains extremely terrifying energy.

Octopus felt the breath of the undead from him, but the most dreaded thing was that a layer of active life force enveloped the breath of the undead. These two completely different, even rival energies, are harmoniously concentrated in one, which shows the strength of the Umbrella Foundation. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, a housekeeper has such unpredictable strength.

Octopus walks into the mechanical fortress in awe.

The internal structure of the mechanical fortress is magnificent, but the appearance looks ordinary, just like a destroyer.

But Octopus doesn't underestimate the Umbrella Foundation.

When the planet was lost, the horror of the Black Throne was vivid in his mind, and he dared not forget the strong sense of oppression and despair in this life.

Powerful and understated, that's how the Octopus came to the Umbrella Foundation.

When passing the rest area, the octopus octopus was seen in an endless stream, and people came and went.

The distinctive buildings and forces in the rest area made his eyes shine.

The number of forces that appeared in front of him had already surpassed the Ross consortium. Being able to integrate so many forces and let them coexist harmoniously shows Link's power.

This also gave Octopus the hope of joining the Umbrella Foundation. Since there are so many forces, is it okay to have one more of them?

Alfred brought the octopus to the door of Link's lounge and said, "Master President is inside."

The mechanical door released a screeching sound.

Octopus walked into the lounge nervously, and saw Link sitting on the sofa listening to music at a glance.

Although it is facing away, the mountain-like temperament gives people a feeling of majesty and unshakable.

"I heard you were looking for me?" Link didn't look back, but the voice had already drifted over.

Octopus bowed his body and walked quickly to Link, and said in a humble tone: "Dear President, I have drawn a clear line with the Ross Consortium. I came here with my subordinates to surrender. I hope that with my modest able to make a small contribution to the Umbrella Foundation..."

Link raised his brows slightly, it was true that the Octopus Octopus was here to surrender.

Octopus has a very good attitude, and after saying the sentence just now, Link's system shows that the loyalty of the other party has reached 65 points. Obviously, the words of surrender are not casual words.

However, Link did not easily agree to the other party, but instead asked: "You said you want to join the Umbrella Foundation, but I want to know what your joining will bring to the foundation?"

The Umbrella Foundation has an extraordinary status, a wealth of talents, and has the shape of the Black Throne, and is well-known in the Tus galaxy.

This is not a gangster society, and you don't need numbers to win.

If you don't have any skills or specialties, what qualifications do you have to join the Umbrella Foundation?

In other words, the Umbrella Foundation does not accept waste!

About this, Octopus has thought about it before coming.

The so-called role is the core competitiveness, which is different from other forces.

Octopus pondered for a moment and said: "We are mainly responsible for engineering development and smuggling and dumping within the Ross consortium, and we have complex and abundant sales channels in the Tusi galaxy."

Finding that Link's expression did not fluctuate, Octopus was flustered, and quickly added: "In addition to these, I also have a sales path in Qunxinggang... Although this sales path usually ships some things from the Ross Consortium, it is essentially My personal relationship channel...Although I don't know your itinerary plan, I think Qunxinggang is the core trade area of the Morvol galaxy cluster, even if it is a good stop to rest. If you and your subordinates have any purchasing needs at that time , I can guarantee that this relationship channel is definitely the lowest in the entire group of stars."

This is the trump card of the Octopus Octopus.

He was among the directors of the Ross Consortium, on the one hand, because of his own troops and destroyers;

The reason why he decided to join Link instead of returning to the Ross consortium.

It is precisely because he is alone now that the only trump card in his hand is this trade line. But he still understands the reason for being guilty. Without enough strength to protect yourself, this trade line will only make wedding dresses for others.

Now he chooses to present this business line as a certificate of nomination, just to join the Umbrella Foundation.

Because the octopus knows that this is the only place where he can use it now.

There were no waves on Link's face, and the Octopus Octopus couldn't guess what Link was thinking at all, and suddenly felt a deep and elusive feeling.

"You can elaborate on the relationship and origin of the trade line."

Octopus speaks faster: "My brother is in charge of this trade line in Qunxinggang. I am in the Ross consortium, and I'm responsible for connecting these strange and rare species of marginal galaxies through trade and transporting them to Qunxinggang for delivery. Sell it to him. You know, the real big consortium doesn't bother to do these small businesses at all. The consortium located in the remote galaxy suffers from having nothing to do, and it often doesn't make much profit when it connects with the merchants in Qunxinggang."

Link fell silent, and the Octopus was terrified.

At this moment, his life is in Link's hands, as long as he wants, he can die at any time without a burial.

"What's your name?"

Octopus didn't react: "Paul."

Octopus Paul...that's a good name.

At the same time, the name also reminds Link of the final boss of version 6.0, Paul the Great.

Now that the version has entered the 3.0 stage, there are only two versions left to meet Paul the Great.

The progress of Link's [Heart of the Swarm] task has reached 25%. The more difficult it goes on, the more illusory the collection of zerg nests. Especially in the process, it is possible to confront Paul the Great, who is looking for the Zerg hive.

Link's wandering thoughts gradually retracted.

Looking at the octopus Paul in front of him, his face was pale, and the octopus's own camouflage pigments had all faded away, becoming pale and transparent, and his eyes were full of despair.

"Go and gather your subordinates, and then come to Mechanical Fortress to report!"

"Of course I don't mean to accept you directly. From now on until Qunxinggang, we will conduct inspections along the way. After arriving in Qunxinggang, we will arrange for all members of the CIS to vote. Only when the collective vote is cast After you pass it, you will officially join."

"If you agree, you can stay with your subordinates."

"If you don't agree, you can leave now."

Octopus Paul's face instantly turned red, like a grilled squid, extremely red.

"I am willing to be willing, of course I am. Thank you, Mr. President, for letting go of the past and being magnanimous. My subordinates and I will definitely do our best for the Umbrella Foundation and die."

"Don't talk too much. Okay, let's gather your men now."

After Paul the Octopus left, the corner of Link's mouth raised a smile.

The unexpected addition of Paul the Octopus allowed Link to open up a trade line in the Port of Stars, which had an extremely important impact on Link in version 3.0 and even version 4.0.

It is important to know that the star port is the core area of the Morvol galaxy cluster.

Important civilizations throughout the galaxy cluster trade here. It is also the political center of the entire galaxy cluster.

The Star Harbor Autonomous Committee is controlled by several major civilizations and forces in the Morvol galaxy cluster. The forces and organizations are intertwined and the relationship is complicated. Even if he is as powerful as a player, he can only negotiate among many forces, relying on major forces, and there is no way to establish his own organization.

Now that he has a business line unexpectedly, Link can bypass the complicated review and evaluation of several major organizations, import and export trade freely, buy the items he needs, and sell the output.

Simply a surprise.

And after swearing allegiance to Link, Octopus Paul's loyalty has reached seventy points.

This is a high initial value.

You must know that two days ago, Link just smashed a frigate of Octopus Paul with the Black Throne, and forcibly occupied his destroyer. It can be said that it is not easy to have such a high level of loyalty from being rich to being poor in an instant.

And Paul Octopus and his men have been in charge of engineering development, which is important to the Umbrella Foundation.

With such a team that is good at engineering development, as long as they are given an engineering ship, the Umbrella Foundation's docks will be scattered throughout the galaxy cluster. Helen can free up more energy to focus on mechanics.

And Link also thought that Paul the Octopus should be cornered.

There were no destroyers, lost troops, and even the lost planet was recaptured. The Ross consortium suffered heavy losses.

Octopus Paul, as a director, also has a trade line connecting Qunxinggang.

There is only one result of going back, becoming someone else's puppet and being held accountable.

If you don't go back, you can only hide in the Yuanda Hang Dock and take the shelter of Su La.

But the Ross consortium will definitely not let the traitors go, and will hire killers or mercenary groups to try to capture Paul the octopus back.

Choose to take a risk to meet Link. There is really no way to submit an application for admission to D on the spot.

But chess is a risky move, and the benefits of success are also exceptionally large.

From a consortium director of the Tus galaxy, he turned into a member of the Umbrella Foundation.

Octopus Paul soon told the good news to his men who were willing to follow him.

Originally at the end of the road, after hearing the news, I immediately felt a sense of peace.

From the bottom of the valley to the sky, he became a member of the Umbrella Foundation that everyone envied.

Although this member has to put a quotation mark in front of it, it is still in the investigation period.

The news that Paul the Octopus happily came out of the Mechanical Fortress quickly spread like wildfire and spread throughout the entire Yuanda Shipping Dock.

It didn't take long for Paul to gather his men and return to the Mechanical Fortress.

Different from the previous mourning, the faces of everyone were high-spirited and triumphant, as if they had defeated the returning soldiers.

Others in Yuanda Hangwu were also moved.

Even enemies like Paul the Octopus can join the Umbrella Foundation, so why can't they?

There are many people in Yuanda Hangwu who have ideals or are unhappy. At this time, their eyes are shining, like a weasel who sees a chicken.

As long as they join the Umbrella Foundation, with the generous support of higher civilizations, their dreams can come true.

The men who chose to leave Mingzhe to protect themselves before, were full of remorse at this moment.

They never thought that their eldest brother would seek shelter from the Umbrella Foundation.

What's even more bizarre is that the Umbrella Foundation agreed to the boss's merger request.

This time, the dog who lost his family suddenly joined the ranks of the upper class.

Although he is still a dog, being a dog for the Ross Foundation and being a dog for the Umbrella Foundation are two completely different concepts.

Some people who left regretted it, squatted in front of the mechanical fortress and asked the boss's forgiveness, and wanted to return again, but were righteously rejected by Paul the Octopus.

Penny counted Paul the Octopus and his men, number seventy-six.

"You will settle in the rest area, and I will arrange for Inhumans to create an exclusive area for you. You can go to the destroyer and take out your own items. As for those unowned items, you can leave them all to Penny. Your temporary task is to Familiar with the environment in the mechanical fortress, I will be mainly responsible for the construction of the project in the future. As for the tundrclass destroyer, Helen will remodel it first, and when it arrives at Qunxing Port, it will be handed over to you again after passing the assessment."

Octopus Paul was flattered. He originally thought that joining the Umbrella Foundation was great news. Now that he heard that it was possible to get the destroyer back, he was ecstatic.

The other members' faces were also full of happiness, and nothing could be more exciting than getting their belongings back.

Unlike the previous Ross consortium, after the members joined, they only took their own part.

Those others or unclaimed parts were handed over to Penny.

Originally, Octopus Paul was going to lead his men to build it in the rest area by himself, but he was stopped by Penny.

"Remember, when you join the Umbrella Foundation in the future, you don't have to do these things yourself. You only need to issue tasks and give rewards, and the inhumans in the foundation will help you solve them. Your rewards can be skills, friendliness, or contribution points. Of course, I will give you an operation guide later, so you can learn it."

Paul and his subordinates heard, is there such a good thing?

After joining, you don't have to do it yourself, but adopt a relationship similar to employment.

Could this be the advanced way of working in higher civilizations?

But they did what Penny said, and did as the locals did.

What's more, they haven't officially joined the Umbrella Foundation. They can only join after they have verified the trade line at Qunxinggang and all the forces of the CIS have voted.

Then the task before Paul became clear.

Build good relations with other forces of the CIS.

Penny left with the destroyer's remaining unowned supplies.

At the same time, Mechanical Fortress called out players and members of the CIS.

After two hours, all staff returned, and Mechanical Fortress issued an application for departure.

In the sound of congratulations and goodbyes in Santa Sula, the mechanical fortress left the port and returned to the itinerary again.

Different from when he came, when he left, a sufficient amount of gravity stones had been stored in the mechanical fortress.

Santa Sula can also be said to be thirsty, mining frantically for two days. The number of Gravity Stones collected by the engineering ships is far greater than that of the players manually mined, almost seven times the previously expected number.

The people of the CIS are even more harvested! Almost bought the materials or equipment they wanted.

Players also bought some things that were helpful to them by doing quest pick-up agents, plus the universe coins they exchanged at hand.

Everyone got something, all smiles.

The only thing that may not have been harvested is the passers-by who stayed in the port of Yuanda Shipyard.

They couldn't figure out why Paul the Octopus could join the Umbrella Foundation when all their requests were denied?

Is the gap between people so big?

Just when the merchants and forces of Yuanda Air Yard fell into self-doubt Mechanical Fortress had left Santa Sura and jumped to other star systems.

"President, among the items cleaned up from the tundrclass destroyer, there is something wrong with one of the candle smoke tables, you need to take a look..."

P.S: Guarantee + Plus is another big chapter, I hope everyone can enjoy it~

Strongly recommend a new work by an old author of game classification, Decadent Dragon's new book "Crown of Calamity", Brother Long is also Wanjun's good brother, this wave of books is also a brother and brother, or a Western fantasy theme, the quality Guaranteed.

Death is like the wind, and disaster follows.

When I wear the crown...

Never bow your head!

Facing the death of his grandfather, the disappearance of his parents, uncles, aunts, and cousins in just one month, Goethe, who had traveled through it, was in great debt, and the next one was his terrible situation... He couldn't help but smile, ready to turn everything over.